Wet, wretched me-toos.
Wet, wretched me-toos.
Count me in for night sweats! Also nap sweats! Seemed like any time I settled down for a rest (even if I didn't go to sleep) that sweat would start to collect in the small of my back, then around my knees and elbows, and eventually all over.
I managed to get around the clammies with several changes of clothing throughout the day. My wife even brought me some fresh-from-the-dryer sets of clothes (those were heavenly!).
The whole thing seemed to gradually go away some time during my third week post-op, about the same time I stopped feeling cold all the time.
According to my surgeon's nurse, the meds I was taking were to blame for the sweats (I was taking Vicodin, Lasix, Lopressor, digoxin, magnesium oxide, and potasium chloride, but she wasn't specific about which was to blame). I stopped or ran out of most of them some time during post-op week three.
Considering Ross' recent experience with not necessarily needing to pee more frequently while taking Lasix, I'm speculating that the Lasix was to blame for the sweats... maybe Lasix sweats the fluid out of you!
Hang in there, according to lots of folks who've been here before, this, too, shall pass.