Nuclear stress test and echo -- normal!

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No, actually --- avoidance!!!! I know how things can get carried away around here !!! I was trying to word it in a way that would "fly under the radar screen" and not call too much attention to myself. But I had to stay true to the story!!!


ROSS!! What is that little face doing?? He's too small!! I'm 56 -- I can hardly see him!!! :p Is he checking me out???


Ruth. Very interesting. Great clues to go by. I do have extremely dry skin, but I always have. Genetic. My mother actually has a mild dry skin disease. My husband affectionately :rolleyes: calls my feet, camel feet. My eyebrows are so blonde I can hardly find them but they do not seem to have any part of the arch missing (though now that you mention it, a little plucking might be in order!!). If anything, probably because of the dry skin, my feet are always hot and you will see me in sandals year round if it's even a remotely moderate temp outside. So those particular symptoms don't match. And I'm sure being overweight is my own fault!! :p

I think I am very allergic to Iodine. Maybe just dye. had a bad reaction in my 20's to a dye test for my bladder -- puffed up like a puffer fish. I avoid Iodine when I can. I know I had a little Amioderone just post surgery (and I was very, very puffy that first and second day!!! but I think we all are) so that's an interesting piece of info for me. I had no idea there was iodine in it.

As for the "new normal"....... I know that I was very freaked out that night because it was a scary feeling to have your body feel so out of control. But when I woke up the next morning and realized I was still alive -- I was happy!!! I guess for me, the reminders that I'm STILL F***ing HERE are good things!!! I don't want to take this mended life for granted, EVER.
Nor do I want to go inviting trouble. But I don't see these worries as really much more than deciding whether I should eat a bag of potato chips or not. I mean I am forced to make some choices. Okay. I'll make the smart choices. But it doesn't really bother me that I am needing to make those choices. It may be annoying that I haven't figured them all out yet, though. I don't know if I'm making sense. I guess I hear you that there is a little saddness that a part of our personal freedom has been kind of sliced away. That there is that over-protectiveness that stands in the way of some of the joys we used to experience. I've just never felt that. I haven't experienced any feeling of loss.

I certainly did learn some things, and I'm still learning from this thread!

Thanks, everyone.

I don't use beta blockers. I did pre and post surgery, Atenolol, but I weaned myself off of them (with permission) about a year post surgery. They made me very tired. About 2 years pre-surgery, my cardio put me on Diovan. I've mostly been at the single dose of 80mg. But this last bout of PVC/s, we decided to take the single dose twice a day. My GP thought that that particular med tends not to last a full 24 hours. They all want me to try a different med, but Diovan is so agreeable to my system that I just refuse. Being overweight, it is also somehow helpful toward pre-diabetes concerns.

So, to answer your question, I am only on Diovan 80mg, but twice a day; morning and dinnertime.

Glad to hear that your Echo & stress tests came out okay.

Just take it easy on those "lemon drops" from now on.....they'll getcha every time! :p

Keep on what you're doing, in a very couple way!!! ;) :p