Nice Pics For Dennis and all of you

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Bina said:
I'm on dial up......too slow to load....oh well.
Eat your heart out sweety!

TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.2.1e
click START to begin
Preparing Speedtest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
running 10s outbound test (upload) . . . . . 495.00Kb/s
running 10s inbound test (download) . . . . . . 6.86Mb/s

Your speed is 124.82 times faster than 56Kb dialup

Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem

Last Result:
Download Speed: 6862 kbps (857.8KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 480 kbps (60 KB/sec transfer rate)

click START to re-test
Bina said:
Today I'm connected at 26.4 kbps
We have satellite available, but it's pricey.
I feel for ya. I used to get so mad connecting at that speed that I figured the heck with it, for $20 more a month I could have something decent. Thanks to a certain ethnic party, I'm assured of having it at least through September next year.
Ross: Thanks for the pictures. We do indeed live in a beautiful country. It is amazing how often people seem to blow right the most beautiful sites. I have often gone into the back country with friends on our ATVs. (We are very careful not to tear up anything, and keep to old lumber roads, etc). We will come back, and I will have some pictures on my screen. My friends want to know where I got the picture, and I have to tell them they drove right by it, apparently totally oblivious to the beauty. Seeing beauty is certainly it's own reward. We need to make the effort to really see what is right in front of us.

We have recently gotten satellite internet access, and it is a great improvement from dial-up. I was in town today and stopped by the Apple store. I think I am going to invest a little bit of money, and a lot of time & try to make my own web page where I can post my pictures the way I want to, and add text as I desire.

The things that cane be done with Aperture, Pages & Iweb (Apple software) are amazing. I was working with an Apple employee, and kept asking "can we make it do this, but I want to add that" etc. He said he learned as much as he taught, but we did some neat stuff in just a hour's time. I will need to learn the software (which he has already done) but I am motivated after today.
Dennis your so right. When I was young, I noticed lots of beauty then, life shifted over to the fast lane and much went unnoticed. Having my Aneurysm rupture brought it all back into perspective. It's a shame that it takes facing death to get one to realize what a truly beautiful world this is.

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