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You know guys I been looking about and there is alot of
things that are going to be going on in the next couple of weeks
months,seems we always have a member thats going to test,
getting ready for the other side of the mountain ,And I just want to say thank you for being here for me and the rest of our members.

Anyhow ,what do you guys think of the new movies that have come out, just to name a few

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Ice Age
3. Resident Evil
4. Blade 2
5. Ali
6.We Were Soldiers

my memory is short can anyone else help name some?
and whatcha think about 'em

Ice age was a Hoot.....

Lord of the Rings was terrific, made me burn through the books again, somehow I could understand them this time.

Amelie had a nice twisted sense or humor.


But did it leave you hanging

But did it leave you hanging

Lord of the Rings GREAT but the ending ,I was sooo,then then it was over,think they'll have a no.2. Son got Harry Potter book for Xmass been reading on it.

Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings

Jade, yes! As we chat a second and a third Lord of the Rings are on their way...already filmed and just being worked on....if you enjoyed the movie try the books...the next two are THE TWO TOWERS and RETURN OF THE KING. I found Tolkein back in the early 70's. Our farm is even named after the SHIRE. Great work. You know, another recent movie that I think every American should see is BLACKHAWK DOWN. It was heart wrenching, but needed watching...especially for those who don't think we need to fight this terrorism reign.
As a Tolkein purist, I thought Lord of the Rings was okay, not great. My husband thought it was the best film ever made. In the book, Frodo is much older than he appeared in the film, He doesn't start his journey until he is 50 (even though Hobbits age slower than humans, Frodo is still older when he leaves on the journey). I thought it was strange that he was younger than Sam Gamgee who, in the books, is the son of Frodo and Bilbo's old gardener. Sam is supposed to be a lot younger than Frodo.The elves were cool though. I thought the Harry Potter movie was more true to its book than LOTR was.

Monsters, Inc. was really cute.
Who said 50 is old?

Who said 50 is old?

But Mara, didn't the ring keep Bilbo from aging much...remember. Then when Frodo meets him in Rivendell again it mentions how much he had aged once he no longer had the ring. I just had imagined so much of the book exactly like the movie. I got cold chills down my back at the first pan of Rivendell...that was my Rivendell. My farm is named Raspberry Shire and would have been The Shire, but the goat registery already had one.
I know the ring kept Frodo and Bilbo from aging. But, Frodo is definately older that Sam Gamgee and the same age as Merry and Pippin. They all looked the same age. Frodo, Merry and Pippin are older than Sam!
I thought Rivendell looked exactly as it was in the book, too.
I just thought that Frodo should have been older than a 19 year old kid!
I thought Bilbo's party scene was great, too. I will be interested to see how the other 2 parts turn out. Anyway I thought there was too much fighting, not enough Hobbits! They left out a lot of the parts about the old man in the forest and the trip to Weather Top. I guess they had to other wise the movie would have been 8 hours long. ( I should have been!). We'll see if they skip all the stuff in Two Towers about Merry and Pippin and Green Men and just skip to the big fights!

I heard Blade 2 was trash and so was Resident Evil. My husband's friend saw them and said don't bother. This guy loves those kind of movies and said Balde 2 was not even close to as good as the first one and Resident Evil was like the Ninja Turtles movie. "We Were Soldiers" was bloody and sad, but good.
Recently we've seen A Beautiful Mind,(great), Gosford Park(wonderful but need subtitles the 1st 15 minutes or so!), Time Machine( skip it or video only),Training Day( violent, not a Oscar movie), and today saw Panic Room( suspenseful, pretty good).
We went to opening night for Oakland A's , spent less than a movie and it was so much fun!!!
These were great!

These were great!

We loved Shipping News and In the Bedroom....


Just saw Panic Room (very good) I love Jodi Foster, what a good actor. I have seen almost all of her movies. Syl
My name is Sam!

My name is Sam!

Has anyone seen this GREAT, WONDERFUL movie? I don't think there was a dry eye in the theater after it was over. Never knew Sean Penn was such a terrific actor, but when I saw the previews some time ago I just knew I had to see this one. The little girl in this movie is such a cutie. A must see movie for sure. AzPam and I saw it for $1.50 each today! Two for one in the cheap theater. LOL!!:D :D :D

hi all!
i must recommend a very funny, quirky, clever movie that joey and i really liked a lot.... kissing jessica stein. thoroughly enjoyed it. we love the movies and go almost every weekend.
let me know what you think. enjoy!
be well, sylvia