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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
We haven't talked about numbness for awhile. I had an itch left of my sternum scar and discovered quite by accident that I still have some numbness there after more than two years. Don't guess it will go away?
I am about 11 weeks post op and still have numbness in my left arm and hand. I was told it would go away in six weeks, but who knows. My left upper chest dosen't feel quite right either. Have not got to the itching stage yet but assume from reading posts that I can expect that next.
You WILL itch. Promise. When those layers of irritated skin get ready to flake, you will itch. Try using some lotion on the area as it helps. My necklace was resting on that area, I was sweaty (I am in Florida), I scratched and the area is still numb. Guess they can't return all our nerves to us.
Hi Hensylee-

When my daughter was a young teen and into horse shows, she was stepped on by a horse on her thigh. She's in her 30s now and the area is permanently numb, so I guess you're right, some nerves just don't knit together properly.