Newbie...Having AVR this coming Tuesday

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They should give you a nine-day knockout drop, so you won't have to go through the waiting again.

Given the situation, make the most of your time, as Mary said. The decisions are made, the course is set, relax if you can.

Best wishes,
welcome to the site... everyone here is wonderful... I had a PVR a year ago on the 26th of this month and everything went wonderfully... I am 25 years old so you can imagine how scared i was... the worst part of anything is not being able to sleep in bed.. other than that everythign is pretty much easy... you will be back to yourself in no time.. just make sure you take your time healing and getting back to yourself and dont rush things... i made the mistake of going back to work too soon and it sucked... i woudl never do that again.. good luck and keep us posted...


Sorry you got bumped, but I'm glad I got a chance to wish you good luck. Stay positive, you will do just fine. The anxiety is normal, we've all been through it. I think the anxiety is the worst part of this whole experience. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed!!!
Hello Carmen,

Sorry to hear you got bumped! That really is difficult. We went through that when it was our son's turn. He only got bumped one day, thankfully (the spot he took the next day belonged to someone who got bumped a lot longer than my son did). I know what you mean about being 'mentally ready'. It's hard to wait even longer once you were already prepared -- especially going so far as to get there and get shaved and all.

Well, good luck and please do have someone update us as to how you're doing. I'll keep ya in our prayers.


Size is just a complication, not a hinderance. I was not as heavy, 260 lbs., but posed enough on recovery. After one year, gained 20 more to make it 280. One year and half later, became diabetic, got serious on walking and lost 70 lbs. Still have a ways to go, trying to reach 150 from 210. You will exercise as dictated by doctor after surgery, walking is best. I wish you the best of luck and on the weight loss also. You have to hang in there and do the changes, not all at once. You will have to give it time to heal before getting the weight loss started. But you will feel better soon. Keep hanging in there and dream of the day you can do things again. Take it one day at a time.
Hi all....

Tick-Tock..the ol' clock keeps ticking..that's ok though. i really don't think I'm as nervous as I'd thought I'd be.

BTW. My surgeon called me this morning to again apologize for the delay (which I thought was an extremely classy thing to do). I asked him how the person was that needed the double lung transplant (he seemed a bit suprised that I was concerned for that persons well being, pleasantly though) He said that it was a young lady, they were able to successfully transplant both lungs and that she is doing wonderfully. Even though it bumped me I still was concerned for that person...and said a prayer for her...Great outcome.

My "great outcome" will come next week!

Just thought I'd pass that along!

BTW...Isn't that Evan kid (Pix above) a cute kid ....or what!!

His Mommie sure is proud!!

Sorry to hear about your delay but glad to hear the person that "bumped" you is doing so good. When I got to my Doc on Tuesday, they were talking about possible delays because of my heart/lung pressures (I was to check in Thursday & surgery Friday). They direct admitted me from the Doc's office on Tuesday to work on the pressures. By Wednesday night (due to the pressures going up and down) they were not holding much hope for my surgery Friday. Fortunately (thanks to the Guy above) Thursday my pressures leveled out and I was rolled in Friday as scheduled. Glad I didn't have to wait.

Keep us posted on your walk and prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.

Positive thoughts

Positive thoughts

I know where you're coming from condition wise. I suffered from exactly the same thing. I on the other hand had a genetic thing that makes me lose weight. (eek) At surgery I was the lowest I'd ever been. 139 (now that's scarey) I can't really identify but I can say after surgery I feel like a new man.

I've put a few pounds back and and feel better all around. For me the experience wasn't remotely as scarey as I had immagined it to be. If I had it again I wouldn't loose a moments sleep. Of course not knowing then what I know now I lost lots of sleep and couldn't sleep unless I was listening to hypnosis tapes or had had a good massage or accupuncture session.

Try not to worry and soak up some love beforehand. (and get some massages)

Get better soon!

David C
Kahunaz said:
My "great outcome" will come next week!

Just thought I'd pass that along!


You're exactly right! And we'll be anxiously waiting for updates! :)

Many thoughts and prayers are headed your way. The waiting period is the hardest part, I think. Once you're on the 'other side' of things you'll feel better and the stress of worrying will be relieved! :)

Keep us posted!
Kahunaz said:
BTW...Isn't that Evan kid (Pix above) a cute kid ....or what!!

His Mommie sure is proud!!


Awwwwwwww! Thanks Carmen! You're exactly right -- I'm very proud of my little man. Evan -- the little guy in the picture -- is the valve-replacement patient. His name (Evan) is a Welsh name meaning "young warrior" and was chosen long before we knew about his heart. His middle name (Patrick) is for my best friend... a guardian angel who I feel watches over him. :)

Thanks for the compliment... he IS a cutie (I'm slightly biased). lol :) That pic was taken when he finally potty-trained and wanted to show off his undies! lol
Kahunaz said:
Hi All..

Hello to everyone...I sure am glad I found this site. I am a 41 yr. old male with a "Very" tight bicuspid aortic valve. I've known bout the defect for several years...shortness of breath and the usual fluid retention issues made me seek a cardiologist for his assessment...YIKES he says we need to do it NOW and replace an enlarged part of the aorta. I am very obese which I know complicates things further...(5'7" and around 400lbs.)...I had a gastric procedure and was 135-140 heavier..But I am going to be operated on at Loyola University Hospital in Maywood Illinois..(supposed to be a great place for this type of thing)..

The surgeon says recovery time may be longer because of the size issue...but he's done people that were larger and in worse general health...and they did fine.

I guess I'm just having all kinds of anxioty issues right now..and looking for some re-assurance from those who have "been there"

God Bless everyone.

Thanks so much for at least having a place for me to vent.

Hi Carmen, I am also new to the site, I echo your feelings, great to have contact with others. I will be praying for you to have a great outcome, keep us informed. God Bless Charlie B 2 Timothy 1/7
I don't think the anxiety is as bad this time...Don't know why??. After I got **Bumped** I was looking at the clock...saying to my self.."'s 8pm..I'd be all done by now..hopefilly awake enough to let my family know that I was ok.".....that kind of stuff....

Thanks again everyone!!

Wecome to the family!

Wecome to the family!


Welcome to the family!! So sorry to hear the your surgery got bumped! I think it is so awesome that you were concerned about the person whose surgery bumped you out. You sound like a great person with a great attitude. Your positive attitude with will take you a long way! I will be praying for you to have a very successful surgery and recovery! Feel free to ask any questions you may have or vent if you need to! Your family may also be intersted in reading some of the posts, especially those in the significant others area. I am in that catagory, my husband has his surgery in October of last year. This site is such a wonderful resource. It's also a good place to come and vent because there are always others who have been there and know where you are coming from!

Glad to have you here! Keep us updated! You are one of us now and that means we will worry about you ;)



Hey guy, you'll do fine! I had postponment of my surgery and yes your nerves can get the best of you, but once your day finally does come, just sit back and relax let the Dr's do what they do best and catch the number of the truck. :) Reading all of your posts seems like you are nervous but READY :cool: to climb the mountain, and when you do, the ride down the other side is GREAT, knowing that you did it, your better off for it and so on, your trip down will be slow at first but before you know it all will be working so well.
Keep us posted! Your in my prayers!
Well......tomorrow is the day.........again... hopefully I can get this thing done and get on the road to recovery.

Wish me luck!!

Much thanks to everyone here..with the support I feel more ready than i did 8-9 days ago...when I got bumped.

Thanks again,


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