My Date Is Set!!

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chadh Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 24, 2010
Rockford, IL

My valve replacement is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9th at 9am. Trying to stay calm, but I know that it is all in God's hands. This site has been an incredible resouce for the time leading up to this. Not sure how I am feeling, anxious, nervous, scared, but then somewhere in my mind, looking forward to start feeling better and the healing.

You are a lucky man Chad to be getting this over with.I am still waiting for a surgery date.My post op is Nov 8 (monday) and maybe I will find out more then.So good luck to you and we will be looking for you on the other side of the mountain after Tuesday .Keep us informed how things went.
Relax, after all you'll be asleep the whole time and won't remember a thing. Honestly though, that is what got me through it. Once I realized it was 100% out of my hands, I was much better with it. G was a nervous wreck though. The last thing I remember is gargling some antiseptic mouthwash in the hospital bed, while in good spirits on that Wednesday morning. I woke up remember seeing G and my brothers at some point, woke up again and it was friday afternoon and my best friend was sitting with me, and I heard the ICU nurse mistake him for my husband. I was still a little confused so I just went back to sleep. I say all that to say make your preparations, And just enjoy your family this weekend. Have a meal with everyone you love. The Surgery is out of your hands, and the hard part is afterward.

Good Luck! I hope for a smooth recovery!