my aunts surgery

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Norma was right. My cousin Bill called and said they aready have her off the ventilator. She has 40%oxygen. He says its supposed to help with the irration that might have been caused by the vent.

I'm sure they will be seeing her soon. I don't know what the hours are there in the icu. I probably won't get to see her till shes moved into a regular room. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

He told me they almost put off her surgery because she had received a transfusion many years ago and they wanted to have blood that was compatible. In the end they didn't even have to give her any blood.

They thought they were going to replace the tricuspid valve because it wasn't working at all.
I guess a good repair is as good as a replacement or better?

Thanks again,
Remarkable. I'm sure you are greatly relieved and I hope you get to see her soon and her recovery is uneventful.
Thanks again for all your prayers, good thoughts and vibes.
I'm sure I'll know more tomorrow. I hope to see her as soon as shes out of ICU.
latest update from this morning, this is a email from my cousin

Hi, Nancy,

It was only 24 hours at 7:00P last night, but she was comfortable and doing well. She was more asleep than awake, but was aware we were there ? kept nodding off due to the pain meds. Ventilator tube had been removed in the AM, but her throat was very sore and she could not speak above a whisper. When the nurse asked if she wanted some jello, she nodded yes and, although it took a while, she ate the entire container.

I called this morning and the nurse said she had an uneventful night and they were hoping to remove some of the IV tubes today.

Did your father have his test yet? I am losing track of the days.

Good news ! Steady progress ! Give it another day and I bet she is out of ICU and into a stepdown. She may even get moved to a stepdown later today, once your off the vent and are awake things seem to move pretty quickly in that direction.
Sounds like your aunt is making great progress! So glad to know that! My prayers continue for her --- each day will be a little better than the last -- the worst is over, Thank God! Take care & keep posting! :)
Hi I know its been a few days.
Here is the latest update I received from my cousin.

Hi, Nancy,

Her sore throat was horrendous due to that ventilator tube. She is taking Cepacol lozenges, but can have a lidocaine swab if she wants.

Her heart rate has been steadily on the low side, so the surgeon has decided to put in a pacemaker which they will be doing some time today. They don?t have a time yet, probably in the afternoon.

Outside of this issue, he says she is doing wel

Will talk to you soon. Keep up the prayer

Thank You,

Well I'm hoping now my Aunt can really get her recovery rolling.
Here is the latest.

Hi, Nancy,

Pacemaker insertion went well ? her rate jumped to 60 right away. Now they are concentrating on getting her to walk. She is still short of breath and has swollen ankles and feet again, but the doctor says this is normal after surgery because the body retains fluid and so do her lungs. The diuretics will take care of this, but he says it is important for her to move around as this will help reduce the fluid too. She just gets so tired after a short walk (which is to be expected) and she can?t speak without getting winded. But that will go too in time.
Thanks for the update. Sounds like she's doing fine. My heart rate was low post-op so I had a pacemaker for the first few days. I got tired just get out of bed and walking to the other side of the room.
Well I heard my Aunt was going home today. Someone will be home with her for awhile. So far so good.

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