Mo Is Coming...

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tobagotwo Supporter
Supporting Member
Feb 10, 2004
Central NJ
Abby (the gorgeous, sweet Boston Terrier above) will never leave our hearts, but we've finally found enough room for another in our lives.

Modiene was a Boston Terrier surrender from a puppy mill in Arkansas. She's three years old. She had two stillborn litters, so the mill owner had her on the list to be put down. A Humane Society animal control officer exerted some influence to have her released to the shelter she and her husband run, taking a two-hour trip to pick up a number of released dogs, some of which were beyond anyone's ability to save as pets.

She was positive for heartworm (she is now being treated for it), which may have something to do with the sad fate of her litters.

She's coming in on a bus on the 29th, which I'll meet at a highway stop in Trenton. The bus then continues to the GW Bridge, Long Island, Connecticut, and Rhode Island with its precious cargo of rescued animals, who are headed to their first, real homes.

I couldn't resist sending this picture of her sweet, toofy face...
Cute dog! I have had two Shih Tzus in a row, and they have serious underbites like this dog. My dog smiles at me and shows her cute little "stick out" bottom teeth.

I think the dog was smiling in that picture.
If she's not smiling in that picture, she will be sooner or later. We're very engaging with our animals, and she will finally be a part of something.

One of our specific considerations was to make sure she would be as compatible as possible with Abby's sister (Dora, the cat). Abby and Dora were great companions. She's very laid back, which should work out very well.

Expectant dog parent,
How cute! We got our dog, golden retriever, out of rescue. He too had been treated for heartworm positive. He is fine! Best of luck with your new buddy;)
Congratulations on the family edition. Love that face! Mo is a very fortunate pup to have your family take her in.
Bob congrats to you and what a lucky pup. We adopted a puppy mill dog that was in a rescue home. We drove 7 hours to get her sight unseen but I knew in my heart she was our dog. We named her Jamie June after my husband James since she loved him from the getgo. Jim passed away from cancer 5 months later. There were so many dark days but I always knew I had to get up to care for her and make sure I got home to care for her. I shudder to think what I would have done if not for that little girl who needed me. She has sustained me for the year that Jim has been gone and was there for me to hug. At times I feel certain animals enter our lives when WE need them most.
PS On a happy note this Saturday Jamie June and I will be marrying a wonderful man named appropriately James.
Bob, hopefully Mo will be a wonderful companion....I know that you will give her all the love, patience, and understanding that she will need.
Let this thread also serve to remind the public NOT TO BUY PUPS FROM PET STORES.
90% of those pups come from puppy mills with horrible conditions and no regard for quality of life.
Congratulations to you Bob, for making a great choice. :)
Well, MEGACONGRATULATIONS to all of you and Mo!!!!!!! I truly believe that the biggest honor you can pay a departed dog is not to be able to live without one in your life. What a wonderful thing you are doing. May you have many happy years with her as I know she will with you.


Good deal. Save the dog from put down, invite a new heart member to the forum and have companionship all rolled into one.

What a wonderful story! I'm so glad there's a happy outcome for Mo.
A neighbor has a Boston Terrier named Banjo, and I love to visit with him when his humans take him for a walk. Boston Terriers are such neat dogs!

I agree with others: Do not buy an animal from a pet store.
I know that Mo will be forever in love with you for providing her a home. Best wishes to you and your new family member.
There is no question that the pet stores are the sole market for puppy mills. If people buy from home breeders (where the mother and pups are actually in their home) and shelters instead, it will take away what little profit there is in having dogs treated like chickens. For all the misery of the puppy mill life, you'd be shocked to know how little the mills actually get paid for the puppies. It's others in the chain who make the profits. It just makes the entire, miserable system that much more pointless.

The requirements for treatment of animals at puppy mills are not very stringent, and are geared to the level of minimal existence for farm animals. As such, most known puppy mills are not actually in violation of the law, although they are cruel in ways that most of us find instinctively obvious. While we should up the base requirements all around, it's easy to recognize that this provides a particularly punitive environment to social animals like dogs. As far as the hidden puppy mills, there are horrors there that can't be imagined or forgotten.

There are lots of purebred and lovable mixed-breed puppies available through home breeders and shelters, too. It's not all about full-grown and "used" dogs. I've had Boxers, English Bulldogs and Boston Terriers all my life, and have always believed in choosing partly for breed characteristics. You can do that just as easily through home breeders and shelters as through a pet store, and with a home breeder, you get to meet the mother and often the father, so you can judge the likely temperament even better.

We've been scanning rescued Bostons for a while, and had some interest in a few of them. And there are lots of cute BT puppies in the listings, too. But Mo just seems to have the whole package for us, and she needs something that we want to give her. Besides, who could pass up that face?

The humane officer in Arkansas we spoke to and adopted through has lots of purebred dogs available. As we were talking to her, Dachshunds and Fox Terriers were barking in the background, and she listed others as she looked around the kennels. I hope people looking for dogs will consider these dogs along with their other choices. And I sincerely hope that they will stay away from pet stores, so they don't get smitten into continuing that tragic cycle.
Oh Bob , she is sooooo cute! Congratulations on your new family member. My step-granddog is finally settling in. (my grandson's boxer!) I put him up in his pen during the day when we are gone. He has a tendency to wander and I don't want him wandering off. I got all kinds of tags, names and addresses on him in case he does. I doubt if anyone could catch him if they tried. He is still so scared of people! I do turn him loose at night and he stays in the garage. He has the sweetest disposition of any dog that we've had exculding our little 15 year old Bichson. She doesn't like him very well but he follows her around all the time. He wants to play so bad. Our cat hates him although he has never tried to hurt him. He just wants to play. This is the only time that I have heard him bark is when he trying to get one of them to play. The cat won't even come out from under the bed when Kuno is in the house. He still won't come to you except on his terms. Stupid dog! ! My grandson Kyle was home from college this last week-end and come over to see him. Kuno was so glad to see him and Kyle was happy with the love we are giving him. The problem is, I sure hope Kyle won't want him back! I've already got so attached to him. He's become my dog. He lays at my feet or beside my chair. He follows me wherever I go. Well I didn't mean to high jack this tread about my ned addition. But I am glad you got another dog. There's nothing like an animal's friendship and love to complete us. :):)
an adorable pup. she will be so grateful to you and will love your family for the rest of her life. they are so faithful.
ours are alll throwaways except one. They have enriched the lives of daughter and me. she has 2 cats, one dog - I have 2 cats, one dog. all of us live together and if they all decide to wake one of us up, the bed gets really crowded. if they cant get to her, they come for me.

Enjoy, enjoy.

Kathleen, best wishes on your new marriage.
Thank you for so many responses.

I can only say that I'm so pleased to find how many have taken in rescued dogs and cats (Dora, the cat in the picture above was from a shelter), or have already realized to buy responsibly from a home breeder.

I don't want to fast-forward any of this time I get at home to recuperate from the surgery, but I have to admit I'm really anxious to meet her next Tuesday.

Best wishes,
Bless you, Bob, and all the rest who have taken sheltered and rescued animals into their homes to love and care for. We have 7 large dogs and 7 cats. Two dogs and 1 cat appeared out of the desert to become family members. One of the dogs had been so badly treated that for three months I put food out for him then had to back up at least 20 feet before he would eat. I thought I would never gain his confidence but he finally gave in and slowly joined our family.

All of you dog lovers, I must tell you DO THE MICROCHIP BECAUSE IT WORKS. We adopted two huskies from our local shelter and they came with chips. We didn't know they were the escape artists of dogdom and they both got out after we had had them for a couple of weeks. One came back....the other did not. Immediately I registered them with the chip tracking service. We spents weeks looking for the lost dog, travelled many miles, posted alot of ads, etc. No luck....Bandit was gone. Get this....17 months later the animal shelter about 75 miles from us called (2 days after Christmas) and said, "We think we have your dog." They took his picture and faxed it to us and it was him. I have never seen my husband get out of the place so fast! Anyway, we got him back and out vet told us this was extraordinary...dogs are hardly ever found after that long. Wish he could tell us his story. So microchipping really works and never give up hope.!


Please post photos when you get Mo. (I'm sure you will!)

The microchipping is a good idea. A few of our cats are chipped, the ones most apt to get lost (due to travel or being in someone else's home temporarily).

Sometimes there are microchip clinics for a very nominal charge (usually about $10-20). A shelter, Humane Society or SPCA affiliate might have information about one of these. Sometimes feed stores that have low-cost vaccination clinics (contracted through a vet service) might also have information.
All of our cats have been rescue cats, our 2 current ones, Smokey and Coco are brother and sister from a cat dumped at a grocery store in the middle of winter (cardboard box left around the corner of the store) Little did we know that she was pregnant.

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