Multivitamin pill?

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I also read that you shouldn't take magnesium within 2 hours of warfarin, because it affects the absorption. I'm wondering if there is such a thing as too much magnesium when taking warfarin.


I take a 500 mg Vit C with my Coumadin every night. I also take a Centrim Multi vit every morning.

The key here is "Every" Remember consitancy is the key with taking Coumadin. If you take something that has Vit K, or something that may effect the INR, as long as what ever it isyou take, is taken regulary, then your Coumadin can be adjusted to compensate for it.

I take 5 mg of Coumadin daily. I also take.

325 mg enteric Aspirin
50 mg Atenolol ( beta blocker)
400 IU Vt E
1000 mg Vit "C" ( 500 morning, 500 evening)
Centrum Multi Vit

I home test weekly, and my INR stays mostly between 2.5 and 3.5, a very comfortable range for me.

Jim - FYI, when I stopped using Centrum Silver vitamins (which had vit K) I was able to drop my Coumadin dosage from 7.5 to 5.0 mg. I avoid stuff like Ensure like the plague because it can really get your INR on a roller coaster ride. I still enjoy my green vegetables, especially spinach salads, but I try to have at least one green vegetable every day in order to maintain consistancy. Seems to be working pretty good for me. Hope this helps. Chris