My thoughts and a prayer request

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Hang in there! Yes, there is a reason for all things, but we mortals may never understand them. We're here thinking of you and praying for you.

Glad test results so far are OK, but please keep us posted. Even benign bumps may be indicators for other issues that you can deal with. As you say, once the infection is dealt with, you can re-assess the situation and move ahead again.

You also make a good point in that now may be a good time to dial back the training a notch until things are again under control. I've had to make similar adjustments from time to time -- my wife convinced me that I'm not a kid anymore (and my cardio seems to agree, drat it!).
Dear Mark - I just saw your first post and it was distressing to me and I know to everybody else because you have been so healthy all along - running and winning. How could you get sick? Just not right.

When we have a growth of any kind, we all run to the big C answer but usually it isn't that, as you now know. I went through it, too when a 'mass' was found, but like you, I had faith and knew it wasn't that, even tho the doctors said "I am sorry" and had somber faces.

Mayhap, God, in his infinite wisdom was trying to give you a message to slow it down some. Smell those roses. Get better and better. And you have my prayers - every day.

You may have to get those stones crushed one of these days, but I have seen my brother go through it a few times and though it isn't pleasant, it's bearable. Please keep us informed as to how things go.

We are always here to listen when you want us to.

Thank you for sharing your vulnerability with us. When someone with as much drive, strength, and zest for life and health can show such humility and trust, it makes all of us stronger that we can share in your burden a little.

I wish you the very best results from what you are facing now.

Best wishes,
Mark your in my prayers and know you aren't alone the same thing is happening to me well almost.....Last Saturday I saw blood in my urine and the pain.......I was so scared I didn't even tell my husband because he worries so much so now I went Friday to the doctor and he's having me do blood and urine tests and also a ecograf of my kidney as I have a mobile right kidney after my pregnancies.Hope all your test go well and be sure I'm saying a prayer for you and you are in my thoughts,best,Shana

I've never forgotten the support you gave me awhile back, now let me "carry" you. Fear no evil. God is with you, working through you for His purpose. Your family will be under His hand, as will your life. Have faith, keep hoping and never be afraid to express yourself openly here. We love you, as you can tell.
Hi Mark - You've got a lot of support Mark and a lot of prayers. This has got to be a scary time for you, but you can do it. Its like the hill at the end of a marathon - not fun to do, but you know you can do it and get it behind you. We'll all be pulling for you and wishing you the best. Chris
Hi Mark

Hi Mark

I hope and am praying for you..that you have good news by now... :) Please let us know...We all love you. :) Bonnie


I will be praying for you, too. Just hope the blood in your urine is a UTI..Women are prone to get those. :eek: :eek: ..I had my first one, 3 months after my surgery. Scared me to death..but, meds, cleared it up in a day or two. :) Take care and let us know. Bonnie...

Glad to hear the intial reaction is benign and the blood test is okay. Prayers are with you especially in the coming days and months.

Results Thurs/Fri - Yikes :eek: "Look see" - Double Yikes :eek: :eek:

Hang in there.
Hi 'My Friends'
I am sitting here reading your replies; and looking out the window speechless, or should I say 'word-less'. Thank you so much.

Some good news and some not so good news. I found out yesterday the tumors taken out were benign. The one was a little bigger than I thought. About 3.5 centimeters. The doctors would like to go inside and look, but due too the on going infection they are staying away from that for the time being. They cut back after day 10 on the anti-biotics, but within a day and half the nausea, stomach and lower abdominal pain was back. The large tumor may have been causing some of the kidney pain I have been feeling. Right now I am off work for another week minimum. I have been in the emergency room twice now, and as of this morning the bleeding from the incision still has not stopped. It has been 6 days now. Yesterday I became so swollen from the blood under the incision, it broke two stiches, one on each incision and the smaller incision opened up. A blood clot was removed, and more stiches put in. (this is pretty nasty ...) A vessel evidently was cut during the initial surgery, and most likely due to my coumadin does now want to coagulate (spelling) Yesterday, the room they had me in looked like a stabbing had taken place! :D As I was laying on my stomach, I could hear the clicking of my heart valve, and feel the warm blood in rythem shooting out my side. :eek: The doctor asked me if I was getting light headed. I told her not as long as I'm laying here. They took out a few stiches and put in more. If the incision keeps seeping, they will be taking all the stiches out, and go exploring for the artery to coterize in the next 24 hours. At this point they are reluctant to stop the coumadin. I am not bleeding to death, but the incision does not want to heal shut. Crazy huh?
Oh well, a lot worse could befall me, so what the heck. I am very worried about all this time off. I have no sick leave. This will be a tough go, but God provides.
Thank you again everyone for your prayers and kind words. I'll be fine. You all have been a inspiration to my faith. The time down has been a blessing. My running shoes though will continue to be used every other day, (after a good nights rest) and are no longer my 'idol'. God and I have had a few talks, and I have done a lot listening to him lately. My cousin; a good Christian man; said, "Mark, God has hit you with stick. Don't wait for him to have to hit you with bat!" Good advice I would say. Through all this, and my prior heart surgery, I see now more then ever, why I married my beautiful wife Charyl.
I have not run for two day, and it did not kill me or cause a nervous break down! I even spent the day cutting back and winterizing and fertalizing over a dozen rose bushes around my yard. Is that like taking the time to smell the roses or what!?

God bless all of you. My love goes out to each of
of you. (am I getting sensitive or what :D )

Oh, good, just the post I was looking for when I came on now. I know we've all been concerned and were waiting for news. Glad to hear from you and that the bigger picture is good. I'm sorry that the "smaller" picture of healing is causing problems.

Thank you for being so candid and open about your thoughts. We all have lessons to learn from one another, and I thank you for the one you are teaching through this experience you are having now.

Mark Wagner said:
The moral of this story is pushing yourself on 3 and 4 hours of sleep a night will put you in bad way. With my long hours on no sleep, plus the heavy running has probably knocked my immune system down some. I think learning to say "no" and pacing myself will be my new motto.

Thanks again everyone. I'll let you know the good news in the next week.


Meanwhile, I'm so glad to read the tumors were benign - although the bleeding issue sounds like it was a bit of a drama. Still, as Karlynn pointed out, a minor drama in the grand scheme.

I'll be keeping the positive thoughts flowing your way,
Anna : )
Thank you, Mark, for letting us know how you are and the results. The benign-ness is good news but the blood-letting isn't so good. Please take care of yourself and keep us posted. How heartening it is to hear you say how much you love and appreciate your wife. I love hearing that from husbands.
Mark -

i just wanted to add that you were one of my inspirations before my surgery and during my recovery. You continue to be a source of inspiration.

My prayers and best wishes for your recovery...

Hey, if it hasn't been done yet, CHECK KIDNEY FUNCTION!

I get various types of pains/cramps from the diuretics I'm on from time to time usually because my electrolytes are a little off kilter. Usually it goes away with a banana or on occassion Gatorade and almost always after laying down for a little while.

Granted, that's not as serious as what you're experiencing, but I wouldn't be surprised if poor kidney function led to some of those other things.

Got a pair of questions though,

"my coumadin, 80 mg aspirin,"

You're on both? Would think that just makes your blood even "thinner" than just coumadin alone...


That's usually for treating either seizures or "nerve pain"

Just wondered...

Hope you can track all of it down quickly and that nothing serious comes of it.

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