Hello Len. Yes, please come to us any time with any question or concern or need. That is what makes this place so very special.
About your having to wait. It does make things more frustrating! I had a vaguely similar experience and it all turned out perfectly fine. For me, after waiting for 2 years for my "numbers" to be bad enough for AVR, I suddenly came home with a bad annual mammogram. Also being in my early 50's I'd procrastinated about a benchmark colonsocopy and had finally scheduled one. So suddenly I was faced with 3 things that needed attention. Mentally I was all set to have my AVR in January, so I went to see my PCP to help me iron out everything onto a manageable time table (manageable for ME, emotionally!). I ended up having my AVR in mid April (a 3 month wait). The surgical biopsy for the breast required that I be put under and my anesthesiologist was not happy having to deal with what he considered a "critically" stenotic patient. That did not help my confidence level, let me tell you. But once that was over, we gave things a 2 month rest, I scheduled my angiogram for March (my doctors seem to be different and require the angio quite a bit upfront of the surgery). I took a vacation with my husband, had a lovely spring break with my kids home from college, etc..
While no doctor told me to per se.....having read lots of info here at vr.com.....while I waited those 3 months I was very careful with myself. I did not lift any luggage on that trip, I did not go to any thriller type movies, I got completely off coffee and other caffeinated things. I did not want my blood pressure doing anything acrobatic for me while I waited. I really crawled into a little protective cocoon. I'm hoping you might see the sense of evaluating how you spend your waiting time, too.
So if you are going to have to wait, do try to make the best of it and fill it with memorable, life-loving moments for yourself. You can take those strengths into the operating room and they will serve you well.
Good luck and keep us posted, please!