My Cardio visit today

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
This was a 6 month followup..I go twice a year with an echo once a year.I was tickled to see my cardio, the one that found my aneurysm. :D The last time I saw his partner. My cardio is now head of the Heart hospital next to our local hospital.He does not take new patients but sees his old ones...Of course, he is a big joker like me.. :p And has to tell me to be quiet when he listens to my heart. Said, everything was GREAT..but, took his hands and held my face and said, You have to exercise 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. :p :p I told him, I walked but he said, NO..The weather is not where you can walk everyday. He wanted me to start on an exercise machine. We have the thingy downstairs that you sit on and pull back and forth.Hubby does it everynight...So, I'm going to have hubby bring it upstairs...because our steps going downstairs are narrow and steep..and I would probably end up tripping and hitting my head. :eek: I seldom go down there. Hubby's private place to get away from me :D I do keep my coumadin supplies down there in an extra fridge...I told my Cardio that I hate pain. Know I'll have sore stomach. :p He told me that I'll have more pain in a few years when he has to crack me open again..because I'm not exercising my heart. the largest muscle in my body. :D Back to walking, he thinks heart people don't benefit from it..Good exercise..but, not for the heart. :confused: :confused: Remember, I am age 65 in June and I don't think I could walk hard enough for 30 minutes to get my heart rate up..what to 130 beats a minute?Plus, it would be hard on my feet and legs.So, I will start doing the pully thng tomorow a.m.Don't want a threadmill. No place for one upstairs. Swimming, our pool doesn't warm up until July :D Other than that . he says he will see me In November. I just celebrated my 3rd Ann March 25th :) :) :) :) from VR replacement. B/P was 120/67....I mentioned my weight gain..but, he was unconcerned with that. Guess he knows it's my age. :p Bonnie


My cardio would fight your cardio. Walking is a very good cardio-vascular workout. My cardio encourages walking for a cardio workout. I lost 70 pounds from walking everyday for 30 minutes last year. So I am witness for walking. But the thing is, it is not always enough. I do bike at the gym besides the treadmill. and I do lots of walking on the weekends, including the walking in the stores. Now I am sure your cardio is up on the latest, but walking is good, you can add arobics and cycling. I will be getting a bike for afternoon rides and weekend trips. Good luck, never easy losing weight. Dieting is never easy either. Just eat regular meals and cut down the salt, it helps. Have a great day.


If you re-read my thread..Cardio knows that the weather stinks where I live. On top of a mountain. chilly, windy, ect in winter..No Mall...1 hour away...Nearest gym..30 miles away on winding mountain roads...He wants me to do a steady 30 minutes a day...5 days a week. Yes, I love to walk...Do it when the weather is nice..but not to get my heart up to 130 bpm :eek: I was the youngest patient in the waiting room today. :eek: So, he knows that his older heart patients can not get outside. I did that a month ago in cold rainy weather and paid for it for 2 weeks, coughing, ect. :eek: ...I also have several friends that had by-pass surgery..they all tell me that walking is bad for them. :eek: You younger guys can do it..but, bad on the knees, legs, feet, ect....for us older heart people. :D So, I will try his exercise machine thingy. :D Rather do that than have a knee replacement or feet problems. :D Getting old is NOT for sissies. :D With my 2 new Russian Grandbabies..don't want any problems..Need my legs to keep up with them :p Bonnie
Congrats on a wonderful report!

Bonnie, if you get a treadmill you can get one that also has an uphill feature and using that will get your heart rate up, plus increasing the speed will definitely get the rate up. Joe uses it every day and does some light weights. He would rather be doing heavy weights, but his pulmonary hypertension doesn't allow. He really does get his heart rate up. I use it as well, and can get my heart rate up too. So don't know what the card was talking about. Weight bearing exercise like the treadmill and walking is good for us gals since as we age we can get osteoporosis and weight bearing exercise helps.

How about a stationary bike?


I bought my daughter a threadmill several years ago..paid $800.00 for it..Guess where it is? In her storage...LOL so I could go and get it..but like I said, it would have to be downstairs. Now, that the weather is nicer, hubby opens up door to I could go out the front door down there. but, no way, taking a chance on the steep, narrow steps. :eek: I may do that, if I can find it in her storage bin :D We do have a backdoor to, I could go around to the back and go in..Just have to remember to lock it. Bear Zeke is about ready to come up from his winter nap. :eek: .He tried once to get thru that door. :eek: Claw marks on it.. :eek: Life is interesting living on a mountain top :D Bonnie

Surprised you could stop talking that long :D . Get them legs a moving. You got new grandbabies to spoil. Of course, if you get to chasing them you'll get your heartrate up :eek: . You sound like my Mother (got a few years on you, she's 84--hope I got a pair of her jeans :D ) She has a 100 excuses for why she "can't" do something. A swift kick sometimes helps.

And no wonder your daughter didn't use her "threadmill". she don't like sewing. :D :D :D Didn't think I would let you get by with that, did you :p . I've got it, go outside and wait for Bear Zeke to wake up. Bet he could get your heartrate up. Just make sure you stay ahead of hubby :D :D :D :D :D . Probably save on repair bills for the door. Insurance covers the both of you ;) .

Watch out for old Bear Zeke :) and,

May God Bless,

One comment! :D Your Cardio sounds like mine! We forever give each other a hard time and he is constantly shushing me when he is a listening, not that it ever stops me! Can I help it he takes 30 min to listen?! hehe!

Glad you are doing well.
Hi Bonnie,

Congratulations on the addition of your two new beautiful grandchildren. In January I visited my husband aunt who lives in Vermont. She is 70 and has a ministepper in her living room behind a tall back chair. She told her doctor she didn?t like walking because of the bad weather and that her street is gravel. In the summer time when the streets are good to walk on the bugs are bad. I brought a ministepper at a sports store but returned it because the height of the step was not adjustable. I found one online at K Mart that is adjustable for $54. It is a little bigger than a bathroom scale. I have looped a rubber tube through the top so I can work my arms to. My 17 teen year old daughter uses it to. I have it in the living room behind a chair so I can watch TV and step. In April I am staying one night in Helen before Lance comes to Brasstown Bald.


Hi Bonnie. Exercise is important. I hate it. But with my 3 all grown into teenagers, I'm not chasing them around or playing enough anymore, so I'm stuck with a routine of sorts. Exercise is sooooooo boring. Here's what I do. I meet a friend at a local public school and we walk around the track for an hour. Great gossip!! Easy walking, padded, correct surface. We have seniors zipping by us all the time! Then in the afternoon I get on my stationary bike for 20-30 minutes. It's a smallish one, in the TV room. Threre is never anything interesting on tv when I'm riding, so here's what I do. (I can't believe I'm broadcasting this over the net). I hang a bag over the handlebars with yarn in it and I knit!! I'm just doing simple scarves right now (honing my skills), but with only my legs going on the pedals, using my hands, too, puts me in kind of a zone and the time just flies. I guess you can't use your hands for something else on your husband's thingy, tho. Maybe you could go to the library and get some "books on tape", buy a little Sony Walkman (that plays cassette tapes and has headphones) and "read" new novels while you exercise!! Or learn a language. Or borrow travel videos and go to new places if you're near a tv. The key is to make it interesting so that you'll want to do it!!

Anyway, just some ideas! Try anything -- at least it'll get you going and that's what's important.

Best wishes! Marguerite
Bonnie, you live in an area where there are lots of retired folks. Why not get together with some of them and start an exercise class. Even bring in an expert to get you started. Bet there is room somewhere in those mountains for such a class. Think on it. Get Carola's input and you might find an answer. You might also get to know more of your neighbors.


I did not re-read your thread because I still say that it is very good to walk. Can you drive to a mall, you can walk at your own pace there with other walkers. Or like you said, get the treadmill, or just walk in place for a few minutes at a time. I did hear this note in the news weeks ago about some stupid study saying that there was no real health benefit to walk. But I lost 70 pounds walking with changes in my diet. You can do it also. Make a few changes in your diet and exerise, walk, everyday. You can walk in place in front of the tv for a few minutes. Please try, cardio-vascular workout, walking is the best exercise, if the only exercise you can do. Makes the heart stronger, my cardio can vouch for that. Good luck again and get the tredmill ot just walk in place.
I hate it but I do it

I hate it but I do it

Hi Bonnie:

Exercise gets very old and boring, but it has to be done. I have a treadmill - a nice one that will go to 10% grade, and that can get your heart rate up fast! I do what is called a "fat burn" program on it - it changes automatically - the speed and elevation. The other "thingy" you mentioned - is it one of those healthrider thingys - there's another word for them, too. I have a healthrider - the official brand then Sears and all those other guys came out with their knock-offs for a lot less money. But I love my healthrider. It is a good work out and I can spend less time on it and get more out of it than time on the treadmill.

If that is what you have, go for it, but watch your back - the posture on that is important - it is good for the tummy muscles, too. If you back is an issue, I'd get a treadmill.

But, just do it! Stick with it and after 4 weeks, you'll be addicted. Really.