My grandkids and I.

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001

Just wanted you to see my cute grandkids. Their names are Pieter & Anika. We were waiting for the ferry to cross over to Washington state. The person in the background is my daughter Danielle.

Adorable Pictures@@

Adorable Pictures@@


Great pictures, what a good idea to put on the site for all of us to see.
hi christina!
what a beautiful family you have! thank you for letting us take a peek.
by the way, my brother who was living in amsterdam, just moved to wassenaar. did you live near there? his girlfriend's family lives there.
hope you are feeling well.
all the best, groetjes,
How to put Image on site with post.

How to put Image on site with post.

Hi Christina, How did you get your picture to be put on the post?
Would appreciate some guidance.

Christina - The family looks great. I think I know where the kids get the good looks from.
Sylvia Geren,

I tried to get my thumbnail picture on the website myself, but there was something wrong and I was unable to do it. The Avators were turned off I believe Hank said, so I asked him to fix it for me, and he did. All you have to do is send him your picture ([email protected]) and he'll be more than happy to do it for you.
This is not a real good picture of me but at least you know what I look like approx.
I want to thank everyone for their kind comments about my famuily. I adore my grandkids but have to travel to Oregon to see them now. They used to live near me in Tucson, and I saw them several times a week. Big change for me.

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
Christina, My, but you look too young to have grandkids that age!!! Where in Oregon are they now? I am originally from Oregon and am always interested to hear of people in my home state!!!

Take care,