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lragsac Supporter
Supporting Member
May 15, 2010
salem, or
Hey all my surgery is this coming thursday(June 17th) I have read pretty much all posts and feel good about it, even though I am a little nervous. I will be having my Mitral valve repaire , an absolution, and a small artey bypass. Maybe I will get a Holly 1150 double pumper put in!! I have found that through friends and family, that humour and love will get anyone through. Will let you know when I begain my post opt!
Thank You all for the support!!
Hey Leo,
My surgeon balked at the request of a Holley double pumper with a nitro boost. ;) He was probably right, cuz I can barely handle the power of my Regent when it gets going into overdrive.
Heh Leo,

Welcome to the forum and all the best for surgery June 17th, yes normal to be nervous and yes humour will help you with mindset and there is humour in almost everything.

let us know how you are making out
We'll be thinking about you and waiting to hear good news from you when you are able to post.
Best Wishes for smooth surgery and bump free recovery.
Leo, if you were not a little nervous you would, indeed, be strange, especially, if you are like some of us who had never had surgery before or spent the night in a hospital. The good news is that it usually goes pretty well if you are reasonably healthy and don't have many complicating issues. My business partner was thrown from his bike and suffered a badly broken collar bone. Without any question, I was never in the discomfort after my AVR that he experienced. Take care of yourself over these next few days and let us know how you are doing.

haha! nice idea about the me you will be happy with what you get though! i never could find my pulse in my neck and now you can visibly SEE my pulse in my neck. kind of gross i know. but it just shows you how much my parts needed replacing! maybe i should have had a few bolt ons thrown on as well as long as i was under anesthesia. after having 2 kids i could use a little fixing up!

all joking aside...
i have said this before, for me, the wait and anxiety leading up to surgery has been the worst part. from the minute waking up after surgery until now....well it hasn't been a breeze, but it doesn't compare to being scared or nervous before the surgery! good luck :)
You will feel like they put a nitrous tank in - you will be going so fast after recovery. You will feel so much better! We will be thinking about you.
Leo, if you go with a holly,make sure you match it with an edlebrock manifold and have the Doc take it down another couple thousand on the ports:) Will be thinking and Praying for you on the 17th. Daren
Leo, probably not much to be added if you already read all the posts ;) That's a lot of reading tho, lol.

You'll be fine, and we're not just BS'ing, it really is almost always a lot easier than we fear. Sounds like you've got your mind in about as good a place as you can during the worst part - which is what you're going through right now - the waiting. The only advice I'd have is to keep busy with your regular life here in the last few days to keep your mind off things as much as possible. But since you've read all the posts, you already knew that lol. And I think you're absolutely right about humor being a great medicine for this whole deal.

If you can, get the 850 CFM model of that Holley double barrel. Regardless of what you may have heard, size matters ;)
Iragsac.......that's my daughters birthday and she has always been about very good things so i would take that as a great sign.....I've just been through it as of Wednesday the 9th so it is very fresh in my is like NO other surgery.....but i don't mean that all in a bad way....its just a different pain....and it really takes the wind out of your sails...BUT....if you do as everyone here will tell you....and rest......use your O2 device that they usually give you,,,,and DON'T push will do great. As i said I'm only 4 days after surgery and for what I have been through I feel as if i am doing great. All my thoughts and prayers are with you as I know what emotions you are feeling....but You will do Wonderful.....NO hurry but when you are able to either use your computer or verbally instruct someone else how to get on the site....Let us all know how you are...but dont sacrifice rest to inform anyone...this is all about YOU and you resting your body and recovering.............Love....Mike