Praline, I completely understand what you are going through because my dear Joe also had lung cancer. The last six months we also had hospice and they were wonderful. (they are the ones who should be giving the baths). I am sure they will provide the proper medicine if you request (or fuss) for it in order to make his life more bearable and enjoyable (maybe not the right word). Whatever they asked for Joe, his dr would rx it. They were constant with us, as I am sure your team is as well. Use all of their services. They don't even charge if you can't afford it or don't have insurance.
We took that year to share together - all the tears, all the joys, all the children, friends and relatives. I sat beside him for a year (I am retired) and we shared everything. He, too, had the radiation more than once, but refused the chemo because the tests showed the radiation hadn't touched the cancer at all and he decided that he didn't want to be chemo sick for the rest of his life. All of the children and friends sent him letters telling him how much they loved him and would miss him - me, too. He, and all of us, knew what was ahead so we just took that year to make the most of it. It turned out to be one of the best years we ever had because it was so intimate - something most people ever have (that sort of intimacy).
Please know that my heart is with you through all of this and if you need someone to talk to, please pm me and I will answer anything I can - or just share and support. With love....