YEP, it sure sounds like either Premature Atrial Contractions (PAC's) or Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC's). They sound and feel the same. I'm told that you can only differentiate between them with an EKG. "Regularly Irregular" is a common description.
PAC's and PVC's are the "common cold" of Cardiology.
You will know it is benign when your Cardiologist nods or yawns.
Beta Blockers can often suppress them. My cardio believes in using the Minimum Dose that gets the job done. Some Doc's like to start at the "minimum theraputic dose" which can cause lethargy and drowsiness.
If you develop a rapid irregular heartbeat, that is probably Atrial Fibrilation and needs to be treated (usually with an anticoagulant i.e. Coumadin / Warfarin) to prevent blood clots from forming.
Any / all of the above are NOT uncommon for several weeks following OHS. They usually resolve once the heart reconditions itself following surgery.
If anyone suggests taking AMIODARONE, tell them "Thanks but NO THANKS". That is the Sledge Hammer of anti-arrhythmics and has a Laundry List of Nasty Side Effects. (Do a SEARCH on or Google or read the Rx Information Sheet).
Even the manufacturers caution that Amiodarone should only be used as the drug of LAST RESORT. IMHO, too many Doc's hand it out like candy because It Works (but at what cost?). Before it works, it must saturate ALL the Cells in your body so there is a Loading Dose for 2 weeks. It takes FOREVER to eliminate it from your system after you stop (OK, months).
'AL Capshaw'