almost too hard to choose
almost too hard to choose
I echo others' love of DC. I grew up just outside, had the Mall as my playground, so to speak (in the 1960's). I have not been back lately, but the rock room (before they remodeled it) in the Museum of Natural History was my favorite place to be.
I'll have to admit, though, it's hard to beat an African Safari. I was SO lucky to go to Tanzania with my husband (and in a large group). We stayed in 3 National Parks, Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti.
My favorite moment was rumbling through the Serengeti, 2 couples, our driver and the San Diego Zoo's Animal Behaviorist. We spotted some giraffe far away across the plain. Being NUTS about giraffe, I asked if we could stop to wait for them to get closer. The behaviorist said it was very unusual for giraffe to travel in large groups. This turned out to be 12 of them! I begged our group to wait. We pulled up into the shade. There was a river just to our right and it was obvious the giraffe would be heading for the surrounding acacia trees and the river water.
It was absolutely surreal, watching them lumber slowly across this magnificent plain towards us. One of them never took his eyes off of us. They could have gone anywhere, but the mutual curiosity drew them and eventually they surrounded the jeep (well, Range Rover with flip top). We had the who is watching who, dance, and then they sauntered on to the river. I was star struck!!
There were, of course, so many other amazing encounters with the wildlife. In the crater, one day, we came upon female lions lounging in a shallow pool of water. Many jeeps gathered just abit off the road. Cameras clicking wildly. Then, they decided they'd had enough, got up and walked toward us. Man! Down came the flip top,up went the windows, off clattered the telephoto lenses!! They walked right past our window, practically brushing up to the side of the jeep -- could have reached out to pet them. The driver (local) was laughing so hard at us! Why close the windows. If those lions want you, no window is going to stop them!!
This has been a fun thread, thanks, Barry. I've had such a lovely life thus far!! This old heart thing is just a little bump in the road. Remembering special places and hearing about others. It is so good to be here, isn't it??
