note from martha's mother...

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sylviayasgur Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 1, 2001
Westchester, NY
hi all!
i just received a nice note from martha's mother and thought i'd share with you.
it read as follows:

dear sylvia,
i am/was martha's mother. and i first want to thank you for your lovely letter.
next- everyone in the valve group should know that nothing was wrong with martha's valve.
she had a heart attack- completely unexpected.
the valve group was very important to martha, too. and you're right about her nature:caring and sweet, loving and thoughtful.
we miss her terribly! in fact, i can't believe she's gone- when the phone rings at a particular time, it must be martha.
isn't the internet amazing? so many friends_ without faces!!
good luck to you and your husband. and once again- thank you so much for writing. it helps!
-naida weisberg.

i was very touched. it must be agonizing for any/ this mother to have lost her daughter, especially since they sound like they were close.

thought i'd pass this on.
hope you're all well and i'm counting the days to chicago!!!
be well, sylvia
thank you

thank you

Thank you for posting this. My sincere condolences to Martha's family. My mother is not alive and I know if she were, she would be a basket case waiting for me to undergo surgery.

Could you tell me a little bit about Martha? As a newbie waiting to go through surgery, I would like to know her story. :)

Hi ! I just also received a note from Martha's mother. It is so sad how much she misses her daughter. Broke my heart. Her note made clear how much this site/family meant to Martha. And how much our thoughts to her family during the loss of Martha means to her family. Best wishes to all!
I remember prior to my surgery in Jan. Martha e mailed me and was so supportive. We had the same cardiac surgeon (Dr Glower at Duke). The day after my surgery she spoke to my husband to check on my progress. She lived close to Duke and she was planning to come see me but she caught a cold and felt it was best not to. She was such a sweet caring woman and she will be missed deeply by all.


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