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I'm here

I'm here

Hi all-

Since Joe got out of the hospital, I've been swamped with all kinds of medical things for him and he needs a lot of help.

He's still not out of the woods, but is improving slowly. His body took a tremendous, tremendous hit with the bleedout he had after gallbladder surgery, and he's still in what I would term semi-shocky condition. His blood pressure is all over the place from 85 over whatever, to 145 over whatever. He's packing an enormous amount os ascitic fluid. The poor guy looks as if he's 9 months pregnant and is extremely uncomfortable. They can't do an abdominal tap, because the fluid which would be removed is essentially part of his body fluid needed to sustain life, and they can't give him diuretics the way they want to because his bloodpressure is so unstable. So, he's on Lasix with a little bit of aldactone to help, but he's only on half his usual amount of Lasix.

He has doctor's appointments galore and all kinds of bloodwork and tests to boot, plus Visiting Nurses 3 times a week, and in-home Pro-time draws. Tomorrow he has an echo to make sure his heart is OK. So far (at least as much as we know today) he has no fluid around his heart, and the heart sounds are clear.

His appetite is not where it should be because of the ascities, but he's really trying to eat because right now, that's very important.

All doctors have said that he'll recover fully and the body will eventually absorb the ascitic fluid and his blood pressure will stabilize, but because of the situation, it will be a slow recovery.

His spirits are a little down, but he's getting cranky, and that's usually a good sign. I guess frustration with the slow pace is getting to my triple Type A (get it done NOW) man.

I have read almost all of the posts, but can't linger too long on the puter because there are a lot of call-backs that are coming in.

Plus, I have to mow the lawn, which is, you can guess, last on my list, LOL.

I'll be back.:)
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Dear Nancy:

Please call someone, and have them mow the lawn. There are times when you've just got to throw caution to the wind.

Taking care of Joe, means that you also must take care of yourself. Without you in good physical and emotional health, he will not recover as quickly or as well.

I am sorry to hear that Joe's recovery is so prolonged. It certainly sounds like you both have your hands full. I know that the days I was at home with my husband when he was recovering, justs seemed to fly by. Just making all of those meals in a day, keeping the house up, having company....whew. So many people offered to help......I remember wishing that they just brought a meal with em when they came. The phone calls, etc.........if it hasn't hit you yet, it will. So in the meantime, cherish yourself just a wee bit. Give Joe our best, and as always, Nancy, you have our best wishes and thoughts as well.

Dear Nancy - So very sorry to hear that Joe is having such a time in getting past this last surgery and that puts you on duty 24/7 even more than usual. Please take care of yourself and rest as you can. We know that you will both be ok given time but will be sending prayers for the two of you. Just take care of yourself, too. And if we don't hear, we can post a SOS to find out what's going on. Love to you both and God bless. Hensylee
Perhaps I owe you an apology. I know how stressed you must be.
We get a little overboard when we don't hear from you, so please forgive us for being a little obnoxious. I know I mean well and so does everyone else. ;)
hi nancy!
i'm sorry to hear that joe is having a slow time recovering from this last surgery.
i hope he's not feeling any pain. i'm so sorry you both have to go through this.
please try and get some rest as you can when joe does. we're no good to them when we can't hold our heads up or keep our eyes open.
i wish you and joe all the best and a speedy recovery. thanks for taking the time to let us know how things are. please try and keep us posted.
you are both in our thoughts and prayers.
God bless, sylvia
Hey Nancy, like others here, I hope you are taking care of yourself during all of this.

Sorry to hear about Joe's battle with the fluid buildup. I had a battle with the ascites myself, and they hit me too aggressively with the diuretics. They [surgical team] were trying to take it all off in a couple of days, and I got kind of sick because my electrolytes got all screwed up. Once they slowed down on the diuretics, I felt much better. While my condition wasn't as pronounced as Joe's, I'm sure they'll get him dried out and he'll feel a lot better.

You both are in my thoughts and wishes...take care.
Hi Nancy,

I just wanted to say that I'm thinking about you and hoping that all will soon be much better with your hubby's situation. Hang in there, and please, take a break from posting and take care of yourself!!


I've been away from the website for several weeks taking care of some of my own health problems (and feeling too down to communicate with anyone).

But I just checked in and was sorry to hear that Joe is still struggling and that life is so stressful for you too.

I sure hope things start to ease up soon so you'll both feel much better.

Just a quick note to say that I hope things are improving for you and Joe.

Things have been difficult for you both recently, but better days are ahead! I hope they arrive soon.

Ron K
Good to hear from you!

Good to hear from you!

Nancy , Boy I was getting worried. I look for you all the time. Sounds like you have your hands full. Hope you have some help.Take care of yourself too. I agree let someone else mow the lawn. I can imagine going to the doctors and just taking care of Joe is a lot of work. Get some rest. All will get better. My thoughts are with you. Will be looking to see you on the web again.

update on Joe

update on Joe

Joe went to the cardiologist today. He had had his echocardiogram last week, just to make sure that everything was OK with his heart. Everything looks great, all the valves are working very well. So the old ticker weathered the heavy storm. His lab work is looking better and the doc was able to up the diuretics to help with the ascitic fluid. His belly is still large, but not as rigid, and he feels better and is eating better.

So it looks as if ole Joe has dodged another big bullet.

Hey Joe-get out of Dodge, will you, please.
hi nancy!
i was so glad to read that joe is doing better. hopefully the rest of his recovery will be an easy one. wishing you both all the best and some rest. you've both had a long haul!
stay well and God bless, sylvia
Hang in there Joe and Nancy. Some experiences are not as easy as others. You both have been through the valley and are again climbing the mountain.

We are always available to be of assistance at any time.

Hope that everyone can make it to Vegas this fall.

God Bless!
What good news! I hope all these posts are an encouragement to you, as you always are to us. I'll always remember how you inquired after Jerry's condition and gave me some good advice. Even though we had lots of good family & friends here it was nice to have someone who had personally been through it to show some interest.
Lots of Good Friends on this website!

Lots of Good Friends on this website!

Nancy, I've read all the posts and agree with all of them.
I look back at my surgery now, and my family and my friends were there, but it was all of you guys that got me by each day!!

It's always better to talk to someone who has gone through a heart surgery like yours.

Keep up your strength and tell Joe to keep getting better.

Syl:D :D :D