My first six month transplant anniversary today!

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Today, March 3rd, is my 6 month transplant anniversary so there's virtual champagne and cake for all :D.

Seems like it was yesterday I received the news that a new heart had become available and that it was mine to receive. The day, August 31st, is pretty foggy and it was pretty chaotic to get me from the hospital where I was being cared for down to where the actual transplant was to take place.
It still feels a dab unreal. Sometimes I even have to check my scars to be sure ;).

At the time of my operation I was so sick that there was no place to go but up. Recovery has been long and tidious at times but now I'm getting better and better. I might even contemplate returning to working-life before the summer (at a very modest pace of course) :).

The risk that you will encounter rejection decreases significantly after 3 months and then again after 6 months. By the time a year has passed since transplant rejection is almost unheard of.

My best to all,

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Hi Jessica,

Celebrate Indeed! I hope you have a very special day today. Congradulations to you and may you continue to gain and have good health for many years to come!

WOW! Jessica-

Seems like yesterday that we heard about your transplant. Nice going and cheers to you. May you have a long and from now on, uneventful life.
Hi Jessica,

Congratulations are definitely in order here! How Wonderful! This is a reason to celebrate! I want to make a toast "In Honor of your 6 month Anniversry. As each 6 months passes by may you continue to gain and have a healthier life! " :) Cheers!
Rob -- thanks... I truly hope for many years of good health. If I can't have it all I will settle for what I can get and do the most with it!

Nancy -- yeah, time passes quickly!! And uneventful is the keyword here :). Don't want anything particularly eventful to happen hereonafter after the kind of year I had 2001.I can hardly believe it myself... Towards the end I was so incredibly sick, yet only now do I know HOW sick I actually was :rolleyes:. But perhaps that is nothing but a blessing...

Lorraine -- thanks for the toast! To toast to our health is definately in order here :).

/Jessica :D
Hi Jessica,

Congratulations! It was like yesterday that we heard about your transplant and now it's 6 months later. Time goes so quickly.
I hope you'll have many, many more years of great health.
Keep us posted on how you're doing. We care!

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Dear Jessica - I remember it well. And we were all so scared for you til we knew you were going to be alright. Here's a dozen red roses and a bunch of air kisses to you. It is my pleasure to know you - you are a part of heart history and you wear it well. May God always be on your side.

Another milestone!!

Another milestone!!

Atta girl, Jess!!! Please see my short story for you on the Webmd board. Best of all things to you! Zipper *~*
I want to add our sincerest congratulations! I remember when I first read that you had been placed on the transplant list. Scared the devil out of me. You were included in our prayers every day. I am so grateful that God has placed the wisdon into such competent people...heart surgeons, researchers, and all of the medical profession in general. If it weren't for God's grace, and His abundant mercy............

May He continue to hold you in his hands.


Wayne and Marybeth


Congratulations, Svensk flicka!

You've come a long way and deserve every award they could give out for your accomplishments.


Hi Jessica

Here's to many more anniversaries and milestones. You have, made it to the top!

Congratulations. Keep the good work up!
hi jessica!
what a wonderful thing to celebrate!! i wish you a continued smooth recovery and many more wonderful years ahead.
i almost cried while reading your words. how thankful and lucky we are that we have these life-saving surgeries.

i'm so glad for you and feel so fortunate to be among the many here who can celebrate with you.
keep it up! be well, sylvia


Jessica, many warm wishes coming your way. May you have so many years of continued good health that all the memories really blend into your background memories. God bless.


With the years I sort of lost the sense of what having a normal heart is like. It was very weird that you could even get used to not having a "well-behaved" heart :rolleyes:.
Getting ready to live again took its time with me and was harder than I thought it would be. But now I feel up to the challenge :D.

All my best to everyone,

/Jessica :D