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Tomorrow is d-day for me, I get my new echo results from the cardio and I am a bit on edge. I was at 3+ mitral regurg 2 years ago and am having the nasty symptoms that go along with the disease that wont go away and the prospect of surgery is looming. My family practice doctor informed me that I will probably be advised to have the surgery when I see my cardio and I am nervous. I am 29 with 4 and 5 year old boys and I feel like I shouldnt feel as bad as I do. I dont know what caused the regurg, I do know that I had strep throat a lot as a kid and wonder if I had rumatic fever but I dont know. I guess I needed to vent to get it off my mind a bit, Thanks for listening.

You are all great,
Take some deep breaths and relax. There is nothing you can do about it as it's out of your control. That's what makes it scary - you don't have the control.

If you do need the surgery, get it done so that you can get to feeling better, maybe even better then you have in years, and enjoy those boys. They don't stay young forever.

When you feel fear, I want you to come back here and look at this picture:
Hi Nicole - Welcome to You couldn't have picked a better place to come under the circumstances. Of course you're nervous. We all were. The formula for getting less nervous is pretty simple. Read as much as you can on the site, and ask questions about things that concern you. If you have read very much, you know there are a lot of very caring people here, and we'll be with you as you go through this process. I'm a little more than 4 months past surgery and feeling better every day. You'll get there too, and be assured you'll be there for your children. Like Ross says in his picture- Be a battery ? Be Everready ? Oh, maybe he means be positive. Chris


Welcome to the board Nicole.. I hope you calm down and also that you get answers from your cardio. Know that our prayers are with you and that we are always here to listen. The others on this board are fantastic for support. Keep us up to date, Erica
Hi Nicole-

Just wanted to wish you good luck tomorrow at the cardiologist's.

Now, my take on "good luck" may be a little different, because I see this kind of surgery as being good luck. It will take care of your problems, and give you a much better quality of life. In addition, after things are healed, you won't have such a burden hanging over your head. If you want to read some positive posts, take a look at this thread, and read them all, if you can.

Let us know how things go.


Welcome to this wonderful site.

I understand your fear! I also did not know I had heart problems (I was told I had C.O.P.D. ) until the March. I was nearly a basket case by the time I found this site. Reading the older posts really help along with all the good people here answering my questions so by the time Surgery came around I was pretty calm.

I had my surgery on 5/5. and I am now back to work full time and feeling better everyday. To be honest I haven't felt this good since my 20's. The surgery will help you enjoy you family more. I can now play with my grandchildren no matter what they want to do.

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow. let us know how it went when you can.

Take care,
Hi Nicole and WELCOME!!

This is a great site with loads of wonderful people....I guarantee you will love it here.

I wish you the very best results on your echo tomorrow. I do believe things happen to us for a reason and at a particular time in our life.....everything is a learning experience, even though we may not view it that way at the time.

We've been members of this site for a bit over a year. It was and continues to be an unbelievable source of strength for us. My husband had an AVR in June of 2002....ask anyone here, he was great, I was the basket case!!! Anyway, between the answers to the millions of questions I asked, the support I received, and especially the love and concern in abundance here, this group got me/us through it.

Remember, whether you want to vent, cry, laugh, listen, joke, or ask advice, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!! It's a wonderful place to be and you are absolutely with peple who understand completely what you're going through.

Welcome Nicole

Welcome Nicole

From one Georgia Girl to Another. I sent you an e-mail. Let me know if I can help....and let us know your results. Like Ross's Picture said...GEORGIA TECH ..WINS..:D :D Bonnie