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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky
that when you have a TEE that they spray your throat with WD-40. At least that what I imagine it tasting like, anyway.

Had my TEE this morning and all is well. I'm so glad. I have mild mitral regugitation and aortic regurgitation, and only trace tricuspid regurgitation.

When they told me that I wouldn't remember the procedure, they weren't kidding. I hope they didn't ask me anything incriminating (i.e., are you affiliated with and do you know any of its members?). Who knows what I may have said.

Seriously, it was okay, especially since I don't remember it. Amnesia can be a good thing. They also said don't make any important decisions today, so I'm not responsible if this doesn't say what I thought it did.

Wise, I'm glad it went well for you. Please let us know what your official report has to say (if you care to share).

Best wishes!
Oh the lovely tasting anesthetic. They told me it was bananna, well I think it was more a cross between crude oil and black licorice.
They told me Banana too Ross!! I thought it was like having pop rocks sit in your mouth that you can't swallow!
Wise Smith - good luck with the test results - atleast the worst is over for now!
Yeah, they told me banana as well, but I don't buy it. The doctor even showed the can with the words "good taste" on it. Liars.
wise smith said:
Yeah, they told me banana as well, but I don't buy it. The doctor even showed the can with the words "good taste" on it. Liars.

LOL, where'd you have it done, Wise? Miine was supposed to be cherry. Uh huh. I may never be able to eat anything cherry flavored ever again!!! NASTY!
perkicar said:
LOL, where'd you have it done, Wise? Miine was supposed to be cherry. Uh huh. I may never be able to eat anything cherry flavored ever again!!! NASTY!


I had it done here in Frankfort by Dr. Tussey my cardiologist. Actually, he did warn me that it wouldn't really taste good. I understand about not wanting anything cherry flavored again. In my case, I didn't like anything banana flavored to start with. TWICE NASTY!!
Yeah, yeah - I heard banana too. I think they add scent to the vile stuff to try and fool you into thinking it tastes good.

Wise, I am happy it went well for you. I wish I could not remember mine but it is very clear in my memory still. I'd almost rather have a cath.

I will say a prayer that the results are OK as well.
I got the "taste great" line pointed out to me as well

I got the "taste great" line pointed out to me as well

although it was the first goop that I thought was really nasty. But like you siad, the beauty of versed is that you don't remember it...My cardiologist teased me when I said I would remember what he said, because 10 minutes later I was clueless.

surgery consult 7/12
Thanks for the prayers and good wishes. I will share the official results after I see the doc on August 3.

Geebee: So, you were aware of the procedure? That's cruel treatment after the banana flavored WD-40.

I guess I didn't get enough Versed. I remember the entire thing even gagging on the probe and the cardio telling me to breathe through my nose (I guess I was trying to breathe through my mouth which was causing the panic).

Once I mastered the breathing, the test was over very quickly.

Not fun but certainly worth the information they get from the TEE. I am very happy almost everyone doesn't remember them.
You know, I don't know why they can't give us this gargle that the Cleveland Clinic gave me before my bronchoscopy. It's a small bottle, you take some swish and gargle, spit, repeat over and over until the bottle is gone. When it is your numb! There was no yucky taste to it either, just like water.
Heh, I told the guy giving me the test that he should try it, so he could tell people first hand what that crap tasted like.

No one told me that I wouldn't remember the test....'cause if they did, it would have been a lie. I member 'em shoving that stinkin' tube down my throat! Bleh.
that happened to me too

that happened to me too

geebee said:

I guess I didn't get enough Versed. I remember the entire thing even gagging on the probe and the cardio telling me to breathe through my nose (I guess I was trying to breathe through my mouth which was causing the panic).

Once I mastered the breathing, the test was over very quickly.

Not fun but certainly worth the information they get from the TEE. I am very happy almost everyone doesn't remember them.

My first TEE was in the emergency room several years ago when they thought my aneursym was dissecting. (false alarm) Anyway, I remember the entire thing too! The tube down throat, gagging, I couldnt breathe, I was in a state of panic. I gave them hell when i was done too, because they told me I wouldnt remember a thing. Bull. Then the last one I had a few months ago, my doctor I work for told them to make sure they gave me enough Versed to knock me out for sure, and boy, they did. This one, I dont remember, thank goodness.
Oh and I hate the "banana" flavored "cocaine" derivative they sprayed down my throat too. YUK!
The stuff they used on me was more on the lines of MR. Clean. (Pine flavored I think) Only thing I remember was gagging. My cardiologist didn't even discuss my results afterwards. I had to wait for the official report, two weeks later! It took about 3 days before the hurt went away everytime I swallowed. I'm glad that is over and done with for awhile.

The medications didn't but me to sleep. The procedure really wasn't bad, it didn't hurt. If you asked me to describe how it felt, I'd have to say like having a stick shoved all the way down my throat. I think I was too nosey to sleep, I wanted to know what was going on!
I have had alot worst things done- like a cystoscopy done back in the 70's when the scopes weren't so flexible with no medication.
Kathy H
Ross said:
You know, I don't know why they can't give us this gargle that the Cleveland Clinic gave me before my bronchoscopy. It's a small bottle, you take some swish and gargle, spit, repeat over and over until the bottle is gone. When it is your numb! There was no yucky taste to it either, just like water.

Ross, what is that stuff called? I'm going to ask my cardio why they don't use something like that. No REAL complaints here though; I came through it unscathed and with a good report to boot.
wise smith said:
Ross, what is that stuff called? I'm going to ask my cardio why they don't use something like that. No REAL complaints here though; I came through it unscathed and with a good report to boot.
For the life of me, I do not remember. That was back in 95. I remember it being a bottle about the size of one of those hospital peroxide bottles. Maybe a touch larger. I spent about 10-15 minutes gargling and such, then it was number then numb could be.
My TEE went like many others, they started the sedation, but not enough, so I gagged and panicked on the probe for the first minute or two, then it was lights out.
It is a good thing time heals all because my first TEE was a mess. After they sprayed the WD-40, they hit me with Versed, which I promptly had an adverse reaction to. Instead of calming me down, it made me combative (imagine that. . .little ol' me? combative? :D ). So. . .instead of cluing in, they kept giving me more. . .until it took six doctors to hold me down. They finally switched to Fentinyl. Woke up quite a mess, crying, feeling traumatized and vomiting.

No more Versed for this little girl. :D :D

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