I hope by now that you have arranged for more people to help you out.when does your College child get out of school?Kids your age can live on cereal.. But, I am concerned that you will be so sleepy..during the day from pain meds, ect...that they will be wanting to talk, ect. to you..and you really need those daytime naps.. any close relatives that they could spend a week with?......Good luck Friday..Hope someone can post for you..Bonnie
I hope by now that you have arranged for more people to help you out.when does your College child get out of school?Kids your age can live on cereal.. But, I am concerned that you will be so sleepy..during the day from pain meds, ect...that they will be wanting to talk, ect. to you..and you really need those daytime naps.. any close relatives that they could spend a week with?......Good luck Friday..Hope someone can post for you..Bonnie