This was a 6 month followup..I go twice a year with an echo once a year.I was tickled to see my cardio, the one that found my aneurysm. The last time I saw his partner. My cardio is now head of the Heart hospital next to our local hospital.He does not take new patients but sees his old ones...Of course, he is a big joker like me.. And has to tell me to be quiet when he listens to my heart. Said, everything was GREAT..but, took his hands and held my face and said, You have to exercise 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. I told him, I walked but he said, NO..The weather is not where you can walk everyday. He wanted me to start on an exercise machine. We have the thingy downstairs that you sit on and pull back and forth.Hubby does it everynight...So, I'm going to have hubby bring it upstairs...because our steps going downstairs are narrow and steep..and I would probably end up tripping and hitting my head. I seldom go down there. Hubby's private place to get away from me I do keep my coumadin supplies down there in an extra fridge...I told my Cardio that I hate pain. Know I'll have sore stomach. He told me that I'll have more pain in a few years when he has to crack me open again..because I'm not exercising my heart. the largest muscle in my body. Back to walking, he thinks heart people don't benefit from it..Good exercise..but, not for the heart. Remember, I am age 65 in June and I don't think I could walk hard enough for 30 minutes to get my heart rate up..what to 130 beats a minute?Plus, it would be hard on my feet and legs.So, I will start doing the pully thng tomorow a.m.Don't want a threadmill. No place for one upstairs. Swimming, our pool doesn't warm up until July Other than that . he says he will see me In November. I just celebrated my 3rd Ann March 25th from VR replacement. B/P was 120/67....I mentioned my weight gain..but, he was unconcerned with that. Guess he knows it's my age. Bonnie