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Hi Bob,

I really enjoyed reading your re-cap of the weekend. Hmmm,, it was kinda like a flash-back.. You know those things we get after the Woodstock days... <smile>.

Hmmmm... Somehow I can't picture you in a pony tail, but... if you decide to, I'll have to cut mine back a bit, and we can measure them to see who has the biggest one... LMAO... PONY TAI - That is!!

Ya know... That image may help out in those Balcony Fantasies!

Did you get a chance to visit the site info I sent you on aneurym narratives and support?

Vegas! :cool:
I was going to apologize for my sister on the last post but forgot! Go figure.:( :( SO I am officially apologizing now. I am sorry if anyone was offended by what she said and did. I only pretty much knew about being locked in Bob and Gerrys car before sure had a chance to put the hood up on her jacket so she wouldn't get wet. Didn't know what happened exactly at that end of the table. It was I guess more peaceful but fun down at our end. Looking forward to seeing you all!

So Perry you went on adventure. Do you get lost that often in the boonies around here?:) Would still like to get together with you and your wife to have lunch sometime.

See Hank! I'm remembering to log off now. :D

Take care!
Hi Lorraine

No apologies needed here. It's nice to know that we can let loose once in a while, right? ;). Will be the first one to admit that I was not on my usual behavior. Been awhile since I have gotton out. Had a good time too!

Was a pleasure meeting you and your sister. Hopefully the Chicago bunch can get together before next year.

Planning on coming home for Thanksgiving, not sure yet. In any case hopefully we can all meet.

Talk soon.
Mini-Reunion Chicago Style

Mini-Reunion Chicago Style


Glad you brought this up to Lorraine. CRS! Of course, I forgot we had been discussing Grandpa's in Glenview. I do remember you said you knew or were related to the previous owners? Even so, Grandpa's would be a bit quieter than the Glenview House for starters and/or dinner like on Friday or Saturday. 11/23 or 24. We could pub-crawl over to the Glenview House afterwards.

I'll look forward to it. And, this will also present an opportunity for you and Lorraine to meet to meet my wife, Kathie.

How about it Mara? Come on up to Chicago.
Hi Perry

Hi Perry

Yes, Grandpa's. The previous owners are good friends of the family. Have not been since they changed ownership...actually hear it is better than ever.

Will have a good idea in a few weeks if we will be coming for sure.
Keep you posted.
The hubby said he will be your German interpreter. If it gets hairy... he has friends that are more versed than himself and can translate anything you wish.
Talk soon
Take care,
It was great meeting everyone in Nashville. And to think I almost didn't make it due to scheduling. I wouldn't miss Vegas for anything next year. Just give me a date and I will make my reservations while the prices are still down.

My apologies Mr. Gleason (aka Balcony Bob), on the temporary laps in memory and not recognizing you the instant we met. Although, I will think of your words of wisdom every time I look at a Balcony.

Hank and Michelle it was great to see you again. This time instead of the mine freak following us, it was the weird flower lady.

Dick and Kay. You two are great. Thanks for the Cigar Dick. By the way, who would win.. you or your little brother?

Bob and Gerry. Wonderful meeting you two. Look forward to our next meeting in Vegas. Hey I didn't mean to tick the lady of in the hotel bar Friday night, you could have taken her.

Janie... sweet Janie. What can I say...told you I was soft. My wife was impressed that you were able to embarrass me. Looking forward to seeing you again.

Billy Well when we first began to talk here on I told you I couldn't picture you as "Billy". I was wrong again, Billy fits you to a tee. It was great meeting you sir. I will remember (and use) some of the Irish slang terms you taught me.

I felt sorry for Gina after hearing that she danced with Balcony Bob. Your toes have to be sore. Great meeting you.

Perry.. how again did you get lost onto a TN backroad? Was there an exit on the interstate that called your name? At least you made it home safely. Can't wait to meet your wife and see you again in Vegas.

Tammy and David. Great meeting you, but don't work to hard on the house. It will get done when it gets done. You guys will have to send me some pictures of your place when it is finished.
Lorraine, short jokes aside, it was wonderful to meet you and your companions.

Robthatsyou & Cristi. It was great to finally make it happen so we could meet. After the two attempts while you were working in Ft Wayne, Indiana (45 minutes from my house). Cindy and I finally catching up to you 45 minutes from yours. You two are great. Cindy and I look forward to getting together with you guys again.

I am at a loss for words to explain how much meeting everyone meant to my wife and I. We are planning on making the reunion an annual vacation for us. Although, my son made me promise to take him to Vegas. (That makes me nervous, lol)

God Bless all,

Ben & Cindy Smith
INR Wuss

INR Wuss

In honor of all of my brave new friends who let Hank test their Protimes
last Friday evening, I went to my clinic yesterday afternoon and got mine
checked two weeks earlier than scheduled.

Results: INR=3.4 (high, but in my safe range).

Can't figure this one out...I lost weight in Nashville! I wonder if there's any correlation between weight loss and getting lost while driving?
I tested an almost perfect 2.9 in Nashville Sat. on Hankie's Protime. I forgot to test before I went to the gym yesterday so I tested after I got home and tested 2.4 on my Coag. I'm going to retest today because I have not been under 2.7 in about 9 months.

I'm not sure if it was Nashville or the gym that did me in.
Don't know if you all caught my INR upon returning. 4.6. ooops. As some of you know I have serious swings upon coming within a foot of high vitamin k foods:mad:

What usually works for me.... is to go up 1mg for the day upon consuming larger amounts.

This theory has worked great in the past but I have never #1 did it two days in a row #2 consumed more than just one or two glasses of wine within that time period.

Looks like it would have been better left alone this time. Did not want to run the risk of getting too low.

I am with Hank a few others here....more comfortable between 3.5 - 4.0. Especaily with the Mitral Valve. The risks of hemorrhage are very low and reservable. Clots on the other hand are not.
I noticed when I got home I had a lot of bruising all over my arms. I was concerned that my INR had gone up too high. I too went to my doctors office and had another Coagucheck INR done. It was 2.7. That was down from Fridays 3.1 and last Wednesday 3.7. I thought you would bruise more if it was higher, unless first I got the bruises, then I ate some greens and then that lowered it. I'm with you Gina and Hank. I rather have it closer to 4.0. I'm leary when it goes down and I know I my dose is high enough. I did try to watch it with the drinking too.

Perry, you lost weight getting lost on the back roads? :D :D I think I'll try that.:) By the way, I think a mini-reunion would be nice. Gina knows the area so we know she won't get lost(TEE! HEE!)
I'm not real familiar with that particular area but I've got a good sense of direction. Don't worry guys, I won't invite my sister! I guess that was a bad call!:eek: on my part for Nashville.

By the way Ben, I didn't hear about the short jokes! That okay, I was thinking I was in the land of the Jolly Green Giants! :p :eek: :D. Well, maybe not green. It was a pleasure to have met you and Cindy too, Ben.


I tested last night and I am up to an INR of 5.4. I guess need to eat more green stuff. Or take alternating 7.5mg/6mg instead of 7.5mg every day.

Still, I would rather have 5.4 instead of 2.0 :D


And you indulged pretty well in the greens this past weekend as I recall! Yep, 5 something is better than 2.0 for sure.

Hank, have you tried a straight dose consistently? When I was really jumping all over they had me altranating throughout the week. Then if that did not work they would change the dose again never giving me the opportunity to level out.
Doing better with myself.

Just a thought.

Know your on top of it cheif:D
Straight Coumadin dose

Straight Coumadin dose

I have been on 7.5mg (yellow ones) a day for a week and a half now and that's what gave me the 5+ INR. I will test daily for the next few days and see what it does.

none of this would be possible without the ProTime. Home monitoring is the ONLY way to go. ProTime or Coaguchek doesn't matter really - just being able to take care of it myself is a wonderful feeling.
Well.....I hope you guys figure out this INR thing for the next reunion! Possible???? I say not after watching Robs go all over the place. But, we don't want that to keep you from enjoying yourselves in Vegas.

Perry, your lucky to make it out of Tenn. back roads in one piece! There are movies about that! I think you have a guardian angel.
Ben and Cindy, I hope we get to see you before Vegas. You and Rob have a special connection. It was great meeting you. Dick and Kay, I hope you do let us know when you are in town, we would love to get together. Lorraine, you are in one of my favorite cities... I love "Roses" penne ala vodka. Have some for me. Balconey Bob And Ben...well....whats up with that?

Ben and Dick, invite Cindy and Kay to the significant others forum from me.
Balconey Bob will have to explain that nickname.
I think Janie said it right, in person thingie.

As soon as I get my PC at home hooked up, I will show Cindy where the Significant Others Forum is located.
Cristi, yes we should plan another weekend sometime so we can get together again.

Take care,

I Would like to have the home testing unit for convenience. I didn't even feel the stick Hank gave me. My INR was low in Nashville at 1.7 but I can guarentee it was because it was evening and by AM it was probably back to 2.7. I stay on a steady dosage and don't worry about it. I try to live my life how I want and I don't watch what I eat or drink. Hey its worked for 12 years. I don't drink alot but if I did I would worry more about having 10 drinks than eating a salad. The only thing my Doctor warned me about was drinking too much, it takes alot of vitamin K to effect INR in most people but everyone is different. Believe it or not you won't feel the urge to be tested 3 times a day or even 3 times a week in 10 or 12 years. At least I hope not. LOL.
My goal is to keep my INR at 3.0, I should be able to accomplish that goal. Everyone is different and no one knows their body like yourself. Relax.

MVR 04/06/89


I?m so happy for everyone who was able to make it to Nashville! There is a very special bond between us that is felt in an awesome way when we meet in person. Like Hank said, ?The only way one could know the feeling of being with such people is to be there personally.? I can hardly wait to meet everyone in Las Vegas.

And I WILL be in Vegas... ?you can bet your bottom dollar on it?! :)

Where?s the Nashville pictures?! :confused:

Rain, we all really missed you! I will be at the Las Vegas Reunion so I know I'll meet you then. I never experienced such a great feeling, such a bond, like I felt meeting my fellow clickers in Nashville. I thought I clicked loud, but there were a few that I could definitely hear more than myself.

Tammy, After seeing Hanks Protime in action, I for sure will tell my doctor to write me a prescription for it when I see him. I believe my insurance will pay for it. I love the idea of being able to monitor myself instead of waiting until when ever the doctors office tells me to come in. Right now it's been every two weeks.

ChristiD, I will most certainly have one of those drinks, especially if Gina,Perry, his wife and I get together around Thanksgiving. I believe they were discussing some place in Glenview?

Hey Rain....You were definitely missed! You better be in Vegas:D
Hope we don't have to send the troops after you.

You can blame me for the untimely non-arrival of the Nashville pictures. Tracy needs to show me the camera computer/interface thing. Would have given it a whril myself but the cable is in his briefcase.

Tonight, 'hopefully' they will be off to Hankypoo. Still have a whole summers worth of vacation pictures on there as well, ooops.

Hope all is well with you. Drop me an email when you have time.

Talk soon
Hi Lorraine,

Penne ala Vodka sounds like a good drink...but it is actually the best pasta dish! Penne pasta with a creamy vodka sauce...Yum! I have had it at Roses, either downtown Chicago or in Little Italy. If you go, you have to have this dish. Really good bread too. Do you know the place?

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