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Bonzo Dog said:
Hello Mallory, only been here a week myself, so newbies together:)

I too spent a childhood plagued by cardiac difficulties so have a great deal of sympathy for you. ;) How many times did yet another pack of eager medical students, pressing their stethoscopes, make you feel like a zoo animal?.:)
I still get them student who want to listen because they rarely hear mechanical mitral valves.. Most are like wow it "clicks".. haha!
I just smile at them when they say stuff like that!
I've had people ask me if I have a loud watch on!! Umm... No... It's my heart!
Trinityheart8891 said:
Hey Mallory,

Just checking in, My name is Morgan, and I too am a Young'un. I'm 21, have had 2 OHS's, and am looking at my 3rd somewhere in the next 5-10 years or so (mitral and aortic valves are bad, had a VSD repaired also in 1988, and a sub aortic membrane removed in 1991, see signature)

anyways, I just wanted to welcome you on in, you arent alone being young here, There is a TON of insight here, from all generations!

I gotta get going, I have a lot of homework to do this morning before clinicals, but I definitely resemble that remark about stethoscopes and zoo animals:D

Morgan, 21

Ah well, I knew there were young people out there that had heart problems like me, but most of the places I go to espically for my coumadin check it's mostly older people!
Welcome Mallory!! I too had a VSD repaired years ago when dinosaurs still roamed the earth! 1962. They waited until I was 10 yrs old to give the "heart operation" community time to learn about this new thing of open heart surgery.(Had only started few years prior.) Over all I have done well over the years. Had 2 babies. Lived my life. 1985 aortic valve regurg started-not sure if related to the 1962 surgery or not. Haven't had second surgery yet to change the aortic valve. Still in the waiting room. You have been through alot already in your youth. Don't do anything stupid. Eat good healthy food. Do what works to stay healthy and away from all the nasty "bugs" out there.Stay mentally focused and enjoy your beautiful life!! We appreciate you being here and joining our family. So we like your views and opinions too.
Hi Mallory,
I'm glad your mom has pointed you to us.
Please keep us informed, no question is too dumb.
You lots of experience to share, so don't be shy.

Welcome to the family
Give and Take

Give and Take

Welcome Mallory! Like dear Freddie said, you have a lot of experience for one so young! I hope we can help with your questions, and giving you the support of people that understand what you're going through. I am sure when you share any heart related experience, it will be of real value here. You've already met some of our finest members! Keep us posted. All the best, Brian Mc