My old hound dog - Miss Sally Sue

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Loved your picture! Lovely daughter and the doggie is part of the family, it's plain to see.

Dogs are so much fun. Just before Joe's surgery, his little companion Shih Tzu died of cancer, and his only wish for after surgery was to get another Shih Tzu puppy. We did and she's adorable. Harriet is her name. But the little dogs couldn't be more different in temperament. The dog who passed away was extremely intelligent and docile, almost human. This little puppy is a tomboy and the most active puppy I've come into contact with. Joe can't handle her she's so active and gets into EVERYTHING.

Today is her grooming day, and I let her out just before the appt. to do her business, (we have a large completely fenced in yard) she discovered something extremely rancid, and came back in very proud and stinky. Had to give her a sponge bath before her real bath at the groomers. The groomer diagnosed it as possum p---. We live in a heavily wooded area. Yuck! Well, she'll come back smelling like a rose, I'm sure. For how long is anybody's guess. Have to keep that gal on a leash even in the yard.

Yup, dogs are fun.
As long as we're talking furkids, here are mine - Molly and Jesse.
What would we do without our animals - all unconditional love and lots of smiles added to each day. I think they're really angels in disguise. Pretty good costumes don't you think?

Thanks to Hank for the "avatar" photo, too. That's me and husband Mike.
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Those are the sweetest babies I have seen yet. As Nancy said, that dogs are the best medicine, my mother had pomeranian, she was so sweet, her name was Sugar. My mother had RA and Sugar prolonged her life by three years. They are miracle workers and healers. You take good care of these babies. They are adorable. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
You never know what they're going to find in the back yard. Mine currently have an obsession with eating bird seed out of the snow that has fallen below the bird feeder. Not like I starve them. I made "pizza treat" dog biscuits for Christmas for them.

After my father died of a suddenly bursting aortic aneurysm in 1995, my mother in her loneliness dropped in to the local animal shelter and found a very scared and shivering little buff cocker spaniel named "Baby." (When Baby's with my own, they look like triplets). Short story is that Baby and Mom both saved each other's lives and have shared so much love since that time. Mom couldn't have gotten on without her.

When my 14-year-old cocker spaniel Emily died in 1996, it was the biggest blow and hardest time of my life. I set out hoping to find "Emily" somehow reincarnated in a new puppy. I ended up with Molly and Jesse - brother and sister from the same litter (I figured it took two to make up for Emily). I didn't get Emily back, but Molly and Jesse are their own little persons. Each has his or her own personality. It's often hard to go from the "old" dog who has over the years become perfectly adapted to your lifestyle and habits to the young puppy. Gradually, you come to love the new ones as much as the old, though I still grieve deeply for my dear Emily. They are each precious in their own way and have their own endearing peculiarities and unique personalities.

I love those names "Harriet" and "Sally Sue." They make me laugh!
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Brag time

Brag time

Hey..I don't carry arround many pictures of my wonderful kids or handsome grandson..but I show pictures of my dog Maxx at the drop of a milkbone!! To bad I have no cclue on how to scan and post one. Maxx is a rescued Greyhound..a true 40 mile an hour couch potato!! He fits in perfectly with our life style. He is also a therapy dog and goes to a local nuursing home and retirement home..hopefully he will soon qualify to go to hospitals as well.He is a huge (for a greyhound) handsome and very brindled grey who only ran 13 races and came in last or next to last in each one.He was born and raced in Florida..aand can't wait to run in the snow that is falling here in North Carolina. OK..I'll stop now..sorry..just had to brag a little:eek:
Hey, Joan, now we understand your name "Maxximom". Dogs' (and other animals) healing qualities are underscored by how much they can give as therapy animals. How wonderful that you and Maxx do that kind of work!
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Second families are what they are, actually. The kids grow up, leave, we miss them, but don't want them to come home, then we replace them (sort of) with our wonderful animals who give us unconditional love, don't ask anything of us except our loyalty and care. And they don't talk back - much.
My furkids do talk back sometimes, but at least I don't have to send them to college!:D

Send me an e-mail and I'll give you my address so you can snail-mail me Maxx's picture. I'll scan it for you for nothin' and send it on to Hank to post. I promise I'll send the original back to you too.

I'll do this because I too believe in the healing powers of animals. Gyzmo knows!

JenniferO, that's a great shot of Molly and Jesse!

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Maxx's picture

Maxx's picture

Thank you Perry..I just sent you a kind of you!! Maxx is so sweet and handsome..the whole world deserves to see him:) Well at any rate the whole Valvereplacement world!! LOL!!I will send the picture out to you as soon as we get dug out of the big 6" snow fall we have here in the sunny south!! They have no idea what to do when it snows we will be house bound for the next day or two. Thanks again!!
Oh my gosh! I couldn't pass up this chance to show my puppies! A Lab-Huskie mix who is my "girlfriend" named Ebony and her little buddie, a Shi Tzu that is aptly named! Her name is CiCi, a left behind from my daughter who is now Ebie's best bud! What would I do without them? They knew when I came home from surgery that jumping on me was diffinitely a no-no. They were just all love and attention. We also have a little mixed breed, Lady, that is 14,partially blind, deaf and in the early stages of doggie Alhziemers. Bless her heart! She is in no pain that we know of so her and I hobble along together when my knees act up. We also have two kitties, Kitty Girl and Kitty Boy (original huh?) They are all indoor animals so needless to say I give our vacuum a really good workout!! We are fortunate to live on 12 acres so we have lots of running room and always a little excitment what with deer, racoons and wild turkeys to keep everyone entertained.
Oh my gosh! I couldn't pass up this chance to show my puppies! A Lab-Huskie mix who is my "girlfriend" named Ebony and her little buddie, a Shi Tzu that is aptly named! Her name is CiCi, a left behind from my daughter who is now Ebie's best bud! What would I do without them? They knew when I came home from surgery that jumping on me was diffinitely a no-no. They were just all love and attention. We also have a little mixed breed, Lady, that is 14,partially blind, deaf and in the early stages of doggie Alhziemers. Bless her heart! She is in no pain that we know of so her and I hobble along together when my knees act up. We also have two kitties, Kitty Girl and Kitty Boy (original huh?) They are all indoor animals so needless to say I give our vacuum a really good workout!! We are fortunate to live on 12 acres so we have lots of running room and always a little excitment what with deer, racoons and wild turkeys to keep everyone entertained.
Sorry everyone for the double post! One of these days I'll figure this computer out! Attaching a file is my downfall as you can see. There was supposed to be one but I don't know what happened to it! LOL
My two "girlfriends"!

My two "girlfriends"!

I am not a transplant! Born and raised in Ohio with a few stints in California and Connecticut. Always came home! What was I thinking!
Cookie's kids

Cookie's kids

Okay, I'm trying to directly post the photo for Cookie in the thread. Hope it works. I don't have the hang of gauging the size so not sure what we'll get.

That's a lucky brood to have 12 acres to luxuriate in.
Jennifer, that is great. Now, if you would be so kind, tell me how you do that! My computer ghuru son lives in LA now and I fumble along learning from mistakes.

Go to the "Support" forum and click on the thread recently started by Peter Easton called "uploading photos yet again". It's spelled out there as well as I could tell you here. The only thing I don't get is what size 300x300 pixels is as my Adobe Photo software gives me size options in inches and only resolution in pixels.

The one thing I did do was to first save your photo as a .jpeg file rather than a .bmp before I inserted it into the post.