I am hoping someone may have advice for me on the following:
I am 11 weeks post-op from mitral valve surgery and have just returned to work.My employer was terrific, allowing me the time I needed. I thought it was going to be 4-6 weeks (what did I know!) but after having complications
of a-fib, neumothorax and pericarditis (spelling?) I wasn't ready. Now that I am back, she is putting the pressure on to "get back to work" I feel
pretty good. I feel down sometimes still.
Also: 3 weeks ago my mother passed away of cancer.
Now believe it or not my father, who is 73 yrs old is in the hospital because of bleeding in the intestines (there working on that)and they found that his aortic and mitral valve are leaking severly. My father lives about an 1 3/4hrs away in CT.The doc there said he should consider surgery soon.
My dad feels because I had such a great success with my surgery, he would feel more confident with everything if I could arrange to get him setup with my Cardiologist here in Boston and to hopefully get the surgery (if that is what my cardio advises) at Brigham & Women's Hospital with the head Cardiac
Surgeon like I did.
After loosing my mother recently, I do NOT want to loose my father.
I will get him the BEST care. I also believe this is a better choice over the small hospital in CT. Also I would be able to help him with recouperation
because he is now all alone. This is important to me.
I don't know where to begin...
How do I arrange for this?
I have no more FMLA left at work to care for my dad. I only hope my boss will not let me go. (I need my job)You all have mentioned about how people forget you had heart surgery pretty quickly. I think she forgotten already! I don't feel that she will be too thrilled that I will need time off again soon.
Sorry this so long. I hope someone can point me in the right directions.
Thanks so much
I am hoping someone may have advice for me on the following:
I am 11 weeks post-op from mitral valve surgery and have just returned to work.My employer was terrific, allowing me the time I needed. I thought it was going to be 4-6 weeks (what did I know!) but after having complications
of a-fib, neumothorax and pericarditis (spelling?) I wasn't ready. Now that I am back, she is putting the pressure on to "get back to work" I feel
pretty good. I feel down sometimes still.
Also: 3 weeks ago my mother passed away of cancer.
Now believe it or not my father, who is 73 yrs old is in the hospital because of bleeding in the intestines (there working on that)and they found that his aortic and mitral valve are leaking severly. My father lives about an 1 3/4hrs away in CT.The doc there said he should consider surgery soon.
My dad feels because I had such a great success with my surgery, he would feel more confident with everything if I could arrange to get him setup with my Cardiologist here in Boston and to hopefully get the surgery (if that is what my cardio advises) at Brigham & Women's Hospital with the head Cardiac
Surgeon like I did.
After loosing my mother recently, I do NOT want to loose my father.
I will get him the BEST care. I also believe this is a better choice over the small hospital in CT. Also I would be able to help him with recouperation
because he is now all alone. This is important to me.
I don't know where to begin...
How do I arrange for this?
I have no more FMLA left at work to care for my dad. I only hope my boss will not let me go. (I need my job)You all have mentioned about how people forget you had heart surgery pretty quickly. I think she forgotten already! I don't feel that she will be too thrilled that I will need time off again soon.
Sorry this so long. I hope someone can point me in the right directions.
Thanks so much