My Brother --- High Risk OHS!

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Mom, you, your brother and hubby are in my thoughts. Maybe your brother will listen to you the first time from now on - men.

With all of this going, make sure you take time to look after yourself.

Special ((((hugs)))) coming your way.

Thank you my buddy! Appreciate all the hugs, prayers and good thoughts! (I've missed seeing you around ---- take care!)
I do know of someone in my town who had a cadaver valve for several years. Your brother should be fine with it, especially since he is
going to a great hospital. But I will push tons of good vibes anyway, and save some for your DH on Monday.
Big ((hugs)) to you NJ :)

Thank you Bina for your reassuring words! And who knows, perhaps after the reviewing the DVD's that he's taking from here, and after they conduct their own tests, the doctors there may formulate their own ideas as to how to proceed and what is best for him!


Note: My brother is NOT having the surgery on Thursday. He is meeting with the surgeon and doctors on Thursday morning to review the data DVD's he's taking from the doctors here. They will more than likely be performing their own tests, and then they will schedule him for the surgery. We are all hoping that it will be soon!!!

Poor thing....yesterday was such an emotional & tearful day....his brain was so muddled with information! Something we can all relate to!
Sorry to hear that he did have BE, thankfully they finally diagnosed it. AS Kim said Cadaver valves (homografts) dont have rejection problems, so that is one less worry hopefully. Since he is in his mid 60s, many (most?) doctors would probably reccomend tissue valves anyway, even IF he didnt have such a bad infection, so I personally wouldnt worry that much about not getting a mech valve like he wanted. Chances are he won't need it replaced, but even if he outlives this new valve, remember they are already replacing tissue valves by cath right now, if that helps him to know.

You are all in my prayers
Sorry to hear that he did have BE, thankfully they finally diagnosed it. AS Kim said Cadaver valves (homografts) dont have rejection problems, so that is one less worry hopefully. Since he is in his mid 60s, many (most?) doctors would probably reccomend tissue valves anyway, even IF he didnt have such a bad infection, so I personally wouldnt worry that much about not getting a mech valve like he wanted. Chances are he won't need it replaced, but even if he outlives this new valve, remember they are already replacing tissue valves by cath right now, if that helps him to know.

You are all in my prayers

Thank you Lyn! I appreciate your words of wisdom gained through years of trials and tribulations with your Justin. BTW, how is that young man? I hope he is doing just fine! :)
Latest Update --- My Brother

Latest Update --- My Brother

My brother undergoes surgery tomorrow morning at 8am in Phoenix.

His doctors conducted another TEE and from what they could visually determine, the infection caused extensive damage to the inside of his heart. It destroyed, ate away, if you will, tissue surrounding the area where his aortic valve is, created a pin-hole from one heart chamber to the next and God knows what else! When they finally open his heart, the true story will unfold! :eek2:

He's been told that a lot of reconstruction will be necessary but they believe they can go with a mechanical valve instead of a tissue or cadaver as previously thought. His recovery will be long and hard and he's looking at perhaps a 3-week stay in the hospital if all goes well. The doctors are very optomistic and assured him that they have dealt with similar or worse cases in the past, and that he can be fixed!

He is very determined to "get it done" and is placing himself in their hands and hoping for the best.

That's about all we can your doctors and place yourself in God's hands.

Note: I will be in the hospital tomorrow morning with my husband and praying for a positive outcome with him too!

Thank you again for all your prayers and well wishes! God Bless!
N jean,
I am thinking of you whole family!
Good luck for tomorrow!!! i hope that everything goes well, and i hope everything goes well for your husband!!
Norma, sorry to hear about your brother having to travel, but at least you know he is in good hands and will be well looked after. I'm glad that his local Dr's at least told him they were in over their heads instead of trying to sort him out. Too bad they didn't do it earlier before so much damage was done. I'm pretty sure that human cadaver valves are not subject to rejection, hence the no need for anti-rejection meds, so put that thought to rest.

I will confirm the rejection comment. I vaguely recall from 1998 that the Homograft is treated with radiation and therefore is not subject to rejection. I was told not to be concerned and I never had to take medications for it.

Stay Well
Both Patients Doing Well!

Both Patients Doing Well!

Happy to report that both my brother and my husband are doing well and on their way to recovery.

My brother ---- I got to talk to his surgeon this afternoon & he told me that he had put in a mechanical valve, performed a bypass on two of his arteries and did other reconstruction. The phone call was brief and he did not have time to elaborate on what he did, but just knowing he had made it through it all, was WONDERFUL!

My hubby --- They put in one stent during the cath and after about 6 hrs. sent us home. We just walked in the door about an hr. ago...he's resting and fed, finally!

I am exhausted but I want to thank you again for all your prayers & thoughts!!! :)