My High Cholesterol blog/diary

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2008
South FL
I have high cholesterol. Before AVR surgery, my total cholesterol was over 600. The cardiologist said in his 25 years of practicing he hasn't ever seen cholesterol this high. Since then, and after taking half a 145mg Tricor my cholesterol has gone down to 250 (I'm taking the full 145 mgs now). Two weeks ago, I tested and my cholesterol and it went up to 295. My problem is this, I eat because the oxygen isn't going to my head so I need energy. When I eat my cholesterol goes up. I like to life weights, so I eat protein to repair my muscles. Foods with protein have cholesterol. Recently, the doctor has put on Zetia (10mg). I must say after taking Zetia I breathe better and don't have as huge an urge to eat constantly. I know what I should eat, but don't. I don't eat fast food, but I have eliminated all cold cuts out of my diet. Hopefully, my cholesterol will go down. Just wanted to share. I am very happy with Zetia. Peace
best wishes on Zetia. cutting out cold cuts and things with lots of fat will help to reduce your cholesterol. I also read labels to see how much fat is in the product. HOpe it continues to be of help to you. I took Zetia for about 8 or 9 years.
I understand that the liver makes most of your cholesterol and that very little of what you eat makes a difference to your cholesterol levels. I lift weights too, heavy weights, and eat proteins and fats, good fats, a lot, I have diabetes so have a low carb diet. My cholesterol is high (274) but my HDL is very good - 104 - and my triglycerides very low - 44 - so my endocrinologist and cardiologist aren't concerned and I take nothing to reduce it. Mind you, over 600 sounds like that familialhypercholesterimia (spelling ?).
First of all, I have members of my family who can beat 600 untreated, so don't feel too bad.


Second of all, it is almost impossible to get that much cholesterol through what you eat.

You need to get more information from your doctor in order to treat this properly.

What are your triglicerides?

What is your LDL vs HDL?

What is your family history--anyone suffer heart attack, heart disease, etc..

Even getting it down to 250-295 is not going to work for you. You need to get serious
and get it below 150, with an LDL at 100 or less.

Also, if you've been carrying around a cholesterol count of 600 for most of your adult life, you have a high
probability of some stage of heart disease--that stuff tends to stick to your arteries. I would have some kind
of heart stress test as a base to measure against as you get older.

There are so many good proteins you can eat that don't have a lot of cholesterol---beans and legumes come to mind immediately.

Also, lean protein like fish and chicken breast (no skin) are not going to raise your cholesterol.

Saturated fat is much more important than cholesterol. Try to minimize the amount of saturated fat in
your diet (cheese, fried foods, fatty meat like hot dogs, hamburgers, creamt salad dressing, whole milk
products, etc.).

I don't know how old you are, but I'm 55 and have been fighting this my entire life. It's never too soon
to do all you can to control this serious health problem.
You've got to remember too that LDL is a calculated value. Only the total cholesterol, HDL and triglycerides are accurate measurements. To get an accurate LDL measurement you have to have a 'Direct LDL' test. Some people would have a particle size test too.