Nervous and paranoid

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Well just wanted to let everyone no my TEE was canceled Tuesday and rescheduled for next Thursday and they have added my cath the same day so this will be a long day. But I'm really nervous about the surgery because I will be getting a mechanical valve. And on top of it all I burnt my arm pretty bad and it's infected, I believe. Called the cardiology nurse to see what I should do, don't want to go to emergency room for 10 hours for a burn and I can't walk in to a doctor's office because I'm on a charity program. I am taking Echinacea and using peroxide and campho-phenique. Do you think I should I go to the emergency room? It's not really that bad but it's red all around the burn, but it's looking better than it was yesterday. The nurse did not return my call yet. Just paranoid sinse I know my surgery is coming up sooner than later and I don't want a infection in my blood. Thanks for listening.

Sorry to hear about your arm. If you have an active infection, they will postpone surgery. You need to decide if you want to take that chance or just go ahead and deal with the ER. It sounds like you might need antibiotics and a good, medically supervised cleaning of the burn.

Wishing you all the best.
Thanks GeeBee, it looks pretty clean now and the redness seems to be fading some, and Echinacea is a mild antibiotic. So I think I'm going to wait and see if the nurse calls back if not I will probably go to the ER. It's just that if it's not a real emergency you may end of spending the night there waiting to be seen. A real drag! Thanks again.
If you don't want to do the ER, I'd keep cleaning it w/ hydrogen peroxide and putting triple antibiotic ointment on it. If it's bandaged, make sure you keep replacing the bandage to keep it clean.

As far as being scared - it's normal. But you shouldn't be any more scared because you are getting a mechanical valve, than if you were getting a tissue valve. It's the same surgery - just different valves. It's not harder to install a mechanical and your recovery will be no different.

As far as Coumadin. Make sure you read the Stickies in the Anticoagulation forum here. And don't worry - it's not rocket science. We'll help you through the ins and outs of taking the medication and testing.
Thanks Karlynn, I really appreciate your kind words, I was really wondering about the mechanical valve and what all would happen after the surgery, if it was any different. After having the first surgery (repair) and then finding out it didn't hold the way it should have I guess I'm just all freaked out about the whole thing. I'm sure you all were too when you found out you would have to have a second surgery. The burn I'm cleaning and I keep taking temperature to make sure I'm not running a fever. Thanks again!
How bad is your burn? Did it blister? A few days before Justin was supposed to have surgery he fell alseep at the shore and got a very bad sunburn w/ blisters. We went to the preop appt and all the docs looked at it since infection was a concern. They asked what we were using on it and said the silver stuff for burns ( was really good, but if there was any sign of infection they would postpone surgery. His surgery ended up getting bumped because a few babies had transplants and born so there were no beds in the CICU. I think you said you called the cardiologist nurse, but you also might want to call the surgeons office, because he would make the ultimate decision wether to postpone surgery because of it.
Hey Blake, don't worry about having a mechanical valve. I've got me its a piece of cake. Try to will be fine.
But do look after that burn! Chances are they may just cover it with their own gauze before surgery - if they don't you may want to ask - its just a thought.
Lynlw, It did blister after I scratched it in my sleep. It was coming along really well until I did that. Wow I bet his sunburn was really bad, I think they might bump my surgery too until I get this under control. Thanks for the link!
Lynlw, forgot to tell you the offices are all in the same office, I think they come in on different days. I know that sounds odd, did to me at first too, but yes thoracic, cardiology and a few more clinics use the same space.
Hope your arm is getting better and very best of luck with surgery, wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hi Blake777,

Sorry aout the arm. We will be praying for you.I am in the waiting room with you. From what I can tell the room is full of scared folks. All the success stories from the VR veterans sure make it more bearable:).

God Bless
