Muscle Pain in the Back after Surgery

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Hi everyone. well I think I'll make it now that I've been back to work. All seems to be going good. The pain I get beneath my shoulder blade is sometimes so bad. Just wondered if any one has had the same thing. Still doing alot of rehab. but not really helping. Could be the type of work I do, but some days are better than others. And to Nancy ,I'm so glad everything is looking up for you and Joe. I sure keep you in my thoughts.

hi syl!
sorry to hear you are uncomfortable and you have pain in your back.
please check out a thread started by JenniferO on 3/3 in post surgery about cramping back muscles. maybe that will help.
from what i've read, it's not unusual for there to be post-surgical back pain. i think it has something to do with the way they open up the sternum. it affects all the muscles including those of the back. (i was told to think of it as cutting open a soup can lenghtwise or slicing one side of a basketball, and when you open it by pulling the sides apart, see what it does to the back of the can/ball).
joey had a lot of back pain after his surgery, but it went away on its own. someone else on this site ( was it alpage?) went for massages and said they really did the trick.
i hope this helps. i'm sure others will come forward and add...
wishing you all the best , sylvia
Good memory Ross. What a great link.

One of my surgeons former patients told me they crank the chest spreaders until your shoulder blades touch behind your back. That should tell us why we hurt afterwards !

Muscle Pain!!

Muscle Pain!!

Hi Everyone! Well since my last post , I did go out and get another massage. Really helped. I just read some other posts and you tend to forget what all you body went through. From day to day my muscles shift and change. Sometimes the discomfort is in the front and near my ribs then it changes to the back again. I guess I thought I would bounce back just like a kid. But no. At my age you don't bounce back so fast. But I am doing better all the time. Still swimming at the gym and doing all my other stuff. Had to stop the Kwon Do routine. A little to much , to soon.. I got some of the hot patches for real bad days. They really help. Well thought I would just keep in touch. Bye Syl:rolleyes: :D :eek:
Hi Sylvia-

Glad to hear that things are smoothing out for you. In spite of it all, you're pretty active. Congrats on that!
Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Hi Sylvia,

About a year post-op I still found my posture huncing protect my sternum, out of habit, I guess.

I went to Physical Therapy and found it to be invaluable. I learned excercizes and awareness that really helped alot of weird aches and pains. Just a thought...but it helped me alot.

Best of luck and take care,

Muscle Pain Comes and Goes

Muscle Pain Comes and Goes

Thanks for all the input. It's always good to hear from all of you.
I know what your talking about Zipper, I tend to lean over and then I'll see myself in a mirror and straighten up. I'm not going ro Rehab anymore, my ins. stopped paying and it seemed I was doing ok. I still swim and do my walking. But my job has me working alot. I sleep better every week a little better, and better.
Thanks Again. Syl:D :D :D :D :D :cool:
You're not alone, I had severe shoulder/back pain for at least 2 months post surgery. Eventually it went away on its own. Good luck.