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Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
... I'm hoping someone has an idea of what's going on. For the past couple months, I have been "pulling up" phlegm that has occasionally has fresh blood in it (hocking loogies in terms that I am more likely to use). I see the blood maybe only one time per day, and if I try to replicate it, there is never blood the second or third time I try to pull something up. I do not and have not had a cough, which is what any information I have found online seems to relate to. I have had issues with nosebleeds for a long time, and this seems to be my most likely cause - or possibly that I'm having so much trouble with phlegm that I am breaking tiny blood vessels in my throat.

Are there any other ideas out there or has someone else seen this? If it was something I could reproduce frequently I would have already seen a doctor, but the fact that I only see it about once a day means that I almost certainly wouldn't be able to recreate it in my GP's office anyway. As always, any input is appreciated. Thanks!
Most likely your sinuses. A lot of us are having issues due to the dry air around us. It's not uncommon to have some tinged blood mixed in with sinus junk.
Maybe you've acquired some allergies (I never had any until I was in my 30's, now I pop Zyrtec daily.) and your guess could be right (blood vessels. And Ross is right too. It's been a VERY dry winter and sinuses, regardless of allergies, are very unhappy.

To see if it's the sinus issue, try doing a nasal douche/rinse a couples times a day. Not an attractive thing for a mate to watch you do, so close the bathroom door, but give it a try. This is the one I use.
Heck I have full blown rhinovirus running in my head and I'm showing some blood along with that lovely slimey green ****.

it could be sinus, but I'd check with the doc, there are a bunch of reasons for coughing up blood, does it feel like its coming up from deep down, or just the back of your throat? they might want to do a chest X-ray and possibly a sputum culture (cough and spit in a cup) it could be from repeated irritation from coughing alot, do you have an asthma history? there is alot of stuff going around now that makes people who have never wheezed before wheeze, it could be a virus. the thing is, you wouldnt necessarily have to re-create it for your doc to diagnose it, I'd definitely go get it checked out so they can help you, you dont want it getting worse, especially if its an infection brewing in your lungs or sinuses. . .

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