Moving-I hate it...unless it's to California...LOL

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
Just wanted to let you all know that I will be moving at the end of October, and even though it's not to 1. California ( My first Choice) or to 2. Maine (my 2nd choice) I WANT THE HECK OUT OF ROCHESTER, NH....SO I AM LEAVING...LOL, but seriously, when your downstairs neighbor makes so much noise that it wakes one at 4 am, and that her boyfriend pulls her out of her apartment and beats her up, kicks her and then takes off.....ITS TIME TO LEAVE....I need to find a 1st floor apartment anyway, because of my health, so I guess the timing is right...Whew...sorry, I just had to vent...Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Hey Harry,
We have a large two bedroom apt. on the ground floor for rent. :D I will make you a heck of a deal. :D :D
I hope you find what you are looking for. Best of Luck :)
Take Care
You Know...Its Funny how I got stuck out here....

You Know...Its Funny how I got stuck out here....

Hey Dave,
I wish I were still out there...I am originally from Montana, and let me tell ya, after living where I am at for 37 years, I long for something different....I would take you up on that offer if it were only a 1 Bedroom...My Section 8 will only allow me to have a 1 bedroom....but thanks...Harrybaby666 :D
I too will be moving!

I too will be moving!

Hi Harry, neighbours can be very problematic and that was why we had to move out of the flat we lived in early this year. I've told you all about it before, but just in case you haven't read it, the last straw was when one of them came up to my door and started getting at me because of my doxie which made me really nervous at the time. When Robert got home, I was a wreck and he started shouting at the neighbour saying he would hold her responsible should something happen to me. I got even worse, very strong palpitations and he had to call for an ambulance. I was ok though, no damage to the valve, but within a week we were off. Now that's us moving again but this time, it has nothing to do with neighbours at all since it's my mum who lives next door. We'll be moving to the house on the right because it's a bit bigger and better. Most of our removal will go over the wall. LOL!! The house is getting all done up and belongs to the same guy who owns the other two. I think we'll be living there within a couple of weeks, end of October at the latest! Good luck to you too and I hope you get some nice neighbours this time. Take care and don't start llifting heavy things. I won't!!

Hi Debora...

Hi Debora...

I just cannot believe what has been going on here this past few weeks, and especially since the woman downstairs was dragged out of her apartment by her boyfriend, and he beat the living daylights out of her...between that and the loud music at 4 am, I don't need the hassle. I will temporarily move back in with my brother until I can find a 1 bedroom apartment that is on the first floor. I started to box some things up today, and I am doing it little by little as I get sooo short of breath it's not funny. I do a little, I sit down for a while, I do a little more and sit for a while...when the day comes to move there is a group of people called the "Volunteers of America" who will actually move the furniture, pack the truck and move me back in when it comes time...THANK GOODNESS!!!!

i HOPE THAT YOUR NOT DOING TOO MUCH EITHER...WITH ME IT'S LIKE IF I DON'T CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING TO THE MOVE, EMOTIONALLY, I FEEL THAT I AM USELESS, SO I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING...EVEN IF IT'S JUST BOXING UP ALOT OF THE SMALL STUFF...By the way....I absolutely adore Dashounds...I also love Basset Hounds....Keep that little doxie hopping for me.....All the best, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
California or bust?! lol And my son is taking a pay cut to get back to Colorado!!

California or bust?! lol And my son is taking a pay cut to get back to Colorado!!

Hey Harrybaby....

Ya gotta make lots of money to live in CA. We?re going out to help move our son back to CO. He?s a nut for over analyzing things... he?s researched it and researched it and figures even with the $12,000.00 a year pay cut... he?ll keep the same standard of living in CO.

So anyway....... I know where there?s an empty house in Stockton!! :D Brand new subdivision, brand new house, nice neighbors!! :D Only $1,500.00 a month rent. This really is a good deal for the neighborhood he?s in!!

But really.... where you live is very important. You know it has an impact on your health, happiness and life in general. I?m hoping you find a wonderful place to call your home. It?s so important. Of course.. I think the perfect place to live is Colorado! :D I suppose it?s a good thing we don?t all want to live in the same state!!

Best wishes!!


Hi Harry, I had nearly finished a post to you when we started chatting so, I ended up not sending it. Anyway, Milady was all over the place last night carrying on with Robert and Bruna. So :D :D , if you want to see some potos of her, me and the whole mob, go to my yahoo photo album and it's all there! By the way, you still haven't posted one of yourself! What are you waiting for? A formal request?!!LOL!! Take care!
Hi Debora...

Hi Debora...

I did have an avitar up, a while ago which was me, but it got lost in the move from my old computer to my new computer....I have some web cam snapshots of me, but I look like H*@LL!!! I am working hard on my first web page, and I am hoping to have some pics up on it just as soon as I get a digital see..I am on disability and I am waiting for my Social Security and I can't afford hardly anything right now....As soon as I can, I will get a nicer pic taken and post it, unless I can find the other one...meanwhile, I will check out your pics and probably get a great laugh at miss Milady.....See ya on chat... Harrybaby :D :D :D
Hi Rain

Hi Rain

I suppose so, I just love the thought of California though...I have seen so many nice places...I am originally from Montana and how I got stuck out here in NH...I will never know...I love Maine, but not NH..I would consider Colorado, but I have been told that it's expensive their too? am I right? Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Let me know if I can help you move. Aside from my little white Geo you saw, I also have Jeep Grand Cherokee so I will be glad to assist.

Folks, Rochester, NH has its good points and some bad. Earlier this year, a man in Harry's town beat his girlfriend senseless and left her for dead. He had "second thoughts" and went back and took her to the hospital. They showed pictures of her face in the paper, as she wanted the everyone to see how horribly she had been assaulted. It was horrid.
The Bad Parts Are Spreading

The Bad Parts Are Spreading

I also wanted to add that 2 days ago, my downstairs neighbor (the one who's been giving me all the trouble with noise and throwing things around) was pulled out of her apartment, by her boyfriend and beaten to a pulp. The guy kicked her, punched her and drug her over rough pavement before taking off...I am not pleased to say that he is right back with her in the apartment after hiding out for a few hours from the police.. Harrybaby666 :mad: :mad: :mad:
I've been here all my life... so I'm partial, I'm sure.

I've been here all my life... so I'm partial, I'm sure.

Hello Harry,

I think Colorado is among the more desirable places to live... for a lot of reasons. Unless of course you go to one of the resort towns like... Aspen, Vail or Telluride... they?re pretty expensive. I know it?s a lot less expensive here than in CA. Eric found statistics stating income, cost of living, crime rate, etc. Also... we don?t have vicious natural disasters... except lightening fires. Of course the down side is... we don?t have a lot of fancy hospitals and it takes a little longer to get the mail....... but most of us don?t mind. :) 75 miles to the nearest mall from my house. Gotta drive 2 ½ hours to get to an interstate. We kinda like it that way. :D

I was talking to a guy in Washington DC one time.. about 20 years ago... telling him where I lived and how DC was a little scary to me. After I told him where I lived, he said he'd be afraid to live out here in the boonies... :confused: totaly blew my mind!! lol

The problem is....... the Californians and Texans have found us!! Between them and the movie stars... we?re about to get squeezed out!! :eek: lol

OOPS just noticed your P.S. ............ we meet all the requirements except for SNOW! lol Hey, ya can?t have everything, Harry! :) Ya just gotta come visit some time. You'll love it here.
You needing me to send "The Boys" over and thump that moron for ya? If not for you, then for her then? :mad:
I think her sister's husband did that..LOL

I think her sister's husband did that..LOL

Hi Ross,

The other day when my neighbor got the stuffins beat out of her, shortly thereafter the police showed up and went after the guy....then her sister's husband came over and I think he went after him as well...NOW, here's the rotten part about all of this is that the jerk that beat her up is back with her....I have to say I have sympathy for any woman that goes through this...BUT...when she ASKS THE GUY TO COME BACK IN AND STAY....well, that's where I draw the line...she is a very bad alcoholic who (and I am realy not exaggerating here) who is Drunk 90% of the time..her trash consists of nothing but Budweiser beer bottles...and she has no consideration for those who need to sleep (she starts blasting the music at 4 am), well I have no sympathy for this particular woman...I have spoken to her, and to my landlord 8 to ten times and still fact, when I spoke to my landlord and told him that I would be leaving at the end of October, all he said was "Well, it's either got to be you or her that leaves. " So I told him I guess it would be me, and he said that "he was sorry, and that he regrets losing someone who HAS NOT BEEN ONE DAY LATE ON HIS RENT" yet he is keeping a tenant who cannot make her rent on time because she would rather blow it on pot and alcohol....I tell you....Where Are This Man's Priorities??? Harrybaby666 :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Gotta love those neighbours from hell!! :eek:

Meanwhile, good luck with the move Harry.... wherever you may go. I was lucky enough to have my partner's company pay for removalists to come in and pack everything (..and to unpack when we FINALLY get into our house - next month!!..), but it still knocked the stuffing out of me! Just getting everything cleaned up (windows, eaves, ceilings, floors, gardens, etc, etc, etc.... it seemed never-ending) was extremely exhausting, even though I gave myself a couple of months to get it all done.

I'm so glad you've found someone to help you out. Take advantage of it.... groups like that are set up to help people like you!!

A : )
My doxie

My doxie

Hi Harry,

This is a pic of my badly behaved doxie who bites people and never stops barking. But she's cute... Thanks for the avatar.
what a nightmear!

what a nightmear!

sounds like a horrible situation..... glad you are getting out of there!

hope that little cat is looking after you!

kate x
Hi Katie...Hi Debora..Hi Anna

Hi Katie...Hi Debora..Hi Anna

Thanks for the encouragement....Bandit is taking good care of me...(after he goes on one of his zooming sprees and trashes his water bowl and food bowl.) I can't wait to get out of here because of my neighbors from h@#$!!

I looked at your photos online last night, and they are wonderful...That little doxie of yours is so cute...and Bruna is a real cutie as well. I loved the pictures of you and your hubby in Scotland and at home in Brazil..I have a funny feeling that this is as close to Scotland as I am gonna get....

I hope my move goes smoothly, as I am starting to pack now...I figure that if I can't do anything else, I can at least pack up the small stuff. I am only moving 1 town over from where I am at, but it's temporary and I will only have 4 months to find an apartment on the 1st floor which I need. Take Care , Harrybaby666
That one reminds me of..

That one reminds me of..

Hi again Harry, thanks for looking at the pictures, that's what I've put them there for! Many of us have become quite close friends on this site and I love sharing things with friends. My photo album is a very important part of my life and each of those photos has a special meaning to me. Don't worry about not being able to buy a digital camera just now, I was only teasing you! Your avatar was enough for me to have an idea of what you look like which's always better when you don't know someone in person. Anyway, I've had my fair share of neighbours from hell myself, and here it goes: when we used to live in that last flat I've told you about, there was this guy called Cesar who was quite a nice person, but drank too much. He would also turn his stereo up loud any time it suited him and couldn't care less. One Friday night, Robert had to go to bed a bit earlier than his usual time because he had to go and teach on Saturday morning(beginning of term). It was about 2:30am and Cesar still had the stereo on full volume which made Robert extremely upset. Robert then decided to ask him to turn it down, but there was no answer, the guy was away with the birds!!LOL!! He then knocked at his windown and still nothing. Suddenly, all I could hear was a noise of broken glass and the guy finally woke up. By that time, my husband was really angry and just went back in and off to sleep. Cezar got annoyed and started banging our door. Well, I somehow had anticipated that this might happen and hid the keys away so that the two wouldn't end up starting a big fight. The next morning both of them apologized to each other and Robert explained that he just lost his temper for this sort of thing had been going on far too long and he was fed up with it. Detail: Robert also thought the guy fancied me because he kept looking in every time I would walk past, he lived in the flat opposite ours so he could see in if the curtains were open. He ended up getting evicted because he was also famous for taking women up to his flat, if you get what I mean...LOL!!We still see him around now and then, but no hard feelings on either parts.

Yep. That's just what I am dealing with...

Yep. That's just what I am dealing with...

Hi Debora,

It soundls like your hubby is like me, and can only take things so far and then he blows....since I am both Scottish and Irish, When my temper really goes off...I have had to learn to contain myself, because of my heart, and I got to thinking that hey, if I can't get the message to the neighbor downstairs that she is too noisy and that I can't get my landlord to do anything about it, then I can take action and move....Needless to say, I feel like I have the upper hand because my landloard will not be getting the Income from my apartment...which is guaranteed income because of the assistance I am on, and if he would rather keep a tenant who he has to fight with to get the rent every month, then he doesn't deserve a good tenant who makes sure his rent is paid on time each and every month....God I feel powerful.....LOL LOL :D :D :D

I hope you keep posting pictures, and I will eventually do the same, but I will have to get a digital camera-of which I want ever so soon as I get one of my credit cards down first....Meanwhile, I will keep enjoying yours.. and my Kitty Bandito sends his meeeeooowwwwwww and pawprint...his way of saying hello....Take Care, Harrybaby666

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