Tom F.
Well-known member
FYI - I am in Elmhurst, eastern part of DuPage county.
CCRN said:Getting that Egyptian disease called DE-NILE is helpful.....but reality still burned in my head. Getting as much information as possible helped. This web site helps. Surrounding myself with positive, supportive people helped. God helped me most of all and I firmly believe I wouldn't be here today if not for him. (Don't know if you believe but I thought I'd throw that in.....don't want to offend.)
You are NORMAL. Well, sort of. Everybody who has faced this surgery goes through what you're experiencing one way or the other.
Now, it's been 10 years and this doc seems like a good guy so have him hook you up with a good surgeon. It's time and it will make you feel better because only a surgeon can REALLY tell you what you want to know now. Trust me, I'm a nurse. (I know Ross will get a kick out of that statement.) Hope this helps.
afraidofsurgery said:I'm in Wheaton - not as "far out" as Elgin!
Tom F. said:FYI - I am in Elmhurst, eastern part of DuPage county.
ALCapshaw2 said:Patti - There is a separate website specifically dedicated to Ross Procedure patients (do a SEARCH for Ross Procedure). Several of our members have had the Ross. Most (?) have traveled some distance to find the 'best of the best' surgeons.
Also, be SURE your surgeon has considerable experience with the Ross Procedure (preferably someone with over 100 surgeries to his credit and a GOOD success rate).
YES, it is MAJOR Surgery, but success rates for first time surgeries in patients under age 60 are VERY HIGH (>98%). If you are afraid of the surgery, think about what would happen by NOT having surgery. That should get you (or your husband actually) RUNNING toward the O.R.
Remember, each member here represents a heart surgery SURVIVOR. If we can do it, so can you!
'AL Capshaw'
Our surgery is scheduled for the 20th of July and I am excited to finally have it done!!! I have been feeling terrble for the last few weeks, just tired, light headed and no energy. I know my wife is nervous about my having this done, but I am at ease with it. The only thing I told the doctors is that I want no memory of tube down my throat or the catheter in my penis LOL!!! My wife can't get over that, the fact that I am having open heart surgery and those are my concerns. Thanks for the info and the support. Please keep in touch.Karlynn said:Welcome Patti,
I'm glad you've found us and taken some time to get to know the site and people here. Rest assured that you would not be normal if you weren't going into this with fear or trepidation. I was the patient, and I often thought that it was probably harder on my husband to have to do the waiting and wondering and be the person looking for signs that your spouse was going to be okay.
How old is your husband?
You may have read that there is a small % of valve replacement people that develop chrinic atrial fibrilation after surgery. Emphasis on small %. If this occurs then the person has to take Coumadin regardless of what type of valve they have installed. Just something to be aware of. Chances are it will not happen. But if it does there are many of us that lead active lives while on Coumadin.
Let us know when your husband's date is and we'll put him on the calendar. We keep close watch on our surgery members because we like to celebrate their success.