Now I'm worried

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
I just got notice of insurance changes effective the first of the year and it's not looking good at all. Between what I pay for Medicare plus the HMO and copays, almost half of my disability check is gone. There even going to make us pay 15% of durable medical equipment. I know to most folks this isn't a big deal, but let me tell you, if your on Social Security Disability this kind of change is what can kill you financially. Couple all of this with the fact that my wife gets laid off just after the holidays and it doesn't paint a very pretty picture at all.

Anyone else gotten their notices yet? Have you had time to compare plans? Dang Medicares page is broken and won't recognize my zip code!

Sorry people but this is as upsetting to me as being told I have to have heart surgery all over again. It really is that bad. :mad:
Sorry to hear that Ross

Sorry to hear that Ross

I don't have any experience with medicare myself, but I will certainly keep you and your family in my prayers, and hope all goes well with you.
Hey Ross,
Sorry to hear your troubles with insurance. They are supposed to work for us but it seems like all they want to do is for us to pay more and get less. I hope things work out OK.
Take Care

Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
I know How You Feel....

I know How You Feel....

Hi Ross,

I just wanted to let you know that I know how frustrating the disability issue is. I just had to file another appeal for SSI, and because my lawyer said it's gonna take another 1-2 1/2 years, I have to survive on 566.00 a month and let me tell you that between all the medicine I am on (heart meds, diabetes meds, and all the others I have to take), that I just have enough to cover my bills, buy food, and nothing more. It seems like the good ole USA is falling apart as far as taking care of their people and the constant downsizing makes things worse. My father, who just found out he needs a heart transplant, was forced into retirement because his company thought of him as a great "risk", when in fact it was just an excuse because the company is failing. I hope that things will get better some how, some way for you and your family. Take Care, Harrybaby666:D :D :D
What really cracks me up is the cost of living increases they give us. They give us what, a 3 to 5% increase then turn around and change medicare so that it takes 10 to 15% out. This crap has got to stop like now!
You Would Think.....

You Would Think.....

You would think that the government would be embarrassed about how little their "cost of living" increases are....It never ceases to amaze me how they can scrape up another 100 billion or whatever to fight over in Bagdad, or mind every other countrys business, but when it comes to their own, NO CAN DO....Go Figure... Harrybaby666:eek: :eek: :eek:
Last year, Ross, my 'cost of living' raise was $3.00. This year it might be just as low. Medicare is costing $17.00 more a month (I think that's the number) and the second time in the history of Medicare it has gone up this much. I wonder (and doubt) if the 'cost of living' raise will even cover it.

Maybe we ought to send Hillary back out there?
Forgot Something.....

Forgot Something.....

Hey Ross,

In New Hampshire, if you are on Social Security and have medicare the state (Department of Health and Human Services) will pick up the tab for your Medicaid Premium, You might wanna check with your Department of Health and Human Services to see if they do the same. Just a thought that might help. Good Luck, Harrybaby666:D
Ross I'm sorry to hear you're having these troubles.

It's terrible that these days, people (heads of government) still don't understand that healthcare is a right, and not something to be enjoyed by the rich.

I know that there is NO WAY I could ever afford any of the procedures or tests I've had...or worse yet, still to have.

I hope everything goes well for you.
Hi Ross,

I am so sorry. I know how upset you must be. It is an area I know very little about. Seeing you are on oxygen are you also seen at all by a home health agency? It may be an avenue to explore since you just might be considered "homebound". The reason I mention this is that home health agencies have on staff a medical social worker who evaluates things like this and may know of resources you and I don't.

If you call an agency they usually will do a patient evaluation for services without a cost to the patient.

It's just a thought .

I absolutely hate that you have another worry. You are already on my prayer list.
Oh Ross,

It is a big deal and it is going to get to be a bigger deal. Health care costs are going up faster than anything. There are not good answers. For any of us.

You know our prayers are with you. Sorry for this horrible news.


I am so sorry to hear this. It's not bad enough to be so ill, but to have to suffer financially because of it is horrible. As others have mentioned, there might be some programs available for you. Hospital social services people might offer some help. Please also call your United States and State politicos. They might be able to help. there might be some programs that are not in the limelight that could give some relief.

Here is a link to ACCESS. They might be able to help you, since you have pulmonary hemosiderosis. Worth a call at least.
There are places that can help "If" I spend down to a certain amount of money. We don't have alot as it is and I'd certainly like to have something in reserve for emergencies, but it looks like our government is trying to eliminate the poor and middle class altogether.

I'm sorry. I'm having a really hard time understanding why this country can give money to other countries and peoples, but they cannot help their own!

Sorry to hear about this. Insurance, disability and health care seems to have gotten out of control in this country. If you watch the nightly news, something about the awful state of health care seems to be on almost every night.

As a group affected by this, we are in a position to help initiate change. I wonder if there is a way to get organized about this? Maybe post standard letters that we can email to our congresspersons? It seems that we send money to other countries because that is where the "perceived need" was - i.e., where congress thought they could get the most bang for their buck vis a vis the voters.

Unfortunately, those with health issues and on disabilty are in the vocal minority, so it is an uphill battle to bring attention to this issue. :mad:

I have been shocked to seen my co-pay for hospitalization increase more than 300% over the past three years, and my benefits decrease while my rates increase. It is truly out of control. What can we do??

Hi there... you have mail Ross. Just wanted to comment on this...

"hard time understanding why this country can give money to other countries and peoples, but they cannot help their own"!
Why??? Why? Backwards! They need to take a better look into the needs of "US CITIZENS" that are suffering!
It sucks!

It sucks!

I think it's time to go Postal!!!!

Ross, if you get some help and need any "petition-signing," I'll be glad to do it.

I've been seeing some "suits" coming and going around here lately, so I fear another insurance carrier change is pending. Nightmares begin again!

It really sucks!

I don't know anymore Melissa. I've talked to my Congressmans office and all I get is a bunch of lip service and no action. I do realize he is only one of many, but man, when are these people going to address this issue. We can't rely on politicians to do anything. They don't experience what we, as everyday people do. For them, it's like us telling friends about our illness and never getting any understanding from them. They just don't get it. It's already too late for many and it's sucking in more everyday.

It's not the end of the world for me. I'm just bothered because everything that I worked for is almost gone and now it seems that what is left, will be nothing more then a memory shortly.
It's not the end of the world for me. I'm just bothered because everything that I worked for is almost gone and now it seems that what is left, will be nothing more then a memory shortly.

Ross, the things that really matter that you have worked for - your family, your grandkids - are still in tact, right?. :)

I know it doesn't help much, but the times when I look at my checkbook at see $11.34 left (like now. . .? :D ), I just try to look around and see what I DO have: a roof over my head, food in the refridgerator - a refrigerator! Not only a refrigerator, but reliable electricity to run the fridge! Friends and family to love and who love me, a computer to communicate with - a computer! - reliable connectivity! These are just a few of the great things in my life. :D

Even in our poorest, most of us in this country will never know the poverty that plagues the rest of the world. With all of its foibles, we are truly blessed to live in this country. . .

the only thing to do

the only thing to do


So sorry to hear about your financial/insurance situation. It is so sad that when we are sick we have to worry so much about where the money will come from to pay for things. I saw that first-hand when my Mother was dying of cancer - she was writing checks up until the week or so before she died. It was sad to watch. She was so stressed about money.

Now, I am in her shoes. I have not even started to get the bills from my surgery, but I am already terrified about my future and the cost of the health care I will have to receive. :(

You know, the ONLY thing we can all do is move to Canada or to some countries in Europe. Seriously. In the U.S. health care is all about greed and capitalism. We really need a social medicine program, but then we are opening up a whole can of worms, aren't we?

I know it is easier said than done, but Ross, I think just like our surgeries, we have to put our faith in God and not worry so much about things that are out of our control. We need to make a plan and go with it - my plan is to stare the HUGE bill that will be coming from my surgery down - and just pay as little as possible every month, even if it takes the rest of my days. I want to have a good quality of life - meaning money for other things - not just going for medical bills. sad that our country is this way - I have ALWAYS said the U.S. needs to start taking care of its own!!! The U.S. is "damned if it does and damned if it doesn't" - we get little thanks for what we "try" to do for other countries.
