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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Today, Joe got the results of a skin biopsy. It turned out to be squamous cell cancer. But I think he saw the doctor promptly for it and it was excised. He'll have another check in 2 months.
Joe needs a new hobby!

Joe needs a new hobby!

Hi Nancy,

Sorry to hear that Joe had another medical problem. It doesn't sound like this one was too serious, but it was one more thing to worry about.

I hope you get some good news from the general surgeon tomorrow. Be sure to let us know how it went as soon as possible.

Don't you think it's time to talk Joe into getting a new hobby? Hanging out at Dr's offices and hospitals must be getting a little boring. Or does Joe just have a thing for young nurses? ;)

Take care -- Ron K
Glad you got it early. I had one and it began as a little purplish/black spot with uneven edges. It was also squamus (sp). Dr said if I had brown spots not to worry, but if it was uneven colors of black/purple/pink, come back NOW. We freckly fair skinned folks must be very careful. And always put protection on our face and hands as they get sun just going to and fro the car and if you think about it, that's true. I grew up in Miami and have skin damage. Down there you can get sunburnt in the house - LOL:D
Sorry to hear...

Sorry to hear...

Hi Nancy,

I am relatively new here so I'm trying to get to know who everyone is. I'm sorry to hear of Joe's additonal problem. He sure does keep you busy...and you do a great job. I've read many of your posts and you certainly are knowledgable and helpful to all here.

Best of luck to you and Joe!

Hi Nancy,

Sorry to hear about Joe's biopsy. If this entire family is very susceptible to that variety of growths. They have had many removed. Everything has turned out just fine. With my mother and father we are talking 20+ years of continued removals.

As you know, an once of prevention is wroth so much. Things will be just fine. I am the only family member not effected thus far. I usually joke about it and say 'my plate if full of other undesirables.' I should also stay out of the sun myself, but at this point...... it's one of my pleasures and a major stress reliever.

Take care
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Gosh, Nancy!

You will be ready for your medical degree before you know it! I've heard of hands on learning.....but this is ridiculous!

Give Joe our best. I am sure you got it early, cuz you are both on top of everything.

Best of luck!

Hi Joe and Nancy,

We have been in Florida since Mid January. Things have gone very well for both of us. Joann has problem with left leg. It appears that they will do angioplasty this spring.

Sorry to hear about your new problem. This should be easily treated.

God Bless!

John & Joann in Sunny Port Charlotte, Florida!!
RE-Joe's skin Question

RE-Joe's skin Question

Hi Nancy, Good to hear everything is OK with Joe. That's all you would need. Thank God he has you there. You have been so much help to me, I 'am forever in you debt. All my problems with medication and sternum questions, you did it all. I went to see my Cardio. Dr. yesterday, and he wants a echo next week and some blood work. But he did say I can drive a little , like to the store or short distances only. No freeways at all. So I've been free at last. And he postponed my going back to work until April l5th or so, just to be safe. Bye for now, and keep safe. Syl
hi nancy!
i was so sorry to hear about this one more stumbling block! seems like God really tests some of us, don't you think?
i hope it all turns out to be nothing and that joe feels well. please let us know what happens.
you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Thanks everyone for your comments. They help a lot!

Great to see some old friends here--John and Joann. Sounds like you had a good winter in sunny port Charlotte. Keep us posted on Joann's angioplasty.
gosh, Nancy, another problem? I feel sorry for Joe! My mom and I often joke around because she has a weird form of arthritis and it just jumps around. She's already had her knee replaced, and now needs her elbow replaced and her foot rebuilt. THen she needs neck surgery. She said, "If I don't look out, I am going to be the next Bionic Woman!" We all get through it, and Joe will be fine. Tell him to keep his head held high, and it will be over soon...