More surgery :(

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Well my AVR surgery is set for 3/12, I was hoping that was it.

I fell skiing a few weeks ago and banged up my knee. An MRI suggested a sprained ACL and a non-displaced frature. I've been walking around just fine except for an occasional pain walking down stairs, and even gone skiing a couple of times.

The othropedic surgeon I saw today told me I had a torn ACL and ACL reconstruction was necessary. Which means I'm out for a week, crutches for 4 weeks, physical therapy, yada, yada yada.

Maybe all the kings men can get me back together again for 2003. :)

Re: More surgery :(

mainframe said:
Well my AVR surgery is set for 3/12, I was hoping that was it.

I fell skiing a few weeks ago and banged up my knee. An MRI suggested a sprained ACL and a non-displaced frature. I've been walking around just fine except for an occasional pain walking down stairs, and even gone skiing a couple of times.

The othropedic surgeon I saw today told me I had a torn ACL and ACL reconstruction was necessary. Which means I'm out for a week, crutches for 4 weeks, physical therapy, yada, yada yada.

Maybe all the kings men can get me back together again for 2003. :)

Are you sure we're not related?
When things happen to me, this is how they start!

Sorry to hear about it, but if you weren't active....... Well you know the rest.
Well, Chris - for heaven sake, what are you trying to do to yourself. You come in this house right now, get off your feet and stay out of the cold weather - Sound like your mother? Sorry you have a really big booboo, but thankfully it can be repaired. Looks like you are in for it for awhile, but know you will soon be back to yourself. And AVR coming 3/12, as well. 2003??? God bless
From Dr. Verrier, my cardiac surgeon:

Heart surgery first. Then knee

It's just kind of a bummer to think about having to recover from the AVR only to have to turn around and have another surgery to recover from. I may wait awhile to have the ACL done.

Gee whiz, Chris

Gee whiz, Chris

They say that after 30, it's just patch and mend, patch and mend, but this is ridiculous!We're just going to have to put blowout patches everywhere on your poor bod.

You're a real doctor's delight! I see new LandRovers for each of them.
Re: Gee whiz, Chris

Re: Gee whiz, Chris

Nancy said:
They say that after 30, it's just patch and mend, patch and mend, but this is ridiculous!We're just going to have to put blowout patches everywhere on your poor bod.

You're a real doctor's delight! I see new LandRovers for each of them.
It's funny that you say that Nancy.
I've always said that I look like the poster boy for a Surgeons practice board! Frankenstein, if you will! lol
I can imagine-You should see all the scars Joe has. We discussed the fact that maybe he should incorporate his body and charge doctors a fee for each "peek", or procedure.:p
Sorry to hear that. When you do get that ACL fixed be sure to ask the surgeon what they can do to minimize the risk of blood clots. It is not terribly common but some surgeons are more aware of it than others and use compression stockings or other means of decreasing the risk. I hate to give you one more thing to worry about but it happened to me last year after my 2nd ACL surgery.

Good luck!
Nancy said:
I can imagine-You should see all the scars Joe has. We discussed the fact that maybe he should incorporate his body and charge doctors a fee for each "peek", or procedure.:p
If you decide to institute this procedure, would you be willing to franchise the concept? :D After all, don't we get some compensation for all of our dealings?
OK-Let's get our own Mara, who is an attorney to draw up an agreement for you guys LOL, then tell the docs, "no tickie, no shirtie":D

This is definitely piling-on. Tell 'em to knock it off. ;)

BTW: I got referred to Dr. Verrier by my cardio yesterday, so I guess we may wind up having lots of notes to compare.


Hoe you are doing better. Bummer on the knee. I agree with rest on waiting on knee surgery till AVR is done first. Then have the knee surgery. You be recovering anyway. And it will take time to heal from noth anyway. You take care and congrats on a date. You keep us update on the knee now okay?

Aortic valve replacement
St.Judr's valve
More Surgery

More Surgery

Chris, keep your spirits up, sounds like you will need them. Good luck on your upcoming AVR, I had mine done 18 years ago.
Wishing You the BEST

Wishing You the BEST

Hi, Chris , you must be a little nervous right about now, but I haven't been amember very long at all and to read the post that these brave members have wrote must make you feel as I do ,
that everything is going to go just fine.I have never seen so much love,courage,and hope that these members give to people
they only read about, maybe going thru such a dramatic life experience you can all relate to each other .You will be on the other side 3/12 and all our prayers will be with you.I go see my cardio on the 3/13 you will be in my thoughts and prayers please let us know how all turns out.

With thoughts and prayers
from me to you.
Thanks Jade, not too nervous yet. But I've still got enough time to lose it. :)

Linavon1, thanks. wow a real veteran. Someday i'll be able to say that too!

BrooksM. Thanks for the tip. I'll make sure to mention clotting to the knee guy when the time comes, probably next winter. Having to wait until after heart surgery means that next ski season is toast, so next winter would put me in position to ski the following year.
