Mooooving Along - Day 2 Post-Surgery

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Matt...thanks for yet again a great update. I know you all will have a great evening with the kids as visitors. Take care and let us know when they "spring" her for home.:D
I had no idea about the tubes until I came to this site. Now I find out about the length. EEK! So far my hubby just talks about the size of the scar. He knows nothing else. I don't know if this is good or bad. Guess at pre-op he will find out more of what they will be doing to him. Some times you are better off not knowing and trusting in the doctors I guess.
Oh yeah I forgot about those she still has her pacing wires hanging out? With an Pacemaker/Defibulator already onboard not sure why she needs those but I keep forgetting to ask the Doc.

Also when they pulled the tubes (there was a student there) and they stated since the insicions that were made for the tubes were so small in this case they would not have to stitch them?

Yes... they do not have to stitch those. Some members did have them stitched. I did not. Many of us (starting with a member named derBiermeister) started calling those our "bullet holes" because their eye shape apparently reminded someone of bullet holes!! :eek::eek: all in good fun, though. Mine were very gooey and yucky at first, but now they are practically invisible.

Wow. You are like the best reporter!!! THis info will be so helpful to people who have not had their surgery yet and want a picture of what the first few days are like. Thank you so much for writing all that you do!

And oh, yes.... Laura..... good work!!!!!! :D

Best wishes.

Oh yeah I forgot about those she still has her pacing wires hanging out? With an Pacemaker/Defibulator already onboard not sure why she needs those but I keep forgetting to ask the Doc.
Re the pacing wires,sometimes they leave them in and sometimes they will
pull them out if they feel they are not needed. My doc left mine in until
day before discharge and then told me he was just going to leave them in.
This is a totally accepted practice,but I just didn't want them there
so we had a small disagreement which ended in them being pulled out and
him warning me that it could cause internal bleeding,etc since they had
been left in for over 10 days. Anyway they were pulled and they monitored
me for bleeding for a few hours but it went well. I just wanted you to know
so you can ask the doc if its needed or advisable to leave them in. Laura
may feel the way I did about leaving them,in spite of it being so common
to leave them.

I'm glad to hear she is doing well -best wishes -Dina:)
Sounds like Laura is doing really well, and it is SOOOOOOOOO much more comfortable once the damn tubes are gone (and all the other stuff they stick in you :rolleyes:)

Also when they pulled the tubes (there was a student there) and they stated since the insicions that were made for the tubes were so small in this case they would not have to stitch them?

Lucky girl. I had mine stitched and it looked like I had a family of tarantulas nesting under my gown! Fortunately they glued the major incision, so it wasn't too scary :D

I'm sure you'll all be glad to have her back home soon :)

A : )
Glad to hear so far so good!!
Don't let them kick you out of the hospital too soon.
You don't want any set backs then need to return!!
I was in 5 full days and had PVR also.
Take care- keep us updated
Thanks Debbie :)
I know seeing the kids will be a great tonic, and getting home tomorrow ... well "There is no place like home." Brian
I'm so jealous. 2 days and her drainage tubes are out already. And she can walk by herself! She's really perking along!
thank you for all the info and updates Laura's hubby- you are doing a great job!it really is encouraging for those o us inthe waiting room. im almost cant wait to just be done with it already!

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