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Due to that finding, I had my other two children, a four year old son and eleven month old daughter tested through echo. Cardiologist reassured me both of their echos were great.
Well, the cardiologists partner called me today and said, "Your four year old son has some "outpoking" in the same exact area as your two year old the sinus of valsalva." My four year old son's aortic root at the sinus of valsalva is at the "high end of normal." We are also scheduled for a cat scan for my four year old tomorrow for a cough that won't go away and his chest xray had a"opacity at the left superior aortic knob." So I'm expecting them to find some other "anomolies" with my four year olds heart tomorrow. He has a tricuspid aortic valve.
I am right to assume now that my baby four year old also has the same "connective tissue disease" that my two year old does. Right?
I asked the cardiologist to please look over my baby girls echo again too.
He said both of my boys aortic roots are shaped like clover-leafs rather than the normal circle.
I am numb...depressed...
Kyle and Taj's mom...