New Member, my sister

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This concerns my sister, Amy Fleissig. She is a new member of I would appreciate it if folks harass her a bit. Both of us have had 2 open heart surgeries. I am trying to get her involved in the site and persuade her to come to the reunion. I would really like to give her a hard time (since she is my sister). E-mail her on her aol [email protected].

Come on in, Amy

Come on in, Amy

Hi Amy, I don't blame you for not wanting to admit you are Greg's sister:D :D Just kidding;) ;) We all love Greg...Give us some of surgery, ect. and most of all, how do you feel??We don't bite...:) Just love to chat...:D Bonnie
My brother is a pain in the -----. But I love him. I am getting use to the site, reading and exploring all the great postings. I even ventured out and put one on myself. so hopefully someone will join me and respond to mine. It's nice to chat or type to people who have experienced the same things I have. I look forward to more informative and interesting conversations with everyone.
Bye for now!:D
Out of the closet

Out of the closet

Just read your posting under Coumadin...We all help one another around here..I'm sure our expert Coumadin person will post to her soon...I'm trying to eat some greens to lower mine a tad. Will test myself Thursday. Post often....:) Bonnie
Hi Bonnie

Hi Bonnie

Thanks for welcoming my sister. She doesn't know she was adopted from a desperate couple. The man's name was Osama. I think his last name was Bin Ladin. He has a heart problem so she inherited it from him. My sister just wants to fit in. She is copying me by saying she has had heart sugery. Hell, she goes to the Proctology support group meetings!!!! No poop!
Hi Amy,

Welcome to the family. Really hope you join us in Vegas. That brother of yours is a great guy for reffering you. I think you will find everyone here very helpful and supportive. Actually, could not imagine my life without you all.

Beleive you are the first of siblings that have gone though VR on the site here?. Was having this very conversation with my younger sister. She may have a valvular disorder and is really scared. She was on my side of the bed and witnessed what us as pateints do not. Apprecaite her postion and apprehension. Can't blame her. I really hope she is not as bad off as myself. Our father does have MVP with reguig, so we know where is came from now. It was all a mystery to the family when I had my surgery.

Once again, welcome~!
Beware Greg.......

Beware Greg.......

Hi Greg

I know what it's like to have a sister so I can sympathise with you. Mine is ten years older than I am so I had a really hard time in my early days.

We got to know each other a bit better when I got to my teens and I actually began to like her. Then about ten years ago she took alzheimers disease and now she doesn't know me.

I miss her terribly,
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welcome Amy

welcome Amy

Brothers are generally a pain sometimes, but we sure can't live without them. Welcome to a great, wonderful place of great people from around the world. You come here as often as you like. We are one huge family here. Sometimes, I am so busy, it is hard to be here all the time for me, but is helps alot when one has questions from time to time. You will find that we are a friendly bunch here. Take care now.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
This is a great site, I'm so glad my brother, Greg told me about it. He thinks I have not been reading and responding, but I have so will everyone reading this give him a hard time! He's a Psychologist and trys to give me guilt trips, GO FIGURE!
I have been playing with the smiley faces and can not seem to get the faces to appear. Help! I consider myself to be extremely computer literate, but am having problems with this website.

Smiley Faces?

Smiley Faces?

Hi Amy - I'm Hank the creator of this madness. Are you talking about the smiley faces in the messages, or the picture avatars to the left of everyones messages or what? Let me know and I can help you out with whatever you need - almost :confused:
Hey Hank,

Great website! I was referring to the picture smiley faces you insert in the text. It works on AOL but not here. I feel like an idiot cause it's probably something simple I am not doing.


Big Brothers

Big Brothers

Hello Amy,

Welcome to our site. It's a wonderful place, lots of very caring people.

I hope you can make it to the reunion in Vegas. You really have to attend one of the reunions to understand the feeling of friendship and closeness you walk away with. It's unbelievable.

Big brothers can be a pain... I know I have five of them! :) For some reason they love giving me a hard time above anything else. I can't imagine life without them.
