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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
This weekend was like Christmas for me! I got my ProTime unit on Friday, as I was expecting. Then I went down to Houston and stayed with my mom for the weekend because I had a bridal shower to go to. While I was there my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told her "I know what I WANT, but it isn't appropriate to ask for for Christmas." She asked me what that was, and I told her I wanted a new computer, a Mac. I've been getting really into editing my own videos (took a workshop this summer, and have used it at my school for my students' stuff) and wished I could do it at home. Well, I thought nothing more about it. We went shopping for a shower gift (I hadn't had time to do that yet), then were going to head to lunch. But she pulls into the parking lot of Circuit City instead. I asked her why we were there and she said "Well, your sister got her present early, so I thought you could too." Completely floored me! I was NOT intending for her to buy me a computer for Christmas. But she did. So I now type this to you on my brand new iMac "jaguar". I'm so excited.

Well, on top of this wonderful present my mother also had a couple of huge boxes ready to send home with me, but wouldn't tell me what was in them. As soon as I got home I opened them up. The first one had a piece of furniture, a table, in it. I was completely confused. But when I opened the other box it became clear. The other box contained an old fashioned (looking) record player that plays CDs, tapes, and the radio. I did not ask for this. But a few years ago I had been looking for a record player that plays all three speeds, because my current record player only plays 33 1/3 and 45. I have a couple of Gene Kelly 78s that I can't listen to. Until now, that is... :D When I asked her why she got it for me she said "Just because." She had already given me money for my birthday (which I used to purchase my ProTime unit) and now all this! I feel guilty and spoiled, but I love it anyway. My mom is one special person, and not just because she buys me neat stuff. I wish there was something special I could do for her. She does so much for us kids.

Anyway, thanks for "listening" to me ramble about my new toys.
I think, therefore iMac

I think, therefore iMac


Welcome to the iMac club. I got an iPod to go with mine and am enjoying MP3's that I primarily listen to during exercise, walking, etc.

Good luck with your video editing. I have yet to burn a DVD.


p.s. what a super mom!!!


Niki, How did you do with your testing? Any problems? Let us old Pros:D know and we'll give our 2 cents worth of info.:) :) Bonnie
I haven't actually tried out the ProTime yet. I will be trying it in about 10 minutes, however. I read that you should take the cuvette (or whatever it's called) out of the fridge about 1/2 an hour before testing. So I'm waiting... I'm a bit nervous, but I will do my best. After all the tips I've read on this site I should be great at this. ;) Hope I can do it... BTW- the cup on my tenderlet looks different than the ones in the pictures of the book, and even on the video. Instead of being a complete cup, it has an extended lip above it, and the cup itself looks smaller. Does this mean it will require less blood? I hope so. The idea of not being able to get enough out fast enough is scaring me. So many people seem to have problems the first few times. I know I'll get the hang of it, but it's the first one that has me worried...

Oh, well. I'll post in a few minutes how I do. Wish me luck!
all done

all done

Okay, I did it. And might I say-- Ouch! :) The hardest part was pressing that trigger. I hate inflicting pain upon myself. Guess I'll just have to turn into a masochist. ;)

Anyway, apparently I did the Rain dance well enough. :D I got pleanty of blood with a minute to spare! Then it wouldn't stop bleeing! I got a reading of 2.4, which I have no idea how that will comapre to my lab readings. On Friday I had a reading of 3.2. Either the asparagus I had on Saturday is messing with me, or it's a bit off. I'll find out on Friday when I go to the lab again. I might take the machine with me to the lab. When it showed up last Friday my lab lady wanted to try it right then. Unfortunately, I still needed to charge it. But now I can tell her I did it on my own! I still haven't gotten a call from QAS about someone walking me through it. Guess I'll call tomorrow, though now I don't feel like I need it. ;) I'm a pro on the first go. Thanks for all the tips! If not for you all I probably would have been completely clueless!