More & different--Hummingbird pictures.

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Dennis S Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I have tried & failed to get good hummingbird pictures in the garden. Today I wasn't trying. I was studying at a small table in the garden, and these guys practically dared me to take their picture. I finally caved in and got the camera. Hopefully I will hit the books right after posting my three favorite pictures.
I have really been enjoying ALL of your photos, Dennis. Hadn't had time to drop in and tell you, but they are wonderful!

I like the first of these 3. More "National Geographic" in essence and you caught the "hover" of the bird...which is what makes them so special.

I love hummingbirds. Many years ago, I had taken my 12 year old daughter and a young girl her age from out of town on a picnic. Our visitor was the daughter of one of my life-long friends, and this woman had died, oh, almost 2 years before. We were on a river beach, in tall grass and sand. I watched as the girls romped in the shallow water. I heard a buzzing and there was a hummingbird, staring me in the face. I did not expect to see such a creature there! It is more eagle and hawk and Canada goose country by the Great Columbia River! They are quite daunting even as tiny as they are....with those sharp beaks! He finally lost interest and buzzed off. When the girls came back for their PB&J sandwiches I told them of my encounter. My friend's daughter immediately flashed a huge smile and said "my mother used to plant flowers to bring the hummingbirds! They were her favorites!!" Of course, I felt that to be a sign of some kind. A positive sign. And those little birds have become much more special to me.

Thanks for thinking of us when you capture these treasures.

:) Marguerite
Dennis S said:
I liked this on because the claws are showing, and the bird appears to be somewhat balancing on the flower.
Oh, he's so cute!

I agree with Marguerite that the first shot looks like it should be in National Geographic, which speaks volumes to your skill with the camera, but I also appreciate "cute"! (I know, my technical jargon leaves alot to be desired!):p
Dennis, more wonderful photos. Unfotunatly we don't have these beautiful birds down under but I was fortunate enough to see one "live" when we visited the amazon a couple of years ago ...Mary
Beautiful photos

Beautiful photos

Dennis - hummingbirds are so delicate and exquisite. We have a lot of them this year - my flower boxes are extra lush this summer but Wayne puts out a lot of hummingbird feeders - truly the hummers seem to like the "artificial" sweeteners better. :D I just stand there and marvel at them as they feed.

Christina L
CHRISTINA..... a decade ago our family cruised through Estes Park and then down hill from there (or maybe it was the day before) we stopped at a restaurant which was like a 2 story log cabin with a huge long porch. the porch was strung with hummingbird feeders. There seemed to be dozens of hummingbirds, you almost had to duck to get into the door of the restaurant. I wish I could remember the name of it (my husband probably does), since I clearly remember being so impressed with the home-style food....2 weeks into a month long road trip with 3 was like a piece of heaven for us! For some reason, your comments got me remembering! :D

Bina said:
Dennis, good thing you had your priorities in order and dumped the books to click the hummer:)

Cooker, what is your secret nectar recipe??

I use to mix the nectar but I decided it was too much trouble. Especially as hot as it is here, having to change out the nectar and all. I found I can buy the packages at my favorite store, Dollar General:eek: :D 99 cents a pack, makes 2 cups.
you check the label in the Dollar Store to be sure it wasn't made in China? Don't want any leaded hummers.

Recipe for food is one part sugar; four parts water. Mix til sugar is dissolved. If you want, add a bit of red food color, but they come whether there is color or not.

Or go to dollar store or WalMart and get some of the mix in a bag. Check the ingredients and I bet it's sugar and red color only.
Bina said:
what is your secret nectar recipe??

A fif'h of Jim Beam, sof' lights, a couple of kindles an' Barry White on th' Stereo!!! :p :eek:

Oh, th' birds!! Most enny sto'e bought stuff, doesn't gotta be red eifer. Jest doesn't use Splenda o' other artificial sweetner! Them tiny birds doesn't need no diet! :eek:

Bubba :)
Marguerite -

Marguerite -

could the restaurant have been The Baldpate Inn? I know they have a lot of hummingbirds. Also, the Baldpate Inn has a salad bar and soups and breads and cheeses - homestyle kind of food.

There are a few inns up into RMNP where they go through gallons of sugar water every day! We were checking into a reservation at one of the places and I could not believe how many hummingbirds were swarming around! Just unbelievable.

Ask your husband - I'm curious about where you were.

Christina L
cooker said:
I saw them before....but not now:confused: :confused: Dennis, are you using disappearing ink again?:D

It's on account o' of thet ban' width thin'y Ross is allus a talkin' about. Don't quiet unnerstan' it though. ah knowed th' Rollin' Stones was a gittin' long in th' tooth but didn't reckon they was thet wide. :p

Bubba :)
Sorry folks. First, no one has ever told me to limit the time my pictures remain on the forum. On the other hand, I am very grateful for the opportunity to show them in a place my friends will see them, and I don't want to take advantage of the privilege. Therefore, I commonly delete my attachments after about 1 week.

But, I am very happy to say that the hummingbird pictures-and a lot of other pictures I have taken are on-line at:

Thanks for your interest.

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