Moo and enlarged aorta 1st week post

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Active member
Mar 23, 2011
New England
Watched 1st post op echo yesterday. Totally amazing,

Not bump free have a longish scar and some arrythmia being handled with meds ESP diuretics

Today 1st day out of bed whole day mostly dozing in chair but 1 200 foot slow and assisted walk.

Expect to move to residntl rehab soon.

Not much appetite yet -- not worried,

Superb surgeon and team from Seacoast Cardiothoracic in NH and ME

Morelater. Time for stats.
Kailin, Great to hear your surgery went well. It's not an easy ride, but you pull it through. Your body has been through so much make sure you are taking it nice a slow.
Thanks for keep us posted.

Oink, Oink, Oink..................
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Good to hear all is going well for you!

200 foot tomorrow, probably a mile in a few weeks time, that's what happened to me, lol! :biggrin2:

Wishing you a steady and hopefully uneventful recovery. I promise you that every day gets easier/better!
In rehab ctre since Saturday. Firstt therapy today. Was hard but I think will progress well.

Surprised how hard to sleep. --feels like bod is saying, now that we got this fixed, what we doin' hanging around in bed? lol
Hey there! Glad to hear from you Kailin! Day 19 for me and sleeping at night is much better than the first couple of weeks! Mine was my back so i bought a massager and it helped alot. Take it easy and i believe that you will feel better soon!
Re. the bretahing exercise, I assume you got to take a spirometer home. just a tip if you already are not aware. When you inhale, the key is to do it real slow. You may see a BEST, BETTER & GOOD range on one side which indicates how slow you inhale. I also noticed that I can breath more as soon as I wake up as opped to later in the day when my tummy starts getting filled up.

All the best for a speedy recovery.
I also noted that after a "set" of exercises with the spirometer, my breathing was better and deeper for a couple of hours. I coughed less, too. This is probably because they deflate your lungs during surgery and when you wake up the lungs are not fully inflated for days or weeks. The deep breathing on the spirometer helps to unfurl the tips of the lungs and get you back to normal lung capacity sooner.

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