Well, their bags were packed..hugs and kisses..and they were off to the Atlanta Airport this morning for a flight to New York..and connecting flight to Moscow..Arrived at the Atlanta Airport to find out. ALL flights to New York cancelled
Due, to all of Delta's airplanes were stuck somewhere. due to snowstorms, ect...
But, the good news, they only live 1 hour from airport, returned home. left bags in car..and are booked on a flight to New York, tomorrow..Hopefully will make the connecting flight to Moscow tomorrow night. One good thing, they are both off from work until Jan. 3rd..so will still have plenty of time to go, visit the children and return home... They are leaving early, know, the Xmas rush, plus, the many travelers, left stranded at the Atlanta airport....
Her adoption agency notified the person who was to meet them in Russia..so things, should still go well... They will still have an 11 hour train trip to Voronizh, Russia...The lady in Russia, who will meet them, speaks English, will be with them the entire time..
...........John (hubby was just watching the news and said, it was really bad. the airline's computers have crashed, many lost luggage, ect... thank goodnes, my daughter never checked their lugage today....So..the snow storm really hurt a lot of Xmas travelers. Sad..Bonnie