Multiple docs

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Hi all... went to see a doctor here in the walk-in clinic yesterday. This is part of our clinic/hospital setup. I had a sinus infection two weeks ago and lately have had a sore throat, horrible cough, headache, etc. The doc came into the exam room and first thing he said was, "Why didn't you go to your regular doctor?" I told him that I had called and was told that his schedule was full. Hmmmmmmmm.

His response to this was that I should always be seen by my pcp because with my multiple problems, heart, cml, breast cancer... it is a good idea that I am treated by only one doctor.

How to get pass the receptionists? I can call and leave a message on my pcp's nurses voice mail... oops what if she is very busy and doesn't get back to me until the doc has left or the next day? I am going to discuss this little problem with my pcp as he advocates patient care.

So back to the exam. No chest x-ray, no blood test and no sputum/strep culture. This doc is afraid to prescribe anything because of CML. He called my onco, but alas, he is gone on vacation. He talked to another onco in the office and the two of them come to the conclusion that I have a virus because I was on antibiotics (Ceftin) when I got this. I am the only patient in the onco's office with CML... they are not overly familiar with the disease.

Okay... at least I got some pain meds that I can take... I cannot take Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Also prescribed some cough medicine and told me to call my pcp in a couple of days if not better.

I guess I just needed to vent about this!

Oh yeah... Hank... thank you so much for the avatar help. You're great!!!

Take care,
Hi Zazzy,

So good to see your smiling face!

I think that bug traveled down this way to Nashville. I have had a sore throat for 4 days now... and if I have it tomorrow when I wake up, I am going to get tested for strep. Seems there are many folks here at work that are out sick, so I think it is just a cold that is being passed around.

Does your primary doctor have a backup recommendation for you? Maybe you should ask him next time you see him. My doctor always tells me to go over the the walk-in clinic if I can't get into see him. They are affiliated.

Not sure if he would say that if I had the same types of illnesses as you though.

Hope you shake-off that cold or virus soon! Ya know, you could write a book about all your trials and tribulations with doctors and hospitals that would be a best seller. Yur positive attitude through it all has been such an inspiration to many of us.

Hope your new year just gets better and better!

How neat, neat, neat! How pretty and zazzy you are. You look just like you sound. Meant as a real compliment.

Sorry you are sick, and you don't need this, but alas, there it is and you just gotta deal w/it, unfortunately. Hard to get treated sometimes when we really need it and in your case, you need it now. Hope you will be feeling better soon. God bless:)
Hi Zazzy-

Very nice avatar. Nice to see your face.I agree that you should talk this over with your pcp. I think that sometimes people who've had very difficult medical problems become a sort of hot potato. I've seen this happen with my husband also. By the same token, I understand where this comes from. Joe's pcp is very astute about his "whole" medical condition. Other doctors can only see whatever their specialty is and they probably feel a little overwhelmed. They're fearful that they might prescribe something for you that isn't right.

BUT-- but still---SOMEONE has to take care of your problems, and if your pcp can't then you absolutely have to have a plan of action. It's not fair to you, that leaves you without any care at all.

It's my opinion that in people with complicated medical conditions, everything means something, and nothing should be ignored. Too bad if it's a PIA, that's the way it is.

Doesn't sound like the clinic doctor had much confidence in himself.

Your pcp's gotta do right by you.
Hey Zaz

Finally your Avatar. Nice to finally see you! I know.....where is mine. ;)

Hope you get to feeling better soon. I know how confusing it is when there is more than one cook in the kitchen.

Shortly after I starting out on the Coumadin....was referred to an hemotoligst/oncoligist for regulation. He had his way, my other docs theirs. They would never agree.

One thing I have learned is to be a persistent phone pest. It lasted awhile, now they return my calls promptly within a few hours. My GP is wonderful. He trusts my judgment and calls in my antibiotics when I am sick. If I am really bad I insisit on an office visit.

Those types of docs are few and far between. I will be in need of new doctors soon. Relocating. That is going to be a hurdle as I have a certain level of trust with my current MDs.

This winter I have been letting my colds ride a bit longer and just use OTC meds. Worked a few times. Have also been an antibiotic twice this season.

I know you have some other concerns that may not be as easily managed when your sick.

Hope you feel better soon. You too Rob. Please don't push it west. ;) :D
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Hey Zazzy

Hey Zazzy

Zazzy ..sorry to hear you aren't feeling so good ...would love to be a fly on the wall when you get to your own DR ....I'd sure learn something lol ...take care and feel better soon ..or ELSE!!!!!
PS ...loved your picture's soooo like I imagined you !
Just got home from a 2-1/2 hour visit with my PCP! As always he was very sympathetic... he knows that if I say there is something wrong... well... then there is usually something wrong! lol He did a whole battery of tests... chest x-ray (looks good but with my history of pleural effusion he was very worried); nasal swab to see if it was flu (nope... rules out viral); and blood test. Conclusion: It is bacterial....on the way to pneumonia! So, on Ceftin another 7 days and then go back to see him next Tuesday to make sure everything is okay.

Sorry Scottie... didn't put up too much of a fight... I just don't feel spunky enough right now! lol

Yes Nancy... the doc in the walk-in clinic is afraid of me! hee hee I think that they are all afraid that something will happen while I am on their watch. The doc I saw yesterday is a good doc, but he is just overly concerned about prescribing anything with the Gleevec. This is a drug that is so new that most docs don't really know much about it... let alone all of the hematology stuff. As I am slowly learning... your blood is a whole lot more complicated than your heart, which is complicated enough! lol

Thanks for the kind words about the avatar... upon seeing my pictures everyone usually says, "But you don't look like someone who has multiple illnesses" A compliment I know, but I'd rather hear them say "Gee, you don't look 48!" hee hee

Take care all,

P.S. Rob, I hope you are feeling better today... keep on that sore throat and do have a strep test... even if it goes away.
Hi Zazzy,

Thanks, I already have an appointment with the doctor for tomorrow to get tested for strep. I know they will put my on antibiodics again... sooo... here we go with the Coumadin again.. so glad I got that home testing unit.

Pssstt.. you don't look a day over 29 <wink> ya zazzy thing you!

It really is good to see you...<smile>
My aren't you a suave devil! hee hee That's better than my ex-boyfriend said when he saw it! He said I don't look a day over 38! Hmmmm he seems to have lost his touch!!! ha ha

Glad you are going to the doc... hope it all goes well.



I go through the same thing myself as far as trying to get in or is I need to get a script od antibotic for dental work. I got the run around the first time after the insurance change and had to have a new doctor. I have to call tomorrow about the script again for a dental cleaning next week. So I hope I can get it done friday morning. Hope you are feelin better. Here in the midwest, Missouir, it has been dry, so we are still getting sick because of hardley any real snow fall yet this season. I even recently had a bout of a head cold. Took a few days, it is still dragging a bit to let go. Get better soon.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Oops Janie! Should have said old boyfriend... one I recently starting communicating with after 23 years.

Got a call from a woman at our clinic today. My pcp talked to her about what happened on Monday. He is so pro-patient. Anyway.. he was concerned because I was not dxed Monday and that they did not run any tests! Didn't I tell you that I have the bestest pcp in the country!!!

Take care,
Is that true about the strep? That you had it recently? Did you take all of your antibiotic last time like a good boy????? lol

Hmmm.. Thinking back,,,,, Ahhh... I think Perry had the strep throat and at the same time I had an infection in my foot, which required antibiotics. It was at that time that I did a test to track MY INR as I went through the 10 days of taking the antibiodics.

Anyway... I woke up yesterday and pufff... no more sore throat. It all went up and became a head cold, and found out that several others inb the office had the same thing. So,, I canceled my doctors appointment, and this morning I am actually feeling much better. Whew..... Just in time for the coming weekend.

OHhhh... weather update... yesterday it got up to 63 degrees here in Nashville, and the low last night was 47. Cristi and I are flying up to Maine on Valentines day to spend 5 days in the mountains snowmobiling. I sure hope they get more snow up there before then.

Hmmm.. speaking of snow.. What would you get if John Snow Married Elkie Summer?

OK - I knew strep was in there somewhere and now that you mention it, I got it straight.

In daughter's year book question was: If Linda Black married Steve Bird what would you have?

We could start a new category here.

Glad to hear you are feeling better Rob.

And Zazzy, I must look very nice. And it is great to SEE you. You too Hensylee......

I too have been sick here as of late. Just finished taking the "Z Pack" Antibiotics the doc gave me. I had Strep AGAIN. It seems as if every time my throat gets sore it turns to strep.

I have been trying to keep up with the posts lately, and not doing to bad reading...just not replying.

God Bless you guys,

Ben - sorry to hear you are sick - again. Maybe you're not getting completely rid of it? It might just be hangin around in there waiting for you to make a little slip and then it attacks again. Strep can make you feel so sick - hope you are better soon. God bless
Hensylee is right Ben!!! Perhaps you need a longer time with the antibiotics! Kick that strep in the pants! hee hee

Thank you for saying that I look nice... it is great to see everyone's smiling face here!!!

Take care,
hey all of you...
too many infections!!!! gets me worried.
please take all those antibiotics and get well soon. do you all get flu shots?
zazzy you do_as hensylee said_ look just like you sound (HUGE COMPLIMENT), just adorable!!
hey, i hope you all feel better real soon.
Hey Sylvia... thanks for the complement... yeppers got my flu shot! Also had pneumonia shot last year. Unfortunately neither shot would help if I get bacterial infections... DARN!!!!

Hey! How is Joey anyway??????
