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Did anyone catch the article in the 'Parade' Sunday magizine in the newspaper on 'Nanotechnology'? Scary but promising for future sickies like us.

If you didnt it is about a technology of self replicating, man made machines, that are 1000 times smaller than a human hair; It is a made made 'virus , so-to-speak'; "Tiny Repborts that can crawl through your arteries cutting away atherosclerotic plaque"...Amoung other things. The authors name is Michael Richton. He has a novel out called 'Prey'. I am going to get sounds fascinating to me.

hi dave!
funny you should mention that... i love michael crighton and just today bought that new book "prey". it sounds interestingly creepy. please let me know how you like it. i'm reading another one first and then onto that one.
chat with you after.
be well, sylvia
To boldly go......yada yada yada

To boldly go......yada yada yada

Sounds like the "nanites" from Star Trek Next Generation a few years back?

Hey Ross Re the new avatar: Watch out for "keyboard face!"