Hi, I am new to the forum. I'm 33 years old and my name is Elle. I'm flying to the Cleveland Clinic tomorrow to have an Echo since my Mitral Regurgitation has progressed from Mild to Moderate within 1.5 years and I'm experiencing symptoms like shortness of breath, dizziness, harder to breathe when lying down, fatigue, etc.
I am hoping they'll agree to repair my Mitral Valve. Could they say the regurgitation has to be "severe" before they'll repair it?
I'm so worried. I have a 4 yr old son and this is effecting every part of my life at this point. I am constantly out of breath if I even get up to walk across the room or exert myself in any way. I am tired all of the time. Going to the grocery store is a nightmare. I am out of breath and sweating the whole time.
Here's my Echo report from August 2006 - What do you think?
Aortic Valve: Root Diameter is 2.0
Left Atrium: 3.4 cm
Left Ventricle, End Diastolic Diameter: 4.5
Left Ventricle, End Systolic Diameter: 3.2
Septal Thickness: 1.1 cm
Posterior Wall Thickness: 1.1 cm
There is moderate prolapse of the anterior mitral leaflet into the LA noted on the parasternal views. The anterior mitral valve leaflets are moderately thickened.
There is moderate prolapse of the posterior mitral leaflet into the LA noted on the parasternal views. There is moderate thickening of the posterior mitral leaflet.
There is moderate mitral regurgitation noted.
The aortic valve appears normal. There is normal right ventricular cavity size. The right atrium is normal in size. There is normal left ventricular chamber dimension, wall thickness and systolic function. The ejection fraction is 60%.
The tricuspid valve appears normal. There is trace tricuspid regurgitation noted.
The pulmonic valve appears normal. There is no significant pericardial effusion.
There is Aortic Valve Sclerosis with normal opening.
Doppler and color flow mapping demonstrated a moderate degree of mitral regurgitation which is mostly a posteriorly directed jet.
(1.5 years ago all of the above areas marked "moderate" were at the "mild" level. Also, my ejection fraction then was 55%.)
Thanks for any input - I really appreciate it,
I am hoping they'll agree to repair my Mitral Valve. Could they say the regurgitation has to be "severe" before they'll repair it?
I'm so worried. I have a 4 yr old son and this is effecting every part of my life at this point. I am constantly out of breath if I even get up to walk across the room or exert myself in any way. I am tired all of the time. Going to the grocery store is a nightmare. I am out of breath and sweating the whole time.
Here's my Echo report from August 2006 - What do you think?
Aortic Valve: Root Diameter is 2.0
Left Atrium: 3.4 cm
Left Ventricle, End Diastolic Diameter: 4.5
Left Ventricle, End Systolic Diameter: 3.2
Septal Thickness: 1.1 cm
Posterior Wall Thickness: 1.1 cm
There is moderate prolapse of the anterior mitral leaflet into the LA noted on the parasternal views. The anterior mitral valve leaflets are moderately thickened.
There is moderate prolapse of the posterior mitral leaflet into the LA noted on the parasternal views. There is moderate thickening of the posterior mitral leaflet.
There is moderate mitral regurgitation noted.
The aortic valve appears normal. There is normal right ventricular cavity size. The right atrium is normal in size. There is normal left ventricular chamber dimension, wall thickness and systolic function. The ejection fraction is 60%.
The tricuspid valve appears normal. There is trace tricuspid regurgitation noted.
The pulmonic valve appears normal. There is no significant pericardial effusion.
There is Aortic Valve Sclerosis with normal opening.
Doppler and color flow mapping demonstrated a moderate degree of mitral regurgitation which is mostly a posteriorly directed jet.
(1.5 years ago all of the above areas marked "moderate" were at the "mild" level. Also, my ejection fraction then was 55%.)
Thanks for any input - I really appreciate it,