New here, facing surgery Friday

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I hope by now that you have arranged for more people to help you out.when does your College child get out of school?Kids your age can live on cereal..:D But, I am concerned that you will be so sleepy..during the day from pain meds, ect...that they will be wanting to talk, ect. to you..and you really need those daytime naps.. any close relatives that they could spend a week with?......Good luck Friday..Hope someone can post for you..Bonnie


In reply to your question, I had my minimally-invasive right side mitral repair surgery approximately 2 1/2 yrs. ago performed by Dr. Vincent Gaudiani at Sequoia Hosp. in Redwood City, CA, USA. It definitely takes a long time for the right side to heal, but it wasn't extremely painful. I was unable to lift anything more than a couple pounds for months and months. Still can't lift more than a few pounds, but my right side has become much stronger very very gradually. (I do remember having difficulty wearing a bra because the right side was swollen for months--that was a little odd.) Swelling went down very very gradually over 6 months and strength gradually improved very very gradually over at least the same period of time. Healing has been a very slow, gradual process, but it really wasn't all that bad at all. Never did have pain like I'd imagined pre-surgery. Nervous before surgery, fog during, slow gradual healing after. My heart was so much stronger post-surgery, and I had so much more energy, it was just amazing. That's the most memorable part--despite the localized weakness, overall I was stronger than I'd been in years. It was wonderful!!! Good luck. My prayers are with you on Friday.
Thank you all

Thank you all

for the many great responses! and well wishes.:)

In 24 hours I will be on the table..getting, as my husband likes to say " a valve and lube job":p

I have arranged for someone to come to my home and hang with me and the kids for the first 2 full weeks after that we have various playdates set up for the kids.

My inability to take narcotics is still hanging over me.. and I am trusting that there is some good pain medication out there that will help!
I was prayed over and annointed at church last night, I have some meals frozen for my return, and my bag packed..
now I just wait!
Thank you all so very very much!!
and as I learned here...
SEE YA on the Other side;)
Best wishes, Marky. It sounds like you have everything in order and we look forward to your successful surgery and your return to the forum with all good reports!:)
Good luck for your surgery...

Good luck for your surgery...

... I just had amitral valve repair this past January. I am happy to see that you have help for the first 2 weeks. You will probably need it.
Best of luck.:) :) :) :) :) :)
Godspeed. It sounds like you have everything covered. Now, just relax and let everyone else take care of you.
Hi Markey
I am in a very similiar situation like you.My OHS is on 18th of this month and my
doughter is only 3 1/2 year old.In the name of family I have here only my hubby and my doughter is with me.My all family members are back in INDIA. It's hard to get Visa for them.

But I hope I'll manage with this situation.I m preparing for my self for all comming situation.I know 10 days is not enough.Just belive in God and you get more strenth to fight with every thing.And I belive You do this.
Best of luck for your surgery. I'll pray for you.
