Not Heart Related- Need Prayers

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
This is not heart related (well, not physically), but my cousin-in-law (Nikole) needs lots of prayers today. She is pregnant and due in December. However, a few weeks ago she started going into labor. The doctors were able to stop the labor and she was on complete bed rest in the hospital to prevent it from starting again. Things had been going well and we were hopeful that she'd make it at least until a safer time for the baby to be born. Unfortunately, the baby seems to have other ideas. She went into labor this morning and I guess the docs gave up on trying to stop it, because they took her into a labor and delivery room. This is WAY early and I'm worried about both Nikole and the baby. Her husband, Brent, I'm sure could use some prayers too. I wish I could go down to Austin and be with them, but I have to work tomorrow and have to save my sick days for me. I am going to try to go down to Austin next weekend (had already started thinking about it) since I have a 3 day weekend. I am so worried! This baby is their first and will be the first great-grandchild. Brent and Nikole are more like my brother- and sister-in-law than cousins, as my husband's family is so close. I was going to be "Aunt Niki."

Please, if you would, pray for Nikole, the baby, Brent, and the whole family. Thanks.
I will keep your family in my thoughts Joy. I hope that everything works out.

Take care,
My granddaughter is due Christmas day so I know that delivery right now is not a good thing - but it is a possible at this stage that things will turn out o.k. Prayers are yours and theirs. God bless
She will be in my thoughts and prayers. Keep positive thoughts because in today's hospitals wonderful things are happening with preemies.
Thank you all!

Thank you all!

Thanks so much for the prayers. The baby was born just moments ago. She is 3 lbs. 7 oz. and when my sister-in-law arrived, she was yelling up a storm (so good lungs- YEA!). She has a full head of black hair and her daddy got to carry her adorable self down to the nursery. Right now she has not been hooked up to any tubes (other than monitoring, I'm sure) and they are confident in her outcome. She will be staying in the hospital for at least another 4-6 weeks to put some weight on. Nikole (the mom) is doing fine, though my sis-in-law has not had the opportunity to see her yet. I would appreciate continued prayers for their health (mental and physical). I'm sure this whole situation has been very hard on all of them (I've been a mess all morning). I'm just so happy that the baby is doing well and the outlook is good.

MUCHO CONGRATS, NIKI. I just read the posts and haven't had time to pray yet, but I will definitely say a few for you and your cousins and the're right GOD IS GOOD!! I'll see to it that it gets done this evening. And Niki----as a newly retired teacher with 34 years in, one word of advice.....TAKE THE DAYS OFF!!! They'll get by without you, family is so much more important.

Hey Niki, your family will be in my prayers. I am glad the baby is doing fine, but I know how stressful a high risk pregnancy is for a family. I don't know if I have ever said so on this thread, but once my youngest, Erik is in school, I am going back to school. I want to be a nurse in a NICU. I want to help babies who are preemies, and have other kinds of problems. WHen ERik was in the hospital, he had to go into the NICU because the regular nursery was not open at the time and I was in the ICU being monitered, and there was a baby in there that was the size of a soda can. a 12 oz baby. scary, huh? I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!
hi niki!
that is such a scary thing.... our first daughter, rachel (who is now a freshman at tulane), was born 6 weeks prematurely. my waters broke one day, after a fairly uneventful pregnancy. they hospitalized me that same day and i was on strict bed rest. later that day though, i went into labor and they had to perform an emergency c-section because she was in distress. they immediately knocked me out and did what they had to. she came out weighing 4 lbs. 2 oz._this and brent and nikole's baby's 3 lbs.7 oz is considered fairly big these days!!!
rachel was taken to another hospital since our hospital was not equipped to handle premies. i did not see her for a whole week, other than photos joey would bring me each day (he would go from one hospital to the other)... the pictures, i later found out, made her look much larger than she was_ i freaked out when i saw how small she was.
i will never forget that time in my life.. how difficult it was. she did not come home for 3 weeks and that, only because i begged the dr and told him i'd call him each day with progress reports. she weighed 4 1/2 lbs when she came home.
i remember the nurses in the icu telling me that it's a good thing that she was a girl_ they , apparently are tougher fighters.
joey would drive me to the hospital each day on his way to work and i would spend the day there , mostly touching her through gloves while she was in her isolette (also, they let me help with the other babies) and talking to her. then joey would pick me up after work (i had a c-section and couldn't drive for 6 weeks). i remember crying more than i think i ever have in my entire life those few months.
please wish your cousins-in -law all the best. the baby will probably lose some weight in the beginning as they all do, but will regain it.
also, some companies make clothes especially for premies and pampers used to have "premie diapers".
all the best and please feel free to email me anytime at : [email protected]
stay well, sylvia
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Many Prayers

Many Prayers

I'm new to this site, but I am sending out all of my prayers to you and your family. I'm happy to hear that things are going ok. Modern Medicine along with God's intervention is quite miraculous. Good Luck with everything. Hope to hear continued good news.

baby news

baby news

Well, little Caroline Abigail is doing well, last I heard. She's on the ventilator, but is able to take 6-7 breaths on her own (a good sign). She's actually one of the bigger babies in the NICU. My hubby and I are making plans to head down to Austin this weekend (I have Monday off: yippy!) and help out with finishing the nursery (they weren't expecting to need it this soon). Caroline will stay in the hospital another 4-6 weeks, but Nikole should be going home tomorrow. I'm sure it will be tough for her to go home without Caroline, but a relief to finally be out of that hospital.

Just thought I'd update you all. Thanks SO much for all your prayers and support!
Newest baby news

Newest baby news

Alright, I wrote an update, and five minutes later my mil calls to give us the latest. Caroline is now OFF the vent. and breathing on her own. They put her on her stomach (I'm not sure why) and she apparently pitched a fit :) . And even though she's not supposed to be able to suck for another couple of weeks, when they gave her a pacifier today she sure tried! Things seem to look like they are going REALLY WELL! I thank you so much for your prayers-- I know they helped to make this a happy time for us all. I can't wait to see the little cutie for myself!
Hey, that is wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your whole family that Caroline is doing wo well. Be sure to try to post pictures, as we all LOVE babies! We will keep you in our prayers while you take your trip to see the little one!
Take care and congratulations!
Hi Niki.....What wonderful news about Caroline. All will continue to go well, I'm sure. Those little preemies are quite sturdy, she should catch up in no time. I'm so glad she's breathing on her own, most important......Please wish everyone our best!

I would bet that obstetrics is the most rewarding part of medicine. There are such happy events such as this one. I know little Caroline Abigail's dr is as proud as her parents of this outcome. Your cousins are about to set off on a journey that is like everybody else's, except that every part of it is different than anyone else's - know what I mean? As her auntie you will share in these joys - congratulations to all of you. She is on her way with many hands helping her along. God bless and to her: GODSPEED
hi niki!
so glad to hear that caroline is doing well and off the vent. that was quick!
have a great trip and please let nikole know that we are thinking of them.
it will be difficult for her not to take caroline home with her, but on the brighter side, it will give them time to finish the nursery and getting all they need for when she does come home.
wishing you all the best, sylvia
Caroline Abigail

Caroline Abigail

Well, I just got back (a few hours ago) from Austin and seeing the beautiful little miracle for myself. She really is precious, and SO tiny. But she's doing VERY well. We are all so thankful for all the prayers. She really is a miracle. I have a picture I will try to post (if I can figure it out), but I only got one (well, two of the same thing), as there are only so many angles you can get of a sleeping baby in an incubator. Hopefully her Grandpa's pictures will turn out well (he got to be back there while Mommy and Daddy held her, nurses fed her, changed her diaper, and weighed her). He said he'd provide copies for us to see. :D

Goodnight all!