need some advice about headaches

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2002
Southern Indiana
Hello, all. I need some advice after having some baffling headaches this week. I rarely have headaches other than an occasional tension one. I do have visual migraines but never the headache that typically comes after.

This past week, I have been awakened for the last five nights in a row (around 2 or 3 AM) with a severe headache that stretches like a band from one ear around the bottom of my skull to the other ear. I'm not doing anything differently - meds or food/drink - and I haven't had any trauma like a fall or a sudden stop in the car. I get up, take a pain reliever, and lie back down until I eventually go back to sleep. I seem to be fine when I wake up in the morning. Last night, I went to the freezer and got one of those icy bags, wrapped it up in a washcloth, and slept on that until I finally went back to sleep. (The cold helped a bit; I guess just to numb the area.)

My concern is a brain bleed, but I would think that I would feel the symptoms during the day if that were the case. Other than that, I'm baffled. I do plan to call my doc next week if I continue having them, but I wanted to pose this to you all to see if anyone else has had these. Thanks for any advice.
Sudden and daily headaches need to be seen by the doctor. Maybe it's nothing, but get in to see someone. Are you on Coumadin?

My BIL had a headache for a while, and he kept taking aspirin or Advil for it. That was absolutely the wrong thing for him. He did have a brain bleed and what he was taking made it much worse.

So please get it checked out. And I hope it is nothing at all.
The ice did more than make the area numb; it reduced any swelling you had in the area. I suggest icing your head each night before bed until you can see a neurologist.

Neurologists no longer divide headaches into "migraine" and "tension headaches"; they are all under the umbrella of migraine.

You will have to trust me that I have vast experience in the area of migraine control.

You seem to have developed chronic daily (nightly) migraine. The root cause can be hormonal, mechanical, cardiac, or for other reasons. Because of the location of the pain, the pain may actually be caused by a common migraine side-effect: the muscles in your neck and atlas (where your skull meets your neck) tighten to protect your head during migraine. (Many people think that their migraines are caused by their "stiff necks." In reality, their necks have tensed to protect against an impending migraine.)

One possible reason for this head pain is that you are doing something regularly that has caused the skull plates and bones in the area to press against your nerves. The list of possibilities are endless: a new pillow, the way you may slouch in front of your computer or a book a certain amount of time before bed, chewing differently because of tooth problems or recent dental work, etc. If you identify a cause, you may solve the problem without any further treatment. You may also consider chiropractic care to relieve the pressure and restore proper allignment.

Is the pain reliever you are taking an anti-inflammatory?

Now we get to the part that is new to me: the relationship between new heart parts and migraine. This is also an avenue worth exploring, too.

I would call your doctor no matter what. Don't settle for your GP's opinion, however; insist on a neuro consult.
Thanks, ladies, for your responses.

I've been on Coumadin for over 11 years, since three months before I had the mitral replacement. I have recently switched from an every other day dose of Plavix to an every day dose of baby aspirin at the suggestion of both my docs. Have had some seemingly micro-emboli related visual loss and subsequent hand weakness over the years. It's the aspirin/Coumadin combo that has me concerned about bleeds. When I poked around a bit on the net, there was a suggestion that recurring nighttime headaches could signal a hematoma (worst case scenario).

The every single night nature of these headaches has me worried, plus the location, from ear to ear. It may be hormonal, it may be related to bad pillows, or it may be something else, but if it continues tonight, I'm calling my cardio tomorrow. Thanks again to all of you, and I'll let you know if they continue and what I find out. :)
So sorry Sherry...;-(

So sorry Sherry...;-(

I know you just started back teaching.. That in itself brings loads of stress which can cause your back and shoulder muscles to tense up and bring on a bad headache.

Have you checked your BP lately? Sometimes high BP can cause a headache.

You might want to try one of the Homedics Micropedic Therapy Pillows.. We have them and absolutely love them.

Also, I agree with ponygirl about possibly visiting a chiropractor and getting an alignment as an avenue to explore. She really has some good ideas.

I also take an 87mg aspirin along with my warfarin. No problems so far..

Finally, have you considered you may have caught a virus at school or elsewhere? Mike had a virus recently and a horrible headache (he never has headaches) was the worse symptom and really just about his only symptom. So bad that he had an MRI which was normal. His headache was ONLY at night and lasted for about a week. Maybe it's a simple virus??

I'm glad you're calling your Cardio....let us know.
I'm voting for the bad pillows option. Our necks and the tensions they endure can wreak havoc on our poor heads. Clencing teeth can also be blamed for headaches so dont do that either. Hope its an easy fix....we dont want you to have any serious problems.
I had some recurring headaches at night several months after my surgery. It seemed to be tied to a low heart rate and shallow breathing. My dose of metoprolol was reduced and the headaches vanished. Just a thought.
Hello, again. Had a not-so-severe headache again last night. Took a Tylenol and went back to bed. It was gone when I woke up.

Janie, you're right: school and stress, plus taking Andy off to college this next weekend, is all coming at me at once. Plus, with school, it could be some sort of virus that I've been exposed to being around all those kids again. I'm going to give it a few more days and see if the headaches wane a bit. Last night's wasn't too bad but noticeable enough to wake me up.

Aussigal, have used a number of pillows over the years with no relief from that stiff neck, but this headache is a new occurrence for me. Faye, I'm on bp meds so my numbers are fairly normal. Heart rate tends to run on the high side.

Thanks all for your input. Will keep you informed. :)
Hey Girl,

Have not checked the board in some time. Something told me to pop in.

Hope you are doing better by now.

My first reflex was to suggest hormones. My little migrane with aura has been evolving in to much more. Tingling in extremeties before it comes on.

Not much to do. Unless, your MD permits medication to control, such as a BC, etc.

Feel better and keep us posted.:)
Sherry, has your diet changed in any way--have you eaten alot of anything not usually in your diet? Many people with migraine notice a connection with the food they eat with caffeine, chocolate, red wine, nuts and citrus being common, but not the only, culprits. Watching out for food triggers generally keeps me under my migraine threshold.
Like Ponygirlmom I have vast experience with migraines -- beginning at age 6. The only other items I would mention:

Weather, purfumes, also,

In my experience migraines can hang around for a couple of days, but they usually move around to different parts of the head. If you consistently have a headache in exactly the same location get to the doc asap to rule out some more sinister causes.
I'm just reading this thread, Sherry, and I wouldn't put calling the cardio off any longer.
A headache that wakes you up sounds like a doozy to me, and I'm afraid you might be underestimating the pain since the others have been worse by comparison.:(
I agree that you should go see your doctor, but one thing I have not heard thrown out there yet is TMJ. I know a friend who used to get a bad headache when sleeping and it turned out to be TMJ causing it. I'm not sure if that is the case here, but it might be worth looking into.
Hello, everyone, and thanks for all the responses. The nighttime headaches finally waned. They went on for about six nights in a row and then stopped. Not sure what the cause but enough to worry me that something sinister might be going on. They were so severe and really not like any headache I had ever had before. By the time I was going to call the cardio, they stopped. I still have a very stiff neck so I'm going to consider another pillow and possibly a mattress change.

Thanks again to all of you for your thoughtful responses. I've wondered if migraines might start rearing their ugly head now that I'm in my mid-40s. Always had the aura but never the headache. We'll see. My diet really hasn't changed much at all. The only thing that has changed lately is just the stress of starting school, but you would think after 15 years of doing it, I would be used to it by now.

Have a good day, all. :)
Sherry, I know it's a PITA, but please call the doc and get it checked out. We care. Brian
It sounds like you have still NOT called your Doctor(s).... is that right?

Let's see...

"Severe Headache, several days running, worried about possible Brain Bleed, asked members for their input"

Almost everyone said "CALL YOUR DOCTOR",

and now you tell us "it's gone away, guess I won't worry about it anymore?"

I don't get it.
I'm going to jump in with the others who are piling up on you, Sherry.;)

This reminds me of Bonnie's complaint of an ongoing headache several days before she collapsed.

You're probably correct in that yours is nothing, but I would be remiss if I didn't remind you that we've learned the hard way that it is always better to be sure rather than sorry.